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Update on the Newman/Joyce Precinct Development Project

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Presentation on theme: "Update on the Newman/Joyce Precinct Development Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on the Newman/Joyce Precinct Development Project
Professor Margaret Kelleher, College of Arts and Celtic Studies Professor Suzanne Quin, College of Human Sciences Ms Ursula Byrne, James Joyce Library

2 Newman/Joyce Project – overall objective to:
Lead and develop initiatives to profile UCD’s excellence in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Create a phased masterplan to guide the regeneration of the Newman/Joyce Precinct that addresses present needs and can support the activities of future decades Design building spaces that facilitate and encourage inter-disciplinary collaboration and service integration Promote academic, community and social engagement locally and globally, including the showcasing of UCD’s rich contribution to the cultural heritage of Ireland

3 Elements of the Masterplan
The masterplan will address the following core elements: Intellectual capital Academic programme development Physical infrastructure - creation of a new flagship building linking the Newman and the James Joyce Library (c. 5,000 m2) and the refurbishment of both buildings (c. 50,000m2)

4 Planning Process to Date
Preliminary work by UCD Buildings & Services and discussions with College Principals (Arts & Celtic Studies/Human Sciences) and University Librarian Scott Tallon Walker selected as project design team , 2012 Appointment of academic and library project directors, January 2013 Project launched at Town Hall meetings, January 2013 Implementation of needs analysis: Written feedback from all Schools, March/April 2013 Written feedback from Library, April 2013 3 day series of workshops for staff (300 in total) attended by the design team from Scott Tallon Walker, May 2013

5 Leading Knowledge in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Enable greater integration of research and teaching activities, and student engagement with the research activities of their teachers Facilitate spatially the integration of research excellence in different disciplines and the development of innovative discipline-specific and interdisciplinary programmes Create an institute/forum for Advanced Studies that will showcase the academic, cultural and social leadership role of UCD, nationally and internationally

6 Leading Exhibition and Performance in the Arts
Create a Gathering (agora) space with adjacent permanent/temporary exhibition facilities Establish high-spec, flexible but defined performance spaces for music, drama, poetry readings, cultural events and film Enhance visibility of and access to UCD’s cultural heritage collections, including material and virtual displays, and expanded storage facilities Create a cultural laboratory that supports incubation and engagement with process

7 Leading People and Policy Development: the University and Society
Provide a physical and intellectual space that will showcase UCD’s unique role in the development of the State, including engaged citizenship space Create a Public Policy Forum that will bring together academics, senior public servants and public representatives to address key societal issues in an environment that generates engagement and reflection

8 Leading Innovations in Teaching and Learning
Introduce additional medium (80-120) and small group teaching facilities designed to maximise participation Create teaching spaces which are flexible, innovative in design and include high quality facilities Include learning spaces that facilitate the development of ‘soft skills’ – communication, presentation, media Make available a range of collaborative and interactive learning environments and supports for discussion/group work and interdisciplinary learning

9 Newman/Joyce Precinct as an Integrated Space
Greater interaction between academic programmes and library through integration of teaching activities with learning supports and resources (writing support centre, ‘soft skills’) Enhanced synergies between research needs of academics (local and visiting), research collections and library supports Creation of interspaces to support formal and informal learning activities

10 James Joyce Library – research bridge
Centralise digital data services: Mapping and Geo-Spatial Sciences Centre Digital Hub – to support and catalyse innovation in the application of digital technologies to scholarship in humanities and social sciences Centre for the Advancement of Quantitative Social Science – social and economic materials on changing Ireland, Ireland in Europe and globally.

11 James Joyce Library – opportunities
UCD Research Library Bringing together UCD Cultural Heritage Collections, maintaining identity of each repository through distinctive spaces that express the character and history of collections Shared centralised storage that meets best practice Co-located offices, reading rooms and study spaces

12 James Joyce Library – student engagement
UCD Learning Grid - Flexible spaces providing a diverse range of technological enhanced learning spaces; increased group study rooms 24/7 access Co-location of student supports and services – increasing visibility and accessibility

13 The Ecology of the Newman/Joyce Precinct
Encourage students to come, stay and participate in the intellectual, social and cultural life of the university in a living building Support academics in research and teaching with first-class facilities and services suited to their distinct, diverse and developing needs Expand human infrastructure through hiring in new and established areas of expertise Make visible the abilities and achievements of students and researchers in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and the range of career and life opportunities

14 Moving the Project Forward - next steps
July 2013 – Scott Tallon Walker present preliminary ideas/responses to the workshop discussions to core project team for consideration September 2013 – 2nd Series of workshops and further consultation September amended design proposal along with the ‘vision document’ will form the basis of the preliminary donor campaign Ongoing – donor funding campaign plan led by Vice-President for Development, Aine Gibbons

15 Conclusion The Project Directors would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Hugh Brady, President Professor Mark Rogers, Registrar and Deputy President Professor Maeve Conrick, Principal, College of Arts and Celtic Studies Professor Brian Nolan, Principal, College of Human Sciences Dr John Howard, Librarian Mr Eamonn Ceannt, Ms Elizabeth Dunne and staff from the Capital Development Office and all those who have participated in the work to date for their commitment to this visionary project

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