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A brief presentation to Year 9 parents/carers and students

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1 A brief presentation to Year 9 parents/carers and students
The Changing Educational Landscape at Key Stage 4 and the GCSE Options Process A brief presentation to Year 9 parents/carers and students 18th January 2017

2 Changes at GCSE A staggered introduction of new GCSE’s over the last 3 years–In September 2017 all new specifications will be on line New grading system for these GCSE’s 9-1 instead of A*- G Removal of early entry opportunities – no ‘sitting’ examinations early or more than once More challenging content – A’ level ‘drop down’ Removal of ‘Controlled Assessments’ for non practical subjects The written examination element worth different percentages A return to Linear (end of course) examinations for all subjects

3 Increased Rigour Increase in the grade boundaries over the last few years in many subjects – set to continue Removal of ‘Controlled Assessment’ for non practical subjects Written examination element in all courses Increased focus on SPG (spelling, punctuation and grammar)

4 Old GCSE grading: a “good pass” was seen as a grade C or above
New GCSE grading: a “good pass” is seen as a grade 5 or above – top end of a current C grade/bottom of a current B grade Old GCSE grading: a “good pass” was seen as a grade C or above

5 English GCSE All texts in the Language examination are ‘unseen’
All students will study both English Language and English Literature 100% examination with no ‘tiers of entry’ Started already - in Year 9 Greater emphasis on creative writing and grammar use More focus on ‘traditional’ English literature – more challenging choices ‘Spoken Language’ component separate to the English Language qualification. Sample recorded and externally assessed

6 English GCSE All students will study both English Language (2 exams) and English Literature (2 exams) Students will need to know quotes by heart ‘Spoken Language’ component separate to the English Language qualification. Recorded and sampled 100% examination with no ‘tiers of entry’ Started already - in Year 9 Greater emphasis on creative writing and grammar use More focus on ‘traditional’ English literature – more challenging choices, for example Jekyll and Hyde All texts in the Language examination are ‘unseen’

7 English GCSE Literature: Language:
A Shakespearean play and a post-1914 British play or novel -i.e. ‘The Woman in Black’; A 19th-century novel – TBC - and a poetry collection from the Pearson Poetry Anthology (the ‘Time and Place’ cluster) Language: Paper 1: Fiction and Creative Writing Section A: Reading - one literature fiction text Section B: Writing - descriptive or narrative writing Paper 2: Paper 2: Non fiction and Transactional writing (ie letter, diary etc) Section A: Reading - one non-fiction text and one literary non-fiction text Section B: Writing - writing to present a viewpoint

8 Mathematics GCSE There will still be ‘tiers of entry’ but the ‘foundation’ tier will contain a significant amount of content that was previously only in the ‘higher’ tier – more challenge The ‘higher’ tier will contain content that was previously studied at Advanced level. Formulae and equations that were previously provided to students at the start of examinations will need to be learned as it will not be given.

9 English Baccalaureate ‘award’
Awarded only to students who have studied all 6 of the following: * English * Mathematics * 2 Science subjects (includes Computer Science) * 1 Modern Foreign Language – French or German * 1 Humanity – History or Geography Not compulsory but viewed well by many universities and encouraged for those students who we feel would be able to manage the rigour of a language and a humanities subject.

10 Science GCSE Triple science – for students targeting Level 6a or 7 at Key Stage 3 – provides 3 separate GCSE’s in Biology, Chemistry and Physics Double Award science –provides 2 separate GCSE’s covering aspects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics Studying Double Award science will not prevent students studying science at Advanced level or going on to ‘read’ Science at university, providing they achieve the entry requirements for further study.

