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Welcome to Abbas and Templecombe Primary School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Abbas and Templecombe Primary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Abbas and Templecombe Primary School

2 A Quick Hello My name is Miss Wicks and I am very excited to be joining Diamond Class in September and welcoming your children into the school.

3 The School Day 8.45 – 9.00 Register 9.00 – 9.30 Phonics 9.30 – Morning session – Morning break (your child is allowed to bring a healthy snack, no plastic please) – Morning session – 1.15 Lunch 1.15 – 3.00 Afternoon session (including a 20 minute break) 3.00 – 3.30 Assembly 3.30 – Home time, children will be dismissed from the playground. Please do not collect your child from the line without them telling the person dismissing them.

4 The Reception Curriculum
In Reception children work towards ‘Early Learning Goals’ in 7 curriculum areas: Literacy Mathematics Communication and Language Physical Development Personal, Social and Emotional Development Understanding the world Expressive Arts and Design We believe that it is important that your children develop in all of these areas, and this will be reflected in our weekly timetable.

5 Example Timetable

6 Topics Throughout the year we will plan activities based on a variety of different topics, in addition to this we will plan activities based upon the children’s interests to optimise their learning across all areas of the curriculum. Some of last year’s topics for example were; space, food for thought and the rainforest. During the children’s first half term we are planning activities based on the theme ‘All about me and my school’.

7 Phonics and Early Reading
During the first term your child will bring home a reading book for you to share with them. This will be a text-less book with pictures for your child to discuss with you, your child should be encouraged to retell the story by looking at the pictures. Your child will also have sounds and later words to learn to prepare them for reading books with words. By supporting your child with this regularly at home you can make such a difference to the progress your child makes. We ask that your child brings their book to school every day. We will be holding a meeting during the second half of the Autumn Term to give you an insight into how phonics, reading and writing is taught in Reception and to explain a variety of ways in which you can support your child at home. 

8 What can you do at home?

9 PE Your children will have lots of opportunities for physical play in our outdoor classroom and playground. We also have PE sessions each week so please ensure your child has a PE kit in school. The kit should consist of a white t-shirt and black or navy shorts. We send PE kits home to be washed each half term but if you want to take it more often that is fine. During the summer term the children will be attending swimming lessons at a local pool, dates and more information will be provided closer to the time.

10 Clothes Please remember to label your child’s school uniform and PE kit. I am sure you can appreciate the problems we face when the children take off their jumpers/cardigans at the same time!  

11 Parent time I believe it is really important for parents to have the opportunity to get involved with their child’s education. It is also a great opportunity for you to see what we’re up to in school and to see how your child interacts and enjoys the setting. I hope to start a session called ‘parent time’ after the children have settled into the class. This is where parents are welcomed into the classroom for 1 session a week to watch a lesson/work with their child/view the learning journeys and class books. If this is something you would be interested in, please do let me know!

12 Any Questions Does anyone have any questions?

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