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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

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Presentation on theme: "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

2 Question 1 2

3 What is the Abacus strapline?
A Freedom when you choose it, structure where you want it. B Freedom when you want it, format where you choose it. C Freedom when you want it, structure where you choose it. D Structure when you choose it, flexibility where you want it. 3

4 What is the Abacus strapline?
A Freedom when you choose it, structure where you want it. B Freedom when you want it, format where you choose it. C Freedom when you want it, structure where you choose it. D Structure when you choose it, flexibility where you want it. 4

5 £100 5

6 Question 2 6

7 Which year groups are Quick Maths suitable for?
A Year 1 and 2 B Year 1-6 C Year 3-6 D Year 5-6 7

8 Which year groups are Quick Maths suitable for?
A Year 1 and 2 B Year 1-6 C Year 3-6 D Year 5-6 8

9 £200 9

10 Question 3 10

11 What does the colour of a textbook page mean?
A Year group B Maths area C No meaning D Being a fruitarian 11

12 What does the colour of a textbook page mean?
A Year group B Maths area C No meaning D Being a fruitarian 12

13 £300 13

14 Question 4 14

15 How many lessons are there per year group?
B 5 C 30 D 150 15

16 How many lessons are there per year group?
B 5 C 30 D 150 16

17 £500 17

18 Question 5 18

19 What do we provide for teachers to help them assess?
A Plans B Structured play activities C Guided activities, quizzes D Videos 19

20 What do we provide for teachers to help them assess?
A Plans B Structured play activities C Guided activities, quizzes D Videos 20

21 £1,000 21

22 Question 6 22

23 What is 50 x 50? A B 5000 C 500 D 2500 23

24 What is 50 x 50? A B 5000 C 500 D 2500 24

25 £2,000 25

26 Question 7 26

27 Which activities have assessment questions?
A Guided Activity B Graded Practice C Structured Play (Y1) D Five-Minute Fillers 27

28 Which activities have assessment questions?
A Guided Activity B Graded Practice C Structured Play (Y1) D Five-Minute Fillers 28

29 £4,000 29

30 Question 8 30

31 What can be allocated to children to use at home?
A Maths videos B Anything within Abacus C Individual practice games D Ipad games 31

32 What can be allocated to children to use at home?
A Maths videos B Anything within Abacus C Individual practice games D Ipad games 32

33 £8,000 33

34 Question 9 34

35 How can schools choose to take their PD sessions?
A Full day B Two twilights C Two half days D Full day or two half days 35

36 How can schools choose to take their PD sessions?
A Full day B Two twilights C Two half days D Full day or two half days 36

37 £16,000 37

38 Question 10 38

39 What’s the difference between Graded Practice and Fluency Fitness?
A One in lesson, other outside B A, C and D are true C First is differentiated in lesson plans D One covers one objective, other several 39

40 What’s the difference between Graded Practice and Fluency Fitness?
A One in lesson, other outside B A, C and D are true C First is differentiated in lesson plans D One covers one objective, other several 40

41 £32,000 41

42 Question 11 42

43 How are we publishing Abacus?
A Year 5 and 6 first B Year 3 and 4 first C Term by term D Term 3 first 43

44 How are we publishing Abacus?
A Year 5 and 6 first B Year 3 and 4 first C Term by term D Term 3 first 44

45 £64,000 45

46 Question 12 46

47 How many Fluency fitness activities are there per week?
B 10 C 3 D 1 47

48 How many Fluency fitness activities are there per week?
B 10 C 3 D 1 48

49 £125,000 49

50 Question 13 50

51 What does the Driving Test assess?
A Everything taught that week B Nothin’ guv C Anything the children need to know D Everything practiced in the Quick Maths that week 51

52 What does the Driving Test assess?
A Everything taught that week B Nothin’ guv C Anything the children need to know D Everything practiced in the Quick Maths that week 52

53 £250,000 53

54 Question 14 54

55 Which one is not an Abacus pillar?
A Models and images B Progression C Place value D Number facts 55

56 Which one is not an Abacus pillar?
A Models and images B Progression C Place value D Number facts 56

57 £500,000 57

58 Question 15 58

59 What are the three building blocks of Abacus?
A Control, understanding, progression B Control, understanding, mastery C Flexibility, understanding, progression D Control, understanding, progress 59

60 What are the three building blocks of Abacus
A Control, understanding, progression B Control, understanding, mastery C Flexibility, understanding, progression D Control, understanding, progress 60

61 £1,000,000 61

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