11 Choosing your option subjects
Coombe aim: broad and balanced Consider what you enjoy – important part of your thinking Sixth form plans – how will this influence or link to study at Key Stage 5? Independent, informed choices not teacher/friend/difficulty driven Assessment procedures – practical subjects have Controlled Assessments – other subjects do not

12 How will results be measured at the end of Year 11?
BUCKET 1 BUCKET 2 BUCKET 3 English – best result - x2 Maths x2 Science (including Computer Science) x2 French, German, History, Geography x1 Other subjects x3 – can include remaining subjects from Bucket 2 4 results 3 best results

13 How will I know whether my son is making good progress?
Progress is measured at the end of Year 11 against Key Stage 2 results (Year 6) ‘Expected progress’ would look as follows: Level 4 at Key Stage 2  Grade 5 in GCSE at the end of Year 11 ‘Good progress’ would look as follows: Level 4 at Key Stage 2  Grade 6 in GCSE at the end of Year 11 English and mathematics prior attainment data and an average of prior attainment for all other subjects. Targets on Academic mentoring report from December – set at ‘good’




17 Subject Portfolio 1 Core subjects: English – Language and Literature
Mathematics Double Award or Triple Science Core P.E./Games SMSC – Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education – delivered through a range of subjects

18 Subject Portfolio 2 Baccalaureate subjects:
Double Award or Triple Science Modern Foreign Language – French or German Humanities – History of Geography

19 Subject Portfolio 3 3/4 GCSE’s from the following……
Art & Design Business Studies Computer Science Design & Technology Drama Food, Nutrition and preparation* French Geography German History Media Studies* Music Physical Education* Religious Education IT Use qualification*

20 *Alternative to GCSE courses
Level 2 VCERTS – more practical in nature Food and Cookery Sports Studies Creative Media IT qualification

21 Important dates for your diary..
Event Wednesday 18th January Year 9 Options evening Friday 20th January 2017 Year 9 IAG day Options Booklet issued Monday 23rd January 2017 onwards Opportunities Assemblies for ‘new’ subjects - Media Studies, Business Studies; etc Wednesday 8th February 2017 – 16: :00 Year 9 parent and carer (progress) evening Friday February 10th 2017 Options form final deadline to Form Tutors Friday March 17th 2017 Academic Mentoring Day Monday June 12th – Thursday June 15th 2017 Year 9 summer examinations Tuesday July 18th 2017 Full year 9 report issued

22 Beyond Key Stage 4 Ms Barns : Director of Coombe Sixth form

23 How do GCSEs contribute to students’ future plans?
Grades significant – GCSE grades as a predictor of degree performance. English Language and Maths Particular course in mind? Importance of good study habits – independent learners, good literacy.

24 What are the options Post -16?
In education, employment or training until 18. Apprenticeships BTEC qualifications A Level qualifications

25 Changes to qualifications
Level 3 BTECs and A Levels both two year courses BTECs based on units, mostly assessed throughout the course, with one exam. A Levels now linear with all exams at the end of two years. Increased complexity in both types of qualification

26 GCSE choices and Sixth Form choices
What does your son enjoy doing? What might he want to study in the sixth form? Where possible, it is best to have studied a Level 3 subject at Level 2 (GCSE).

27 Coombe Sixth Form Level 3 courses
c. 400 students in the Sixth Form, 300 doing A levels and around 100 doing BTECs. From Sept 2017, it will be possible for students to combine some A Level and BTEC qualifications Results in 2016 were excellent: 100% of student achieved at least 3 grades A* to E. Almost a third of all entries graded A*/A Almost 80% of all entries graded A*-C

28 Progression from our sixth form
Academic support to ensure success Aspire programmes IAG support Most common route is University Increasing number of Level 4 Apprenticeships We have four former students currently at Oxford and a current student has just been offered a place

29 Proposed entry criteria
Minimum entry requirement to Coombe Sixth Form, 5 GCSEs (including one equivalency) graded 5 and above A Levels English and Maths at grade 5 and above Subject specific criteria, likely to be grade 6 and above in the subject chosen at A Level BTEC Level 3 5 GCSEs (including one equivalency) graded 5 and above

30 Further questions?
Ms Velissarides based at CBS Ms Barns based at CGS

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