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Daily Language Workouts

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1 Daily Language Workouts
Days 21-40

2 Day 21 Edit: On his deathbed, the philospher socrates said “I am not an athenian [a resident of Athen Greece] nor a Greek but a Citizen of the World,” nevertheless, Greek citizens accused him of corrupting the minds of young Athenians. Notes: Use brackets to enclose information that you have inserted into a quotation for clarity.

3 Corrected Sentence On his deathbed, the philospher Socrates said, “I am not an Athenian [a resident of Athens, Greece] nor a Greek but a citizen of the world.” Nevertheless, Greek citizens accused him of corrupting the minds of young Athenians.

4 Day 22 Edit: Many seniors have dicided not to go on the class trip to Arizona, consequently these Students won’t see the painted dessert, the petrified forest or the grand canyon. Notes: Allusion=indirect reference to a piece of writing (Her speech included an allusion to one of Robert Frost’s poems.) Illusion=a false idea or appearance (The shimmering heat produced an illusion of water on the road.)

5 Corrected Sentence Many seniors have decided not to go on the class trip to Arizona; consequently, these students won’t see the Painted Desert, the Petrified Forest, or the Grand Canyon.

6 Day 23 Edit: In her mid-30’s, aunt Yolanda made a u-turn and, without the benefit of even one business course, went from full time Mother and President of the pta to ceo of her own small company, we’re very proud of her. Notes: Access=admittance (The thief gained access to the building.) Excess=a surplus (We have an excess of musical talent in our class.)

7 Corrected Sentence In her mid-30’s, Aunt Yolanda made a U-turn and, without the benefit of even one business course, went from full-time mother and president of the PTA to CEO of her own small company. We’re very proud of her.

8 Day 24 Edit: Islam, a major world religion, is dominent in the middle east, it’s followers are called muslims, and it’s sacred book is the koran. Notes: Than=conjunction that introduces 2nd part of a comparison (LaTrisha is taller than LaToya.) Then=“at this time”, “soon afterward”, “for the reason”, “in that case” (We ate lunch and then washed the dishes.)

9 Corrected Sentence Islam, a major world religion, is dominant in the Middle East; its followers are called Muslims, and its sacred book is the Koran.

10 Day 25 Edit: My Grandfather a world War II veteran heard president Truman anounce that the United States had dropped the first atomic bomb on hiroshima Japan, three days later, a second a-bomb was dropped on nagasaki. Notes: Thorough=“complete” (We gave the bedrooms a thorough cleaning.) Through=“into at one side and out another” (A breeze blew through the house.) Threw=“past tense of throw” (Lacey threw the ball.)

11 Corrected Sentence My grandfather, a World War II veteran, heard President Truman announce that the United States had dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. Three days later, a second A-bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.

12 Day 26 Edit: According to Isaac Asimov “It took five mos. To get word back to Queen Isabella about the voyage of Columbus two wks. For Europe to hear about Lincoln’s assasonation and only one point three seconds to get the word from Neil Armstrong that man can walk on the moon.” Notes: Spell out cardinal numbers (such as twenty) and ordinal numbers (such as twentieth) that can be written in one or two words.

13 Corrected Sentence According to Isaac Asimov, “It took five months to get word back to Queen Isabella about the voyage of Columbus, two weeks for Europe to hear about Lincoln’s assassination, and only 1.3 seconds to get the word from Neil Armstrong that man can walk on the moon.”

14 Day 27 Edit: In the early nineteen hundreds, the averge age life expectancy for white females in the U.S. was 51.8 years, in two thousand three, the age was eighty point five six years. Notes: In general, use numerals to express numbers that would be written in more than two words. (i.e. There were 220 marching in the band.)

15 Corrected Sentence In the early 1900s, the average life expectancy for white females in the United States was 51.8 years; in 2003, the age was years.

16 Day 28 Edit: If your looking for all As in weight lifting, get information on hand-strengthening exercises at Sports Health five twenty-seven W. Windor rd. Glendale Cal Notes: Use numerals for numbered streets and avenues above ninety-nine and for all house, apartment, and room numbers. Spell out numbered streets and avenues of ninety-nine and below.

17 Corrected Sentence If you’re looking for all A’s in weight lifting, get information on hand-strengthening exercises at Sports Health, 527 West Windsor Road, Glendale, California

18 Day 29 Edit: 715,000 workers are employed by McDonald’s restaurants in the United States and Canada, more than 1 out of every eight Americans has worked in the chain restaurant at some point in life. Notes: Spell out any number that occurs at the beginning of a sentence. (i.e. Two hundred twenty-five singers performed.)

19 Corrected Sentence Seven hundred and fifteen thousand workers are employed by McDonald’s restaurants in the United States and Canada. More than one out of every eight Americans has worked in the chain restaurant at some point in life.

