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Biodiversity in a changing climate

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Presentation on theme: "Biodiversity in a changing climate"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biodiversity in a changing climate
Isabella Van de Velde Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

2 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate What is biodiversity? variety of all life forms on earth animals, plants, micro-organisms their genes ecosystems: terrestrial, marine, freshwater EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

3 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate What is climate change? the long-term shift in weather patterns in a specific region or globally EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

4 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate What do people really know about causes of climate change effects of global warming impact on biodiversity OK let’ see! ? EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

5 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate Climate knowledge survey Belgium 107 secondary schools students 81% of the students cannot explain the green house effect do not know which human activities contribute to global warming Source: Aped-Ovds (2015). School, Energie, Klimaat. (Appel pour une école democratique - Oproep Voor een Democratische School). FACTS EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

6 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate Trainee teachers survey Belgium primary & secondary education – 6 HE schools 430 trainee teachers only 1 out of 5 trainee teachers can explain the mechanism of green house effect 95% consider the hole in the ozon layer as causing global warming Source: Boussemaere, P. (2016). De aarde warmt op door een gat in de lucht. Een onderzoek naar de klimaatkennis van de Vlaamse leerkracht in opleiding. VIVES hogeschool Brugge FACTS EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

7 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate But all the common misconceptions about climate change recorded in Belgium are also recorded abroad! “Future generations of children need to understand how to mitigate and adapt to contingencies that are set to take place in the not too distant future” (IPCC, 2012) EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

8 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate Attitudes of Europeans towards biodiversity – Survey 2015 28 EU Member States – respondents majority of Europeans have heard of the term biodiversity (60%) 30% know what it means 66% do not feel informed about biodiversity loss Source: Special Eurobarometer 436 “Attitudes of Europeans towards biodiversity”. October 2015. FACTS EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

9 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate Climate change and biodiversity are one of the most serious challenges that faces humanity EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

10 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate biodiversity and its conservation societal change societal change achieved by environmental education climate change should be taught starting from primary school science educators must have the necessary competencies EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

11 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate What will BIOTALENT do? increase knowledge and skills on biodiversity inspire to engage in conserving Europe’s biodiversity ignite a passion for science EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

12 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate How will BIOTALENT do it? deliver a pilot multilingual blended e-learning course on biodiversity Biodiversity in a changing climate: e-learn more establish an open source virtual learning platform to deliver the e-content of the course develop a blended learning model for adaptable modular training courses EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

13 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate Who is doing it? funded by EC ERASMUS+ programme started on 01/09/2016 3 years project 5 partners in 4 EU countries EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

14 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate Target audience biology teachers & trainee teachers in secondary education educators in science museums, botanical gardens, science centres and environmental organisations biologists, rangers and conservation managers at nature reserves, national parks and civil organisations and open to anyone interested in the topic EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

15 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Biodiversity in a changing climate What makes BIOTALENT different? a high quality blended e-learning programme rely upon expertise, experience and resources brought by each Partner offer learners unique transnational access to range of facilities and expertise present in the Partnership use effective multimedia to deliver learning experiences that mirror real-world practices develop matrix that can be used in wider sector of STEM EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

16 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels Any questions Thank you for your attention Isabella Van de Velde Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences EU Conference - 18 May 2017 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

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