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July 27 and 28 Tavares Middle School

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1 July 27 and 28 Tavares Middle School
New Beginnings July 27 and 28 Tavares Middle School Music? Candy? Chart paper? Markers? Sign in sheet? Smile?! Follow the introduction. Julia: I have been with LCS for 12 years, this will be my 13th. I have taught all math courses from 7th grade math to AP Calculus at least a half of a year since coming to LCS. The sum of my children and grandchildren is 7 and their product is 10. My 2 expectations for the upcoming year is to learn a TON from working with great teachers and to be available to support teachers in bringing highly rigorous instruction using best practices into each and every math classroom. My question or concern is what unexpected hurdles will I have in front of me and how will I handle them? Sonia: Sonia Cintron Program Specialist, Middle School Math @SMCintron_Math Julia De La Cruz Program Specialist, High School Math @juliadmathgal

2 We Believe Vision Statement Mission Statement
A dynamic, progressive and collaborative learning community embracing change and diversity where every student will graduate with the skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and the workplace. Mission Statement The mission of the Lake County Schools is to provide every student with individual opportunities to excel. We Believe Education is the foundation for everyone’s future. Education is a lifelong process. All students can learn. Students should be civic-minded and embrace future roles in the community. Parents/guardians, community, and schools are partners in a student’s education. Providing a safe, resource-filled learning environment is essential. Students will graduate prepared for work and postsecondary education. SONIA Link to curriculum.

3 C2 INSTRUCTIONAL FRAMEWORK July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2018 Lake County Schools College and Career Readiness: Non-Negotiables Year Plan SONIA The C2 Instructional Framework aligns proven best practices with Florida Standards to maximize learning for all students. It provides district and school leaders with a roadmap to meet and exceed the College and Career Readiness standards. All schools will use this framework for on-going planning, teaching, and assessing student learning to ensure a high level of cognitive demand. Using the framework promotes consistency, commitment and high performance of all educators in the district. The composition of this plan is designed to ensure successful school protocol for PK-12 curriculum implementation. Continuous improvement measures support teaching and learning at all levels.

4 Common Board Configuration
Bell Ringer: Contact With your table partners, take turns to state 3 things about yourself, 2 expectations you have for the upcoming school year, and 1 question or concern you have. Common Language: DOK Scope and Sequence Marzano Learning Scales Curriculum Blueprints Florida Standards Learning Goals: Participants will be able to use the Scope and Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints to plan and deliver the new Florida Standards. Agenda: Gradual Release I DO: Provide the purpose and rationale for development of the new curriculum documents. WE DO: Explore the critical elements of the Scope and Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints. YOU DO: Collaboratively interact with school level documents to deepen knowledge of the new Florida Standards. TEAM Domain: 1 - Classroom Strategies and Behaviors 2 - Planning and Preparing 3 - Reflecting on Teaching Session Objective: Participants will gain a deeper understanding of instructional planning and delivery aligned to the new Florida Standards by exploring the Scope and Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints. SONIA Self-explanatory?? Summarizing Activity: Reflect using your Interactive Note-Taking Guide Essential Question: How will the new curriculum documents revolutionize the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21st Century success? Next Steps: Complete the survey on True North Logic and let us know if you have questions.

5 Give Me ____ When we say “Give me ___”, look at the hand we hold up.
Then, hold up fingers to attain the correct amount. You can think addition or multiplication! SONIA Attention getting strategy teachers can use in their classrooms.

6 3-2-1 Contact! With your table groups, take turns stating:
3 – Things about yourself. 2 – Expectations you have for the upcoming school year. 1 – Question or concern. JULIA Now that we have a way to get you back, let’s give you a chance to talk… I’d like you to, at your tables, take a few minutes to get to know each other. The person with the shortest drive this morning can start. Make sure everyone has a chance to speak. State 3 things about yourself, 2 expectations you have the upcoming school year, and 1 question or concern. When you table is finished, have the last person offer Sonia or I a piece of candy from your table.

