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Xiamen LSD International Freight Agency Co., Ltd.

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1 Xiamen LSD International Freight Agency Co., Ltd.

2 Contents LSD International Freight Agency Co., Ltd.
Company data& Organization Air Service – SOP and carriers used Ocean Service – SOP and ocean Liners used 2018/4/13

3 立顺达国际货运代理有限公司简介 Over 40 staffs at LSD/XMN
Develop valued agents all over the worlds Offer Logistics or supply chain integrated services at XMN 2018/4/13

4 our network 主要网络: 2018/4/13

5 LSD can cover whole Fujian Province
服务范围 FOC XMN LSD can cover whole Fujian Province 2018/4/13

6 Organization 2018/4/13

7 SOP for Air Export Received SLI from vendor, then MEC/XMN book flight from airways accordingly. As per booking, MEC/XMN arrange pick-up from vendor, or vendor arrange delivery themselves to the appointed warehouse. Cargos enter into the warehouse; hand over the freight to XMN terminal; EDI key in; print out MAWB Export customs clearance: Submit original invoice, packing list & MAWB to customs Note: If cargos were packed into pallet, should advise Dims and pallet material Note: customs closing time: AM 10:30/PM 15:30 Note: warehouse opening time: AM 08:00-PM 18:00 Customs release 4-5 hours (from book flight to export customs clearance) Hand over the docs to XMN terminal; and waiting for loading on board Sending pre-alert to MEC overseas and shipper Flight departs on schedule Load the freight into the booked flight Note: Docs closing time: AM 12:00/PM 17:30 2018/4/13

8   Carriers we used All routes: EU routes: Asia/HK routes: 2018/4/13

9 Ocean services FCL/LCL Ocean Freight Cartage/Transportation/Pick up
Import & Export Customs Clearance Container Break down/Drayage Terminal Handling Repackage Reefer/Flat Rack Special Container Handling 2018/4/13

10 Sop of Ocean Export 码头 SHIPPER LSD/XMN CARRIER BROKER 2018/4/13
1.提供完整的出口货物代理委托书 CARRIER 2.定舱 3.编制定舱确认 BROKER 4.安排提箱,上柜 码头 6.依据资料刷排载联 5.提供完整的报关资料 7.放行后及时送码头配载 2018/4/13

11 Positon of LSD/XMN and XMN Map
光電園區 象嶼碼頭 LSD/XMN office 海天碼頭 小三通五通碼頭 小三通東渡碼頭 海潤碼頭 國際貨櫃碼頭 嵩嶼碼頭 小三通金門機場 小三通水頭碼頭 2018/4/13

12  Ocean Liners we used 2018/4/13

13 Thank you 2018/4/13

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