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THE OMNISCIENT GOD (Daniel 2:17-23)

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1 THE OMNISCIENT GOD (Daniel 2:17-23)
RCCG Canaan Land Digging Deep July 18, 2017 THE OMNISCIENT GOD (Daniel 2:17-23)

2 THE OMNISCIENT GOD (Dan 2:17-23)
Dan 2:22“He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness” (Dan 2:17-23) What do we understand from the text we have read?

3 THE OMNISCIENT GOD What do we understand from the text we have read?
Dan 2:22“He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness” What do we understand from the text we have read? All wisdom, knowledge and power belong to God God controls the affairs of the world God appoints rulers of men and He removes them God gives wisdom and knowledge to whomever He pleases God is the revealer of deep and mysterious secrets God knows what has been concealed in darkness God will reveal secret things to His children who seek knowledge and wisdom from Him

4 THE OMNISCIENT GOD Dan 2:22“He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness” Give examples of God’s revelation of secret things in the Bible

5 THE OMNISCIENT GOD Dan 2:22“He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness” Give examples of God’s revelation of secret things in the Bible? Destruction of all living things due to sinful nature of man – Gen 6:9-13 Emergence of God’s own people through Abraham – Gen 12:1-3 Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah – Gen 18:17-21 Jacob preferred over Esau – Gen 25:21-23 Seven years of feasting and seven years of famine in Egypt – Gen 41:17-24 Israel’s deliverance from bondage in Egypt – Exod 3:7-10 Secret of prosperity – Deut 28:1-14 Judgment of Eli and his sons – 1 Sam 3:10-14

6 THE OMNISCIENT GOD Dan 2:22“He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness” God’s revelation of secret things in the Bible (cont’d) Betrayal of David by people of Keilah – 1 Sam 23:5-12 David’s adultery with Bathsheba and murder of Uriah – 2 Sam 12:1-2 Elisha’s succession of Elijah – 1 Kg 19:15-16 Syrian Kings plans revealed to Elisha – 2 Kg 6:8-12 Jesus’ coming revealed to Prophet Isaiah – Is 9, 42, 49, 53, 61 Nebuchadnezzar’s judgment revealed – Dan 4:1-17, 28-33 Herod’s evil plan to kill Jesus exposed – Matt 2:13 Ananias and Sapphira’s deception exposed – Act 5:1-11

7 THE OMNISCIENT GOD Dan 2:22“He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness” Why does God reveal secret and mysterious things to men?

8 THE OMNISCIENT GOD Dan 2:22“He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness” Why does God reveal secret and mysterious things to men? To help us escape coming affliction and destruction – Noah So we can play our part in His divine plan – Abraham So we can intercede for His mercy – Sodom & Gomorrah So we do not resist His sovereign will – Jacob and Esau To position His children for advantage – Joseph & Pharaoh So we can plan according to His will – Joseph plans his burial To raise a man or men for His work – Moses To correct wrong ideas in His children – Path to true prosperity To confirm or communicate His judgment – Eli and his sons

9 THE OMNISCIENT GOD Dan 2:22“He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness” Why God reveals secret and mysterious things to men (cont’d) To deliver His children from evil plots – Betrayal at Keilah To condemn sin and provoke repentance – David’s adultery To ensure continuity of His divine plan – Elijah and Elisha To deliver His people from their enemies – Elisha & Syrian King A reference and proof for future manifestation – Jesus’ ministry To humble the proud to avoid destruction – Nebuchadnezzar To deliver His own from powerful and wicked men - Herod To judge sin and promote righteousness - Ananias and Sapphira

10 THE OMNISCIENT GOD Dan 2:22“He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness” What should be the believer’s attitude to God’s Omniscience? Live as a child of light; nothing is hidden before God – Ps 139:11-12 Seek information always about God’s new move – Is 43:18-20 Don’t worry, just ask God. He can tell the end before it happens – Is 46:10 Don’t fear darkness (evil or unknown). God knows everything hidden in it – Dan 2:23 Ask the Holy Spirit to tell you about the future. It’s His job – Jn 16:13 Get close to the Holy Spirit; He can reveal God’s deep secrets – 1 Cor 2:10 Ask God for wisdom concerning any matter and believe that He will answer – Jam 1:5-6 Always be circumspect in all you think, say or do since you know that God knows and will reveal all things – 1 Jn 3:20

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