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Tuesday, 1/3/17 World History – Subject for today

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, 1/3/17 World History – Subject for today"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, 1/3/17 World History – Subject for today
Intro and Geography of Latin America POD – Topic and activity: New seats Intro to Latin America Map work Journal Describe how the geography of Latin America has likely effected culture of inhabitants. Homework today: Finish maps

2 Wednesday, 1/4/17 World History – Subject for today
History of Latin America POD – Topic and activity: Check maps for credit PPT on History of Latin America Journal Left side: 2 FACTS FROM EACH SLIDE ON YOUR HANDOUT Right side: Describe how and why Latin America is Catholic, and why and how they developed the stratified social structure they have today. Homework today: Find the reason(s) the Spanish were able to conquer the Latin American Indigenous population so completely. Do NOT just print out an article – write this down on the left side of yesterday’s journal.

3 Thursday, 1/5/17 World History – Subject for today
Modern Issues in Latin America POD – Topic and activity: Check journals for all four section completion Why were the Spanish able to conquer the Latin American Indigenous population so completely, quickly and easily? Description of Project Latin America To Lab #2 for research Journal none Homework today: Finish project by Monday

Discuss modern Issues in Latin America (3 students/day for 6 days) SHORT TERM OBJECTIVES: Quick introduction description of topic (1-3 min) Must be mostly visual Should include several images and at least one graph Discussion portion preparation a one-two page article that you make, find, or edit five insightful, leading questions. Hand in with article, but don’t attach – students should not see them ahead of time Your LEADING of class by including majority of student in discussion YOUR GRADE Visual and intro (1-2 min) Your command of the subject during the discussion phase (8-10 min) Planning and delivery, ability to create interest in topic TOPICS: DUE DATE: Issues facing Latin America today Monday, Jan 9

5 1 El Chapo, Pablo Escobar, and other powerful leaders 2 Drug Trafficking 3 Human Trafficking - sold into slavery in wealthy nations 4 Power of Drug Lords 5 Illegal Immigration: Smuggling of people 6 Loss of jobs to Mexico 7 Violence and crime in Latin America 8 USA struggling in enforcing the Monroe Doctrine and keep allies in region 9 Women's Rights 10 Endemic poverty, and the Disparity between Rich vs. Poor 11 Influence of outside nations and outside investors 12 Poor Education, what causes it, and what it leads to 13 Poor nutrition, health concerns and chronic obesity 14 Political Instability, Contras vs. Sandinistas, Dictators and poor governance 15 Environmental crisis, incl. loss of rain forest, pollution, Global Warming and sustainability 16 Decisions of American colonies in the Caribbean 17 The past, present and future of Cuba and the Castrol regime 18 Issues leading into, during and after the Rio 2016 Olympics

6 Friday, 1/6/17 World History – Subject for today
20 min class – 2hr. delay POD – Topic and activity: Discussion and on courses for next year with South kids Collect GIEP documents Journal none Homework today:

7 Monday, 1/9/17 World History – Subject for today
If you did not hand your GIEP invitation letter yet, please do that as soon as you can! World History – Subject for today Modern Issues in Latin America POD – Topic and activity: Discussion and spot check of Project Latin America To Lab #2 for research & to finalize project Journal 4:3 (put on right side, and be sure to date it) Choose a person (or people) from previous lessons, and fix their poor decisions and show what would change from your “fix.” (called “revisionist history.”) Examples: Cortez, Montezuma, other Indian tribes, people who played that game “to the death,” Creoles who fought for independence, the Spanish, etc. - Peer assess… - put student responses to each other on left side. Homework today: Finish project by Tuesday

8 Due THURSDAY: Your two page article/write up
This can be an article you find and tweek, a combination of your thoughts and an article, or an edited article. Or, it can be more than one article mushed into one two-page write up. Your five questions – this is just for me, not for the class (until your presentation). Your PPT Can be handed in printed out, sent to me, rough sketched, the poster you’ll use… whatever… just to show me you have it done. Your grade sheet, top filled out.

9 Tuesday, 1/10/17 World History – Subject for today
Modern Issues in Latin America POD – Topic and activity: CNN 10 (the new CNN Student News) (LEFT SIDE) PPT #3 – Modern Issues Journal 4:4 Journal 4:4 (put on right side, and be sure to date it) Put the top three Modern Issues in Latin America, including ANYTHING else you know about, and discuss why they are issues: who they effect. Homework today: Finish project by Thursday If you did not hand your GIEP invitation letter yet, please do that as soon as you can!

10 Wednesday & Thursday, 1/11-12/17
World History – Subject for today America’s role in Latin America POD – Topic and activity: CNN 10 (label with date – LEFT SIDE) Articles distribution Prep for presentation tomorrow Journal (label with journal number – RIGHT SIDE) Journal 4:5 What is our appropriate role in Latin America? Cite examples to prove your point. Peer assess… Homework: All project material due THURSDAY (article, questions (separate), PPT

11 For your article: Read, then summarize with your group
Decide on 5+ ideas presented What’s your opinion? Write a thesis… this should be an educated opinion based on information and ideas you glean from you article. Information proving your thesis should be found in article, preferably from #2 (above) Prepare one of those posters, and… Choose one of these: Write a revisionist history: fix the problem… describe how you’d do that with a new “revised” direction Discuss what comes next… what is a solution, or what will be a probable next step… the future history

12 Friday, 1/13/17 through Friday 1/20/17
World History – Subject for today Presentations POD – Topic and activity: We’ll move FAST… Goal: 3-4 presentations each day Journal none Homework today:

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