7 Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated.
Learning Goal: Participants will be able to use the Scope and Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints to plan and deliver the new Florida Standards. Score 4.0 In addition to level 3.0, in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught. Find additional resources to strengthen classroom tasks and problem solving activities. Use resources to create high-cognitive demand summative assessments. 3.5 In addition to score 3.0 performance, in-depth inferences and applications with partial success Score 3.0 The participant, without major errors or omissions, will understand and/or be able to: Use the District Scope & Sequence to help effectively plan during PLC time. Use Curriculum Blueprints to effectively plan daily lessons with tasks and problems. Use resources on Blueprints to create high-cognitive demand tasks for classroom instruction. 2.5 No major errors or omissions regarding 2.0 content and partial knowledge of the 3.0 content 2.0 There are no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes. The participant will be able to: Use Scope & Sequence during PLC time and planning time. Use Curriculum Blueprints to plan daily lessons. 1.5 Partial knowledge of the score 2.0 content, but major errors or omissions regarding score 3.0 content 1.0 With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complex ideas and processes. The student can: 0.5 With help, a partial understanding of the score 2.0 content, but not the score of 3.0 content Score 0  Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated.  JULIA Today we are targeting level 3.0 on this scale. Therefore, you should be able to use the district scope and sequence to effectively plan during PLC time, the curriculum blueprints to plan daily lessons with tasks and problems, and the resources on the blueprints to create high-cognitive demand tasks for the classroom. Take just a moment to jot down on your own paper where you feel you are at this moment in relation to this learning scale. We will revisit this at the end of the presentation.

8 Lake County School’s Math Scope and Sequence
Provides a frame for the common Mathematics learning experiences for all students in each course across the district Outlines expectations aligned to the Florida Standards by course to prepare all students for college and career Provides a starting point for collaborative unit planning built and aligned to course standards JULIA Our Scope and Sequence allows for: COMMONALITY and ALIGNMENT, and is a STARTING POINT for UNIT PLANNING

9 Pathway to the Scope and Sequence or intranet.staff.lakeschools.local -Departments - Curriculum and Instruction - Math Curriculum Home Page Scope and Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints - High School (Your grade level) - Algebra I Honors HS (Your course) JULIA I’m taking you through the path you will use at home or prior to attaining your school laptop and intranet password. Let’s go through it live…

10 Mathematics Home Page JULIA
Today we’ll be looking at the Algebra documents.

11 JULIA At the beginning of each S & S you will see a page similar to this one. There is a LOT of information, so lets break it down. This section highlights the main areas of focus in the course. As you can see, it identifies the clusters of the Major work of the course or grade. This comes from Achieve the Core. As you might already know, our Florida Standards are modeled after the CCSS. Therefore, we have the same shifts, which are as stated: FOCUS on the standards, COHERENCE across grades, and RIGOR, which is defined as conceptual understanding, fluency, and application. This last piece is important to understand. Notice, rigor doesn’t mean “harder” it means a deeper, more complete understanding where the student can interact with a concept completely, accurately, and effectively. Finally, this section just brings out some of the major resources that were used in creating the blueprints. Online resources are always changing, so if you’re wanting to search for new ideas, these are some of the sites where you could start.

12 Whip Around: Collaboration Strategy
Stand up with my group at the table. Go around the group sequentially, and comment on the following question: What’s one take-away I’ve had from this morning, and how will I use it? 3. Sit down after you have answered. JULIA Let’s take a minute or two to process the information we have just discussed. In a moment I will have you all stand. Then, each person will share a take-away from this morning and how you will use it in the coming school year. Once you’ve shared, sit down. Let’s have the person with the longest hair start.

13 Mathematically Proficient Students
CIRCLE MAP Mathematically Proficient Students SONIA

14 1"The Mathematical Practice Standards describe ways that mathematically proficient students solve problems and engage in learning mathematics." Plan on ONE target practice standard for each lesson, though others may also occur. 1Nolan, E., Dixon, J., Roy, G., & Andreasen, J. (2016). Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching . Bloomington, IN. Solution Tress Press. SONIA Emphasize that we should be deliberate with our selection of Math Practice standards.

