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Landmarks of the Skull.

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Presentation on theme: "Landmarks of the Skull."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landmarks of the Skull

2 Sutures Line where 2 bones join together

3 Coronal Suture

4 Sagittal Suture

5 Lambdoid Suture

6 Squamosal Suture

7 Foramen Natural opening in bone where nerves and blood vessels run through.

8 Foramen Magnum

9 Supra Orbital Foramen

10 Infraorbital Foramen

11 Post Superior Alveolar Foramen

12 Incisive Foramen

13 Greater Palatine Foramen

14 Lesser Palatine Foramen

15 Mental Foramen

16 Mandibular Foramen

17 Linqual Foramen

18 Process Projection of bone

19 Alveolar Process

20 Coronoid Process

21 Condyloid Process

22 Mastoid Process

23 Styloid Process

24 Pterygoid Hamulus Process

25 Processes of the Maxilla

26 Maxillae Consists of two bones fused together to form the maxillary arch

27 Maxilla Each bone of the maxillae is made up of a body and four processes

28 Frontal Process Strong plate, which projects upward, and backward, by the side of the nose, forming part of its lateral boundary.

29 Zygomatic Process The rough projection from the maxilla that articulates with the  zygomatic bone.

30 Palatine Process A thick, horizontal process of the maxilla. It forms the anterior three quarters of the hard palate, the horizontal plate of the palatine bone making up the rest.

31 Alveolar Process Thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets (dental alveoli) on bones that hold teeth. In humans, the tooth-bearing bones are the maxillae and the mandible.

32 Sinuses The term sinuses refers to hollow cavities all connected in the head. There are different types Paranasal sinuses are a group of four paired air filled pockets located in the head. Maxillary sinuses Frontal sinuses Ethmoid sinuses Sphenoid sinuses

33 Maxilla Tuberosity Posterior to the most distal molar of the maxillary dentition; a rounded roughened elevation

34 Palatine Sutures Midian Palatine Suture- Between the two palatine processes of the maxillae Transverse Palatine Suture - Between palatine bones and palatine process of the maxillae

35 Foramens of the Maxilla
Incisive Foramen

36 Foramens of the Maxilla
Infraorbitial Foramen

37 Foramens of the Maxilla
Posterior Superior Alveolar foramina


39 External Oblique Ridge

40 Coronoid Process

41 Condyloid Process

42 Sigmoid Notch

43 Mandibular Notch Also known as sigmoid notch

44 Mandibular Foramen

45 Internal Oblique Ridge
Also known as Mylohyoid

46 Sublinqual Fossa

47 Submandibular Fossa

48 Retromolar Area

49 Linqual Foramen


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