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Abstract Organizing a didactic for Residents on Psychiatry’s

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1 Abstract Organizing a didactic for Residents on Psychiatry’s
NR2-24 Organizing a didactic for Residents on Psychiatry’s Historical Evolution Utilizing a Scavenger hunt format (ORPHEUS) Abstract Heather Grigo, MD, Tanya Gallagher, MD, Barbara Palmeri, MD & Anthony Tobia, MD Departments of Psychiatry & Internal Medicine UMDNJ – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, NJ Objective: Traditionally, goals of teaching the history of psychiatry are to a) educate the psychiatrist-in-training about the history of their profession, and b) provide sufficient background to achieve board-level competency. Since the history of psychiatry is such a vast topic, this is often an arduous task that leads to frustration on the part of the teacher and the residents. A scavenger hunt format serves to orient new interns to the school’s campus while providing a fun, nontraditional way of teaching this challenging topic. Methods: Our novel approach involves organizing a scavenger hunt on the shared campus of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and Rutgers University. Material from PowerPoint presentations used in past years was synthesized and rewritten on 12 “scrolls”. Each scroll summarized an era of psychiatry encompassing B.C. (scroll 1) to present day (scroll 12). PGY-1 and -2 residents, organized into three groups, searched for scrolls that would provide them with clues leading them on a tour of the campus. We provided a short, multiple choice quiz along with a survey (Likert scale) of the activity both before and after the scavenger hunt. The pre-scavenger hunt evaluation addressed participants’ attitudes, skills and knowledge of new and traditional lecture formats in teaching course material. We applied two measures in assessing this novel program: a quiz on the history of psychiatry and a survey measuring residents' attitudes toward the model. Results: The average pre-test score (n=11) was 39%. All residents completed the post-tests with an average score of 71%. Nine residents (82%) scored 50% or lower on the pretest, compared to 2 residents (18%) scoring below that level on the post-test. While our low number did not allow for statistical analysis, there were positive trends in several domains including confidence, overall knowledge, and residents’ preference for this non-traditional didactic. Conclusion: The model of teaching the history of psychiatry in a scavenger hunt format was found enjoyable and resulted in improved knowledge of the course material. Baseline and Follow-Up Results from Resident Questionnaires 1 Question Do Residents Prefer a Traditional Didactic to ORPHEUS? PGY-1, PGY-2 and Combined Results Pre- and Post-Scavenger Hunt 3.02 3.06 3.04 Average Score (out of 4) Average Score (out of 4) 2.73 2.74 2.74 2.0 3.2 2.55 1.83 2.6 2.18 Residents’ Scores from Quizzes on the History of Psychiatry N=6 N=5 N=11 N=6 N=5 N=11 2 Questions Addressing Motivation & Enjoyment 3.75 3.45 3.15 Quiz Scores Prior to and Following the Scavenger Hunt 3.59 3.1 3.35 Average Score (out of 4) N=6 N=5 N=11 3 Questions Addressing Importance 2 Questions Addressing Confidence 91% 70% 71% 70.5% N=6 N=5 N=11 3.55 3.53 3.54 2.58 2.9 2.74 N=6 48% Average Score (out of 4) Average Score (out of 4) 3.31 3.13 3.22 Percent Correct 39% 1.92 2.1 2.01 30% 39% N=6 N=5 N=11 N=6 N=5 N=11 N=6 N=5 N=11 Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Selected References: Busari JO, Scherpbier AJ. Why residents should teach: a literature review. J Postgrad Med 2004; 50(3): Henry BW, Haworth JG, Hering P. Perceptions of medical school graduates and students regarding their academic preparation to teach. Postgrad Med J 2006;82(971): Mora G. The History of Psychiatry: Its Relevance for the Psychiatrist. Am J Psychiat 1970;126: NRLP1TYP

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