15 Reading Standards should be embedded as students work through tasks which require complex texts.
Speaking and Listening Standards should be embedded in each lesson in order to promote collaborative and productive mathematical conversations. SONIA Emphasize that we as math teachers often forget or minimize the benefits of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the math classroom. Writing Standards should be used frequently within lessons and assessments in order to provide opportunities to examine and convey mathematical information clearly and precisely.

16 SONIA Talk about this as the PLC Framework. Emphasize the “How will we respond…”

17 Quickwrite: Processing Strategy
What is one thing you want to be sure to remember regarding the Mathematical Practices, Language Arts connections, and the PLC Framework? Quickwrite: Processing Strategy SONIA

18 JULIA This is the next page in the S & S. It is basically the pacing guide for the course. We took great care to cover the course PRIOR to the start of the EOC exam window. There are several things I want to point out. Notice that the standards are green, blue, and yellow. Green standards are the major content of the module. Blue standards are supporting content. Yellow standards are additional. Here you see a unit. Some units are larger than others. This one has two modules, which match up with the text book. If a module in the text is not being covered, you will notice a “skipped” module number. (Which usually occurs later in the course.) Notice the days, the title, the focus standards which are again, color-coded, and the suggested math practice standards. You will want to select a single practice standard on which to focus for each lesson and this just gives you some ideas which ones will work the best.

19 JULIA This is the blueprint for module 1 in Algebra. Let’s take a look at the pieces. First, this is where you’ll find the unit overview, which provides the main purpose of the modules covered. Next, we have the learning goal and the essential questions. The learning goal tells you what students are expected to be able to do at the end of a module. The essential questions are open-ended questions that will tell you if the student has a deal understanding of the content. Next, in an effort to improve coherence, we have provided a vertical progression. This section should tell you what the student learned in the previous grade and where they are going with it in the next. Keep in mind that conversations and collaboration with the teachers of those courses, both before and after your course, are strongly encouraged due to the fact that a few sentences on paper cannot take the place of professional communication among teachers. USED FOR PLANNING REMEDIATION AND OPENING ACTIVITIES TO LINK TO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE. We’re finally getting to the real meat: the standards. Here you see they are unpacked for you, we provide the DOK level for each standard, and they are all linked to CPALMS. In addition, this is where you can find a link to the Test Item Specs for your course. Take a look at the third paper in your packet. This is an excerpt from the test item specs. Notice how much information this document provides regarding the standard. What are the things you see on this document? SONIA 5. Lesson resources – NOTE Flipbook, have participants look at the sample. 6. Vocab, higher-order question stems, writing connections…NOTE DOK guide – have participants look at their sample.

20 Math Lesson Planning Scavenger Hunt
TASK: Complete the Scavenger Hunt. SONIA

21 Math Lesson Planning Scavenger Hunt
Where would you find the standards you need to teach for module 6? On the Scope and Sequence in the column of the module or in the Blueprint in the left column. (NOTE: The Blueprint links to CPalms!) List them here: A-CED.1.2 (MC) A-REI.4.10 (MC) F-BF.2.3 (AC) F-IF.3.7a (SC) F-IF.3.9 (SC) F-LE.2.5 (SC) Which ones are considered “major content”, “supporting content”, and “additional content”? (Mark MC, SC, or AC next to each standard above.) JUST DISPLAY

22 Math Lesson Planning Scavenger Hunt
2. What Math Practice Standards are suggested for module 6? Briefly describe each one. MP.2.1 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. MP.4.1 Model with mathematics. MP.5.1 Use appropriate tools strategically. MP.6.1 Attend to precision. 3. What is one of the Essential Questions for module 6? (Multiple answers.) How can you use different forms of linear equations to solve real-world problems? 4. What standards are taught in 8th grade to support the content in module 6? MAFS.8.F.1.2, MAFS.8.F.1.3 JUST DISPLAY

