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1 (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)
Welcome to Westover June 21, 2015 (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)


3 Build Your Kingdom Here
Come, set Your rule and reign in our hearts again. Increase in us we pray; unveil why we're made.

4 Come, set our hearts ablaze with hope like wildfire in our very souls
Come, set our hearts ablaze with hope like wildfire in our very souls. Holy Spirit, come invade us now.

5 We are Your church; we need Your power in us.

6 We seek Your kingdom first; we hunger and we thirst
We seek Your kingdom first; we hunger and we thirst. Refuse to waste our lives, for You're our joy and prize.

7 To see the captive hearts released: the hurt, the sick the poor at peace. We lay down our lives for heaven's cause.

8 We are Your church; we pray revive this earth.

9 Build Your kingdom here; let the darkness fear
Build Your kingdom here; let the darkness fear. Show Your mighty hand; heal our streets and land.

10 Set Your church on fire; win this nation back
Set Your church on fire; win this nation back. Change the atmosphere; build Your kingdom here, we pray.

11 Unleash Your kingdom's power, reaching the near and far
Unleash Your kingdom's power, reaching the near and far. No force of hell can stop Your beauty changing hearts.

12 You made us for much more than this; awake the kingdom seed in us
You made us for much more than this; awake the kingdom seed in us. Fill us with the strength and love of Christ.

13 We are Your church; we are the hope on earth.

14 Build Your kingdom here; let the darkness fear
Build Your kingdom here; let the darkness fear. Show Your mighty hand; heal our streets and land.

15 Set Your church on fire; Win this nation back
Set Your church on fire; Win this nation back. Change the atmosphere; build Your kingdom here, we pray.

16 Build Your kingdom here; let the darkness fear
Build Your kingdom here; let the darkness fear. Show Your mighty hand; heal our streets and land.

17 Set Your church on fire; Win this nation back
Set Your church on fire; Win this nation back. Change the atmosphere; build Your kingdom here, we pray. Build Your Kingdom Here © Copyright 2011 Thankyou Music (Admin. By EMI Christian Music Publishing) Words and Music by the Rend Collective Experiment CCLI# 56321

18 Mighty God You are the sunshine, and I am a candle;
You are the mountain, and I am a hill.

19 You are the ocean, and I am a river, winding and swirling and never quite still, and never quiet still.

20 You are a mighty God, Your deeds are so awesome.
Mighty God, I stand amazed.

21 You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
You are a mighty God, I worship You only. You are so mighty and worthy of praise,

22 You are so mighty and worthy of praise,

23 You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
You are a mighty God, I worship You only. You are so mighty and worthy of praise,

24 You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
Mighty God © 2001 by Hallal Music, Inc. Words and Music by Ken Young CCLI# 56321

25 Greet Your Neighbor

26 You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
You are a mighty God, I worship You only. You are so mighty and worthy of praise,

27 You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
Mighty God © 2001 by Hallal Music, Inc. Words and Music by Ken Young CCLI# 56321

28 Video Announcements

29 (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)
Welcome Staff (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)

30 Instrumental Prayer Time

31 Sin and its ways grow old; and I’m left with no strength to arise.
Be Lifted High Sin and its ways grow old; all of my heart turns to stone, and I’m left with no strength to arise. How You need to be lifted high!

32 Sin and its ways lead to pain, left with the hurt and the shame; so no longer will I leave Your side. Jesus, You be lifted high.

33 You be lifted high, You be lifted high
You be lifted high, You be lifted high! You be lifted high in my life, oh God; and I fall to my knees so it's You that they see, not I. Jesus, You be lifted high.

34 And even now that I’m inside Your hands, help me not to grow prideful again. Don’t let me forsake sacrifice; Jesus, You be lifted high.

35 If I’m blessed with the riches of kings, how could I ever think that it was me? For You brought me from darkness to light; Jesus, You be lifted high.

36 You be lifted high, You be lifted high
You be lifted high, You be lifted high! You be lifted high in my life, oh God; and I fall to my knees so it's You that they see, not I. Jesus, You be lifted high.

