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Nutrition update Medicine Optimisation GP Forum

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1 Nutrition update Medicine Optimisation GP Forum
January 2017

2 NHCCG ONS spend YTD: 1st and 2nd trimesters (April to November)
Projection for 2016/17: £18,600 reduced spend £12,378 (6.74% reduction) Quality markers: Non-preferred spend: 4.9% cost reduction Preferred spend: 7% cost reduction % Non-preferred spend

3 YTD 2016 (1st and 2nd trimester)
Best & worst practices (spend reduction): Marlowe Chineham Whitewater Crown Heights Rooksdown Wilson Best & worst practices (%NP trend): Camrose Odiham Chawton P Hackwood Clift Rooksdown Whitewater YTD 2015 (1st and 2nd trimester) for comparison Best % worst practices (%LAC): Camrose ChawtonP Wilson Gillies Hackwood Oakley&O

4 NHCCG last 12 months 4 types of preferred ONS
Number of Units

5 IF and infant feeding workstreams
Hampshire wide guidelines Launch events to HV, GPs and Acute trusts Audit of secondary care practices for CMPA Website resources for health professionals and parents GP audits if remote access possible % AAF vs EHF Review if >2 years of age Lactose free, soy and reflux formulae available OTC Lactase drops and Simeticone available OTC Similac Alimentum trial for suspected milk allergy

6 AAF prescribing cost per 1000 infants (last 12months)
OTC prescribing cost per 1000 infants

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