23 Math Lesson Planning Scavenger Hunt
5. Where might you find the Assessment Limits, Stimulus Attributes, Response Attributes, and other specifics regarding the testing of the standards listed above? The Test Specs What is the stimulus attribute of A-CED.1.2? …placed in real-world context. 6. Where can you find explanations and examples, instructional strategies, and common misconceptions regarding a standard? The Flip Book 7. What “Core Resource” might you use in module 6? (Multiple answers.) Lesson 6.1 HMH Book 8. What “Additional Resource” might you use in module 6? (Multiple answers.) Module 3 Lesson 14 from Engage NY JUST DISPLAY

24 Math Lesson Planning Scavenger Hunt
What “Formative Assessment” might you use in module 6? (Multiple answers.) Lesson Performance Task pg 248 in HMH text 10. Name the first “Essential Vocabulary” word (or phrase) in module 6. Slope-intercept form 11. What is one thought-provoking, “Higher Order Question” you might ask in module 6? (Multiple answers.) What do the numbers or symbols used in the problem represent? 12.What could you do to connect writing to the math content? (Multiple answers.) Write a precise explanation of your reasoning. 13. A-CED.1.2 is taught at Webb’s DOK level 2. What are some of the skills and concepts students would be expected to do at this level? (Multiple answers.) Select a procedure according to criteria and perform it. Translate between tables, graphs, words, symbolic notations. Construct models given criteria. JUST DISPLAY

25 Common Board Configuration
Bell Ringer: Contact With your table partners, take turns to state 3 things about yourself, 2 expectations you have for the upcoming school year, and 1 question or concern you have. Common Language: DOK Scope and Sequence Marzano Learning Scales Curriculum Blueprints Florida Standards Learning Goals: Participants will be able to use the Scope and Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints to plan and deliver the new Florida Standards. Agenda: Gradual Release I DO: Provide the purpose and rationale for development of the new curriculum documents. WE DO: Explore the critical elements of the Scope and Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints. YOU DO: Collaboratively interact with school level documents to deepen knowledge of the new Florida Standards. TEAM Domain: 1 - Classroom Strategies and Behaviors 2 - Planning and Preparing 3 - Reflecting on Teaching Session Objective: Participants will gain a deeper understanding of instructional planning and delivery aligned to the new Florida Standards by exploring the Scope and Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints. SONIA Ask if there are questions. Before we head into the summarizing activity, I want to remind you to complete the survey on True North Logic (when you have access) and to please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Summarizing Activity: Reflect using your Interactive Note-Taking Guide Essential Question: How will the new curriculum documents revolutionize the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21st Century success? Next Steps: Complete the survey on True North Logic and let us know if you have questions.

26 1st Day Takeaways Please direct teachers to spend about 5-7 minutes reflecting on their learning in their Interactive Note Taking Guides (provided to them at registration tables during initial sign-in on Wednesday morning).

27 Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated.
Learning Goal: Score 4.0 In addition to level 3.0, in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught. Find additional resources to strengthen classroom tasks and problem solving activities. Use resources to create high-cognitive demand summative assessments. 3.5 In addition to score 3.0 performance, in-depth inferences and applications with partial success Score 3.0 The participant, without major errors or omissions, will understand and/or be able to: Use the District Scope & Sequence to help effectively plan during PLC time. Use Curriculum Blueprints to effectively plan daily lessons with tasks and problems. Use resources on Blueprints to create high-cognitive demand task for classroom instruction. 2.5 No major errors or omissions regarding 2.0 content and partial knowledge of the 3.0 content 2.0 There are no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes. The participant will be able to: Use Scope & Sequence during PLC time and planning time. Use Curriculum Blueprints to plan daily lessons. 1.5 Partial knowledge of the score 2.0 content, but major errors or omissions regarding score 3.0 content 1.0 With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complex ideas and processes. The student can: 0.5 With help, a partial understanding of the score 2.0 content, but not the score of 3.0 content Score 0  Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated.  JULIA One last thing before we go, go back to that little number you wrote down at the beginning of the session. Note where you are at this point. This is for you own benefit and if you feel you haven’t accomplished the target score, know that we are here to help!

28 CONTACTS Sonia Cintron Program Specialist, Middle School Math
@SMCintron_Math Julia De La Cruz Program Specialist, High School Math @juliadmathgal

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