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Presentation on theme: "IMPROVED ENGINEERING WORKFLOW"— Presentation transcript:

- using added process simulator capabilities 24 October, 2016 Per Billington CEO

2 Outline Short Company Presentation Improved Front End Loading Use of BPT Apps for Process Simulation Benefits of Added Simulator Capabilities Conclusions

3 “Better predictions – faster”
BPT APPS for process simulation CODES Design an optimal compressor geometry based on physics and thermodynamics. Performs Life of Field evaluation of your compressor system already as part of the concept PSX Pressure relief valve design and rating model. Compliant with API 520 9ed, June Ensures fulfilment of API 520 ref , “changes in vapour rates and relative molecular masses at various time intervals” OLX® and LLX™ interactive multiphase simulators connectors to the Hyprotech heritage software. TEX optimal turbo expander design and rating for system evaluations and concepts MWF™ specify feed composition, GOR, liquid properties, water-cut, pressure, temperature and rates. EXT™ accelerate work execution by standardising and reducing configuration and reporting time. Integrated piping and equipment sizing functionality. Customizable to Client specific requirements. ROX Restriction Orifices, venturi and orifice plate flow meters design. TSF™ makes using a model with online data easy and fast to implement BPT provides independent and trusted 3rd party specialist consultancy services to the upstream market BPT specializes in overpressure protection studies using linked dynamic simulations fulfilling API requirements BPT turns knowledge into software for improved usage of world class simulators BPT Apps supports Petro-SIM, UniSim & HYSYS and provides data export from Steady State tools to K-Spice for improved Front End Loading capabilities “Better predictions – faster”

4 Increase prediction capabilities
Project Improvements Increase prediction capabilities Front End Execution Operation DG Improve conceptual maturity Identify project risks and mitigate them earlier Reduce project time and cost Earlier start-up with improved operability

5 A change in concept development
“The Design Case” concept is abandoned Integrated work flow tools allow evaluation of a larger data set Duty/load variations become visible to the engineers Standard reporting tools integrated in the work process Full traceability between predictions and selected design Data for an operability analysis is available before FEED

6 BPT Apps Ensure Efficient Process Design

7 Can work with minimal Fluid Data required
Benefits of BPT-MWF Reduced Flowsheet Complexity Can work with minimal Fluid Data required Converts API to components Simulations up to 10x faster One Input Screen

8 Define the test matrix - Typical
BPT EXT Define the test matrix - Typical

9 Oil capacity envelope, 1x LM2500 G4+
Arrival P 12 – 15 barg GOR up to 200 Sm3/Sm3 Arrival T 30 – 100 C, Water injection 30 % above liquid capacity Minimum Capacity 2 separation stages and PVT heater De-Butanizer

10 BPT EXT Collect data “at a klick of a button” into predefined reports

11 BPT EXT Compressor operating point report – All compressors in all cases reported

12 BPT CODES - design compressors, consider common drives

13 BPT EXT – Re-run the test matrix in rating mode
Using compressor performance maps and selected configuration Bara, 50 – 60 oC, 2 Bara 50 oC 150 Bara Cricondenbar 104 bara 30 mg/Sm3 water 1st LP COMP Oil to Storage FW TREATM. INLET ARR. Gas Treatment C4- Splitter FUEL GAS CM TREATMENT HM 170 oC AIR & N2 HP Flare LP Flare Electrostatic Coalescer PW Inj. 2nd WATER MAKER 2nd stage Separator TVP HX Desalting LM2500+ WHRU 1st stage MP COMP Fresh Water Low salinity water Bara, (d 350) 40 – 100 oC (d 100) API 30 – API 45 Inlet Gas Export 0 – 60 kBLPD Up to 80 kBLPD at 300 barg 60 – 75 Ba SEA WATER OFFLOAD capable of viscosities at 20 oC 6 Bara 50 oC HC Dew Point Ba Ba 1,7 Ba Fresh Water Heating 40 – 60 oC Cooling 100 – 50 oC Gas Injection Gas Lift 50 oC 350 Barg 30 mg/Sm3 water 50 oC 300 Barg Inlet arrangement design to downstream production choke Ba Ba 3rd stage HP COMP CM & CONSUMERS Ba

14 Project Risks and Cost Reduced
Improved Project Execution Traditional Projects Project Risks and Cost Reduced Steady State Steady State Feasibility & Concept Feasibility & Concept Pre-Feed and Feed Pre-Feed and Feed Detailed Engineering Detailed Engineering Supply Chain Supply Chain Construction Construction Commissioning Commissioning Operations Operations Maintenance Maintenance Reliability Reliability BPT APPS Component & Systems Verification Flow Assurance Safety Studies Cause & Effects SCD Transient Operability Analysis System Control Diagrams Online Systems Control System Check-Out PID Regulator Tuning Operator Training Optimized Production Online Decision Support Applications

15 Green Field Improvements – using BPT Apps

16 BPT simulator added functionalities
Automated Fluid & Production Profiles Compressor Configuration, Design & Rating Turbo Expander Design & Rating Automated Line Sizing Scrubber & Separator Sizing integrated Heat & Material Balance Operability studies may be performed

17 Thank You! Think twice…. before saying no thanks.. Per Billington


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