37 Oh Jesus, You be lifted high, You be lifted high
Oh Jesus, You be lifted high, You be lifted high! You be lifted high in my life, oh God; and I fall to my knees so it's You that they see, not I. Jesus, You be lifted high. Be Lifted High © Meaux Mercy (Admin by EMI Christian Music Publishing) Words and Music by Leeland Mooring CCLI# 56321

38 Shepherd’s Prayer

39 Christ We Do All Adore Thee
and we do praise Thee forever; 186

40 Christ, we do all adore Thee, and we do praise Thee forever.
186 Christ, we do all adore Thee, and we do praise Thee forever.

41 186 For on the holy cross hast Thou the world from sin redeemed. Christ, we do all adore Thee,

42 And we do praise Thee forever. Christ, we do all adore Thee!
186 And we do praise Thee forever. Christ, we do all adore Thee! Christ We Do All Adore Thee Public Domain Words by Theodore Baker, Music by Theodore Dubois CCLI# 56321

43 Sharing the Bread

44 Be Unto Your Name We are a moment. You are forever, Lord of the ages,
God before time.

45 We are a vapor. You are eternal, Love everlasting reigning on high.

46 Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, worthy is the Lamb who was slain.

47 Highest praises, honor and glory be unto Your name, be unto Your name.

48 We are the broken, You are the healer, Jesus, Redeemer, mighty to save.

49 You are the love song we’ll sing forever, bowing before You, blessing Your name.

50 Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, worthy is the Lamb who was slain.

51 Highest praises, honor and glory be unto Your name, be unto Your name.

52 Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, worthy is the Lamb who was slain.

53 Highest praises, honor and glory be unto Your name, be unto Your name…
© 1998 Integrity's Hosanna! Music Words and Music by Lynn DeShazo and Gary Sadler CCLI# 56321


55 Sharing the Cup

56 To the Least of These Give us a heart for the hopeless,
the weary and wounded, for all who are hungry, helpless and poor.

57 Let us see the sorrow, the pain and the heartache that all the abandoned endure.

58 To the last, to the lost, to the least of these, let us be Jesus today
To the last, to the lost, to the least of these, let us be Jesus today. To the last, to the lost, to the least of these, let us be Jesus today.

59 May we reach out to the broken, the beaten, the battered, to all who have fallen, disgraced and ashamed.

60 May we be a comfort, loving, forgiving and offering grace in Your name.

61 To the last, to the lost, to the least of these, let us be Jesus today
To the last, to the lost, to the least of these, let us be Jesus today. To the last, to the lost, to the least of these, let us be Jesus today.

62 To the last, to the lost, to the least of these, let us be Jesus today
To the last, to the lost, to the least of these, let us be Jesus today. To the last, to the lost, to the least of these, let us be Jesus today. To the Least of These © Randy Gill Words and Music by Randy Gill CCLI# 56321


64 Offering Guests, please put your visitors card in the offering tray as it passes your way

65 Interview by Scott of the Dennis Family

66 The Lord Bless You and Keep You
The Lord lift His countenance upon you, And give you peace, and give you peace, 710

67 710 The Lord make His face to shine upon you, And be gracious unto you, be gracious; The Lord be gracious, gracious unto you, Amen… The Lord Bless You and Keep You Public Domain Words and Music by Peter C. Lutkin CCLI# 56321

68 Sermon

69 Our God, He Is Alive There is, beyond the azure blue, a God, concealed
from human sight. 23

70 23 He tinted skies with heavenly hue and framed the worlds with His great might.

71 There is a God, He is alive. In Him we live,
23 There is a God, He is alive. In Him we live,

72 And we survive; From dust our God created man.
23 And we survive; From dust our God created man. He is our God, the great I AM.

73 23 There was, a long, long time ago, a God whose voice the prophets heard.

74 He is the God that we should know, who speaks from His inspired word.
23 He is the God that we should know, who speaks from His inspired word.

75 There is a God, He is alive. In Him we live,
23 There is a God, He is alive. In Him we live,

76 And we survive; From dust our God created man.
23 And we survive; From dust our God created man. He is our God, the great I AM.

77 Our God, whose Son upon a tree, a life was willing there to give,
23 Our God, whose Son upon a tree, a life was willing there to give,

78 That He from sin might set man free, and evermore with Him could live.
23 That He from sin might set man free, and evermore with Him could live.

79 There is a God, He is alive. In Him we live,
23 There is a God, He is alive. In Him we live,

80 And we survive; From dust our God created man.
23 And we survive; From dust our God created man. He is our God, the great I AM.

81 Thanks for Being With Us Today!


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