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Presentation on theme: "MRS. PICKNER’S FIFTH GRADE PRODUCTION."— Presentation transcript:



A procedure is the way that we do things. To do things right, we have to follow some simple procedures. So, to be successful in learning, you need to follow some simple procedures.

4 Welcome to another school year:
I am looking forward to teaching this year’s math and science curriculum. I hope that we can build a community, incorporating all the students at St. Joseph’s School. “Where we go one, we should go all.”

5 My My Responsibilities To Treat you with care and respect.
To provide you an orderly classroom. To teach you the required content. To provide the appropriate motivation. My

6 Your Responsibilities:
To treat everyone with care and respect. To be cooperative and not disruptive. To study and do your best (success = effort). To learn and master the required content.

7 Schedule Begin each morning with bell ringer, attendance, lunch count, flag and St Joseph’s pledges, and Prayer Board. Recess M-F 10:00 Math/Science (everyday) Religion (M, W, TH) Art (once a week) Lunch 12:05 Church (T & F 7:55) Music (T 11:00 & Th 11:30) PE (M & Th 11:00) Computer M & F10:30; M & T 1:45

8 Materials One folder will be used for math and one for science.
In your three-ring binder, you will have a section for math, one for science, and special projects. You are responsible for writing in your assignment books. You must use pencil on all graded work.

9 When I need your attention, I will say “Kids” or “Kids of Christ”
When I need your attention, I will say “Kids” or “Kids of Christ”. Stop what you are doing and make eye contact with me to show you are ready to listen. Keep voices low at all times. No talking in the hallways, during announcements and in church. Respect each other at all times, as well as respect all other students, teachers, principals, and visitors in our building. Use your best manners at all times.

10 When speaking to adults say “Yes or No, Mr. or Mrs
When speaking to adults say “Yes or No, Mr. or Mrs. (insert their name)”. If you do not know their name say “Yes/No, Sir/Madam”. Speak in complete sentences. Clean up and return items you use in the classroom.

11 When someone enters the classroom, continue working quietly.
Follow all classroom rules and procedures when adults are in the classroom. Use restroom at appropriate times. Recess/lunch/before school. Be on time to class/school.

12 Clean your surrounding desk area at the end of our class.
Before dismissal, pack what’s needed to take to the next class/home. Put your seat sack in the correct spot. Reflect on the day’s work. Wait in your chair to be dismissed. I dismiss you, NOT the bell.

13 You can teach by… Showing someone how to get the right answer.
Point out, and walk classmate through examples. Do not provide your classmate with the answer. Verbalize / summarize your answer.

14 After you have completed your work:
Check your work and the directions one more time to see if you missed anything or did something incorrectly. If the assignment is to be turned in, do so. Take your assigned number (clothes pin) put it in basket with your assignment. Work on any missing assignments/read silently/work on activities (i.e. IXL)

15 When you are absent: Get assignment(s) from Mrs. Pickner. Do the work at home, if you do not have time in class. For every day you are absent, you will have one day to makeup your missing assignment(s) before it is counted as late (i.e—reason for dating your assignment). One point deducted for every day it is late.

16 Homework Procedure: Each day, YOU are responsible for completing your Assignment Book. I will spot check to make sure your parents have signed your book, when needed.

17 A few ground rules that need to be followed during instruction:
Raise your hand. When you need my attention, raise your hand. One speaker at a time. No cross-room conversations, EVER. Movement with a purpose (academic). Clean up after yourself. Saying “I CAN’T” will not be allowed regarding assignments.

18 Labeling your assignments
Your name (upper right side) Date (upper left side) Start assignments on the left side and work right. Then go to next row and continue. Always go left to right. (Never top to bottom) Use pencil only on all assignments.

19 Grading Scale: A~100-94; B~93-87; C~86-78; D~77-70

20 Special Projects Genius Hour Growth Mindset DARE Coding
Math, Science, College, TBA Growth Mindset DARE Coding STEM activities Quaponics

21 Dress Code DRESS CODE Timothy 2:9 states “dress modestly, with decency.” Therefore, SJS students’ dress and appearance should be neat, modest, and should not distract from the educational process. Mass Days Students are encouraged to dress in clothes appropriate for mass. Therefore, the following guidelines must be adhered to: Tops No writing or logos (St. Joseph School is an exception) Must have a sleeve and cover shoulders Must completely cover torso without being too large Shorts/Pants Jean, khaki, or dress (zipper preferred) Length of shorts must reach the middle of the thigh Leggings must be worn with a dress or skirt

22 Respect Be Present Listen to the teacher and others. One speaker at a
time. Raise your hand. Make Good Choices. Be Present Never Give Up! Stay Organized. Responsibility Focus on task completion. Avoid Distractions. Science from Murf LLC Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

23 Why You Will Succeed. What is taught in this class is important!
I believe in you. You can Do It. Never Give Up!

24 Activity--Coat of Arms

25 Coat of Arms Activity. A Coat of Arms has long been a symbol of a family's identity and values. Originally used to identify warriors dressed in armor, each knight chose symbols and colors to represent his family or clan.

26 Coat of Arms Activity. Please create a Coat of Arms about yourself
to share with the class.

27 Coat of Arms Activity. and then what needs to go on your shield.
I will first show you how to make your shield and then what needs to go on your shield.



30 My interests are Science, biking, boating, reading, chess, and hiking.

31 To continue to learn in my field, help my students and community and travel.

32 My parents and my family as well as some friends.

33 To improve my skills and understanding of the world, career, graduation.

34 Coat of Arms Activity!

35 Always remember that we are a FAMILY, and we are going to have a FANTASTIC school year.



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