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Helpful Tips for your Corporate Mobile Device

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1 Helpful Tips for your Corporate Mobile Device

2 Mobile Voice & Data Plans
Voice plans are essentially unlimited to meet your business needs. Smartphones include unlimited text messages. Data plans are sufficient to meet all business related needs, such as and attachments. Unlimited data Streaming of music, video, and game playing while not connected to WIFI will create excessive data use and will be reported to management on a monthly basis. Cellular Data is NOT unlimited on corporate mobile devices!

3 Monthly Management Reports
How to keep your name off monthly management reports: Cellular data plans are for s and web browsing Streaming music, video, and gaming while on Cellular Data will place your name on monthly reports to management and corporate. 3. Turn off cellular data for apps that are not work-related: Settings>Cellular> Use Cellular Data For>Slide to Off (use WiFi for these apps) 4. Track your data usage each month 5. The use of your personal Hotspot increases your data usage.

4 3. 2. 1. 3. 1. 2. Track Data Usage On iPhone/iPad
Scroll down to “Cellular Data Usage” & view the data for the current period. Data usage shown may not reflect current usage. Click on the “Settings” icon. Tap on the “Cellular” menu. Reset Statistics each month per carrier bill cycle to track your usage – see page 7 3. 1. 2. Scroll down to the bottom of the Cellular page & tap on “Reset Statistics” per your carrier’s bill cycle. Click on the “Settings” icon. Tap on the “Cellular” menu.

5 1. 2. 3. Samsung Devices: How To Check Data Usage
Swipe down from the top of the device and tap to open settings. Tap on the Data Usage icon in Quick Settings. You will see the mobile data usage next to the month and also a chart showing the usage throughout the month.

6 1. 1. 2. 3. 2. Set The Mobile Data Limit On Samsung Devices
How To Change The Data Reporting Period On Samsung Devices 1. 1. 2. 3. Enable the mobile data limit by tapping the toggle. On the Data Usage page, click on the date drop down just below “Set mobile data limit”. Scroll up or down to the first day of your carriers bill cycle and tap “Set”. Tap on the red circle at the end of the “limit” line and drag it up or down to automatically disable data when you reach a set amount of data used. 2. Tap on the black circle at the end of the “warning” line and drag it up or down to set an alert for yourself when you reach a set amount of data used.

7 Track data usage by resetting
your statistics each month based on your carrier’s bill cycle. Set a calendar reminder to reset your data statistics on the 1st day of your bill cycle.

8 Corporate Mobile Device / Data Usage
Cellular data is not unlimited High data users may be required to transfer service from Corporate Account to a Personal Account. Use your device for job-related activities Track your usage per your bill cycle Give us a call if you have questions or need assistance Call Beverly Thompson or Sandra Isbell at

9 Mobile Device Support 904-854-8609
Stolen, lost, or broken device? Contact your local IT support team Traveling outside United States? Contact your local IT support team to arrange International Service Plan at least 3 days in advance of your departure. Need assistance in understanding data use, order procedures, upgrade eligibility? Contact FNF Corporate Mobile Support Team at:

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