20 Day 30 Edit: Both my brother-in-laws use up tanksful of gas on their jobs, one works for the Int. Rev. Service and the other works at a local branch of the Fed. Housing Admin. Notes: To form the plural of hyphenated compound nouns or nouns with more than one work, usually make the most important work plural. (i.e. fathers-in-law, post offices)

21 Corrected Sentence Both my brothers-in-law use up tankfuls of gas on their jobs; one works for the Internal Revenue Service, and the other works at a local branch of the Federal Housing Administration.

22 Day 31 Edit: The shop-till-you-drop urge can become an obsession, and a support group Debtors Anonamous exists and people who have maxed out their credit cards, and morgaged their lives discover that they have plenty of company. Notes: Lie (lying, lay, lain) means “to rest or recline” Lay (laying, laid, laid) means “to put or place”

23 Corrected Sentence The shop-till-you-drop urge can become an obsession, and a support group, Debtors Anonymous, exists. People who have maxed out their credit cards and mortgaged their lives discover that they have plenty of company.

24 Day 32 Edit: The Internet and cyberspace are now as clogged with traffic as most city highways at rush hour and users often experience major delays in getting information and people are often disapointed by the lack of speedy dependable service. Notes: Don’t use “off” in place of “from.” (i.e. I’ll borrow the money from (not off) my brother.) Don’t use “of” after the preposition “off.” (i.e. He fell off (not off of) the ladder, but he didn’t hurt himself.)

25 Corrected Sentence The Internet and cyberspace are now as clogged with traffic as most city highways at rush hour, and users often experience major delays in getting information. People are often disappointed by the lack of speedy, dependable service.

26 Day 33 Edit: Ethnocentrism is an additude whereby people believe that their race, culture class or nation is superior to others when this additude becomes extreme, war can result. Notes: Don’t use “of” after the preposition “inside.” i.e. Inside (not inside of) the cupboard were several old photograph albums.

27 Corrected Sentence Ethnocentrism is an attitude whereby people believe that their race, culture, class, or nation is superior to others. When this attitude becomes extreme, war can result.

28 Day 34 Edit: When you’re car overheats and steam billows out from under the hood you need to remember that payshunce is a virtue and don’t immediately remove the radiator cap, or you might get scalded. Notes: After the words “could, might, must, should, and would,” use the helping verb “have” or its contraction, “’ve,” not the word “of.” i.e. You might have (not might of) swerved to avoid the other car. i.e. I should’ve (not should of) warned you.

29 Corrected Sentence When your car overheats and steam billows out from under the hood, you need to remember that patience is a virtue. Don’t immediately remove the radiator cap, or you might get scalded.

30 Day 35 Edit: Vegetarians can enjoy Summer barbecues without feeling left out grilling is not just for meat anymore skewered marinated vegatables are delishous when grilled. Notes: The adjective quiet means “silent or motionless.” (Please be quiet so I can think.) The verb quit means “to stop or to give up.” (Shirelle has quit the swim team. The adverb quite means “very or completely.” (We were quite sorry to lose her.)

31 Corrected Sentence Vegetarians can enjoy summer barbecues without feeling left out. Grilling is not just for meat anymore; skewered, marinated vegetables are delicious when grilled.

32 Day 36 Edit: Everyone needs to improve their writeing and math skills because less and less jobs require mussels only. Notes: Singular pronouns need singular antecedents. (i.e. Arthur Mitchell founded his own ballet company.)

33 Corrected Sentence Everyone needs to improve his or her writing and math skills because fewer and fewer jobs require muscles only.

34 Day 37 Edit: Her and I discovered that before the Revolutionary War, anyone who needed money had to borrow from there friends and family, no banks existed. Notes: The following indefinite pronouns are ALWAYS singular: anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one, somebody, someone, something. (i.e. Everyone is in his or her seat.)

35 Corrected Sentence She and I discovered that before the Revolutionary War, anyone who needed money had to borrow from his or her friends and family; no banks existed.

36 Day 38 Edit: American shopping malls are amazing places where people can shop register to vote, give blood, play video games attend a worship service of your choice, get marryed or mail a letter. Notes: Few singular pronouns indicate gender: (he, him, his, himself=masculine) (she, her, hers, herself=feminine) (it, its, itself=neutral)

37 Corrected Sentence American shopping malls are amazing places where people can shop, register to vote, give blood, play video games, attend a worship service of their choice, get married, or mail a letter.

38 Day 39 Edit: If a worker is unable to work because of a savere disability, social security offers monthly disability payments until they are able to work again. Notes: Use nominative case (I, you, she, he, it, we, they) in a compound subject. i.e. Dorothy and I planted the perennials.

39 Corrected Sentence If a worker is unable to work because of a severe disability, Social Security offers monthly disability payments until he or she is able to work again.

40 Day 40 Edit: Either ratios or percentages may be use to express the liklihood that a traffic accident will happen to you or I. Notes: Use the objective case (me, you, her, him, it, us, them) in a compound object. i.e. Lana brought Dorothy and them some lemonade.

41 Corrected Sentence Either ratios or percentages may be used to express the likelihood that a traffic accident will happen to you or me.

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