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Topics in Today's World #3b: Conflict in the Middle East & the U.S.A.

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1 Topics in Today's World #3b: Conflict in the Middle East & the U.S.A.
World History (NDP); Shuler

2 Terrorism Cont. Key Terms: 9/11, Osama bin Laden, Patriot Act, terrorism, Oklahoma City Bombing

3 Key Questions What is terrorism?
Why would a group adopt it? What groups might find it attractive? How dangerous is terrorism to modern Americans? What was the second most deadly terrorist attack on American soil? Who carried it out?

4 Terrorism ≠ Islam Terrorism is the refugee of desperate people who do not have a conventional army It is the radical fringe of normal religions and political movements, often fighting for great ideas like freedom Not just Muslims, although radical Islamic groups are a major worry Oklahoma City Bombing (domestic conservative): 168 dead Irish Republican Army (Catholics)

5 What is terrorism? The use of violence against people or property to force changes in societies or governments by striking fear in the heart of people. It is used by individuals, groups or governments to achieve political or social goals. Targets people in places where they should feel safe or national symbols More than 14,000 terrorist attacks in the world since the 1960s. Ranges from bombs killing dozens of innocents to vandalizing SUVs to “fight” global warming

6 Roots of Conflict in the Modern Middle East
The Middle East is torn between three political visions: secular democracy, a religiously-based society (democratic?), or a stable secular dictatorship Ethnic (especially Kurds) and religious divisions (Sunni, Shi’a, and minorities) destabilize many Middle Eastern countries Due to the region’s strategic importance, many outside nations have intervened, especially the USA… and often found that solving one problem caused another

7 Key Recent Wars See handout 1979-89 Soviet- Afghan War
Iran-Iraq War 1991 Gulf War U.S.- Afghan Conflict U.S.-Iraq Conflict 2 out of 3 U.S. move into Mideast for good reason. All succeed in immediate goals. BUT each time become propaganda for jihadist groups. And increase instability. Esp. Iraq… seemed okay in 2011 but tensions flare up again (al-Maliki, and secular Sunnis discredited)

8 Arab Spring Uprisings: The Fruit and Failures of Democracy
Dec : Mohammed Bouazizi sets himself on fire outside city hall Protests across the Middle East vs. dictators demanding democracy and economic opportunities Most are crushed after some initial success… and peaceful protesters in Syria turn into armed rebels Bouazizi=(a 26-year-old Tunisian man Inspired in part by U.S. bringing democracy to Iraq. Dictators send in armies or uprisings hijacked by radical Islamic movements

9 The Syrian Civil War: 470,000 dead (11% population)

10 Iran and Nuclear Weapons
1968 Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty: no one else can have nuclear weapons, but we’ll help them have civilian nuclear power 1979 Revolution: 444-day hostage crisis vs. the “Great Satan” (U.S.) Iranian Revolutionary Guard: a sponsor of terrorism? At least support Palestinian terrorists 2013 moderate President Rouhani elected… but in a theocracy Why might it be a problem if Iran had a nuclear weapon? Incl Sunni vs. Shia arms race, and support Hamas/Hezbollah vs. Israel, as well as rhetoric Great Satan

11 Syrian Refugee Crisis 5 million people had fled Syria, and another 6 million inside Syria have been forced from their homes For more information see: U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees at CNN at refugees/ World Vision charity’s list of basic facts at stories/syria-refugee-crisis-war-facts

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