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“abundant grace was upon them all” Acts 4:33

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1 “abundant grace was upon them all” Acts 4:33
God’s Abundant Grace “abundant grace was upon them all” Acts 4:33

2 Please open your Bible & follow along
God’s Abundant Grace Acts 4:33 Abusing God’s Grace Please open your Bible & follow along in Matthew 7:13-14!

3 God’s Abundant Grace Some Christians worry a lot about their security…
Acts 4:33 Some Christians worry a lot about their security… Others don’t worry enough about their own role! There are some misconceptions about the role of grace in keeping a Christian in a saved condition. Our study today: understanding the abuses of grace that can jeopardize one’s salvation

4 God’s Abundant Grace Outline: Four Ways Christians Abuse God’s Grace
Acts 4:33 Outline: Four Ways Christians Abuse God’s Grace Assuming grace means there is no law Assuming grace automatically forgives sin Assuming grace prevents falling away Assuming grace is insufficient to save First, the elevator illustration…

5 God’s Abundant Grace Illustration: stairs or elevator
Acts 4:33 Illustration: stairs or elevator Buildings with two or more floors are usually equipped with two ways to go up and down: stairs and elevators. You are free to choose which you take. The stairs require you to provide your own effort. The elevator requires you to step aboard, push the button, and stay on until you reach your desired destination, as it provides the power to move you. Some people try to get to heaven by providing their own efforts, their works, to climb a stairway that they think will lead them to heaven. But they will never get there: only the elevator of God’s grace goes to the top!

6 God’s Abundant Grace Four Ways Christians Abuse God’s Grace
Acts 4:33 Four Ways Christians Abuse God’s Grace 1. Assuming grace means there is no law, no rules Some NT Christians mistakenly thought there was no law at all since the Law of Moses was taken away, and that they were free to sin as much as they wanted, to make grace increase. This is an abuse of Rom. 5:20-21 “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more” Paul said in Romans 6 “Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? May it never be! were baptized!” Grace does NOT free us from obedience to God’s commands Grace DOES have law: Rom. 7:25; 8:7 “the law of God” Some people stand outside the elevator of God’s grace, waiting for it to reach out to take them, rather than stepping on board by their own free choice…an act of obedience to God!

7 God’s Abundant Grace Four Ways Christians Abuse God’s Grace
Acts 4:33 Four Ways Christians Abuse God’s Grace 2. Assuming grace automatically forgives our sins 1 John 1: 7-9 The words “continually” and “automatically” are not there! Sin happens when we step outside the Light…no need for “continual cleansing” of those who are walking in the Light. Simon was directed to repent and pray for forgiveness (Acts 8:22) 1 John 1:9 says sin must be confessed in order to be forgiven. Cleansing, therefore is as continual as our confession of sin. Forgiveness is not automatic, but grace is always available to those who seek it by repentance and confession! Some seem to think they can step off the elevator of God’s grace to shop in the world of sin, then step back on without consequences, without repentance, without confession, without accountability…

8 God’s Abundant Grace Four Ways Christians Abuse God’s Grace
Acts 4:33 Four Ways Christians Abuse God’s Grace 3. Assuming it prevents falling away Calvinism teaches that the saved can never fall. But: Some believers come short of grace (Heb. 12:15) Some believers receive grace in vain (2 Cor. 6:1) Some believers nullify grace (Gal. 2:21) Some believers fall from grace (Gal. 5:4) Some lose faith and fall away from God (Heb. 3:8-12) Grace prevents Satan from snatching you out of God’s hand (John 10:28-29), but it does not prevent you from leaving it. Some think it is impossible to step off the elevator of God’s grace onto the wrong floor, and impossible to go back down!

9 God’s Abundant Grace Four Ways Christians Abuse God’s Grace
Acts 4:33 Four Ways Christians Abuse God’s Grace 4. Assuming grace is insufficient to save Some still try to earn their salvation by works Some N.T. saints resorted to the Law of Moses, to combine it with the Spirit of grace (Gal. 3:1-3; 5:4) Even the Apostle Paul had to be reminded: “My grace is sufficient for you” (2 Cor. 12:9) Today some behave as if they can atone for their own shortcomings by doing good deeds If you get on the elevator of God’s grace, then get off and try to climb the rest of the way to the top on the stairs, you are ignoring the grace God has provided, you are making it harder on yourself, and you will never succeed!

10 God’s Abundant Grace Conclusion
Acts 4:33 Conclusion There have always been people who would abuse God’s kindness, even believers who rebel & live in sin. “They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed.” (Titus 1:16) We have a role in keeping ourselves saved: “Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness” (2 Tim. 2:19) For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age… (Titus 2:11-12)

11 God’s Abundant Grace Summary
Acts 4:33 Summary Some abuse grace by treating it as a license to sin, as if there is no law, no standard, and no consequences for sin. Some abuse it by wrongly believing grace will automatically and continually cleanse them of their sins without their confession and repentance. Some abuse it wrongly thinking they cannot fall from grace Some abuse it by trying to add their own efforts to supplement God’s grace…trying to earn their own way to heaven Jesus is the elevator of grace that brings the obedient believer to heaven! Believe that He can do it, forsake your sinful ways and embrace His instructions, confess your dependency on Him for salvation, and step into Him by submitting to baptism into Christ.

12 “abundant grace was upon them all” Acts 4:33
God’s Abundant Grace “abundant grace was upon them all” Acts 4:33

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