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The First Five Presidents

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2 The First Five Presidents
George Washington James Madison John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Monroe 4 5 1 2 3

3 George Washington It was rumored that this President had wooden teeth; however, he did not. By the time he became President he only had one real tooth left.

4 Thomas Jefferson After the Library of Congress was destroyed by the British Army in the War of 1812, this President sold his personal library of books and used the money to restore the Library of Congress.

5 John Adams This President was responsible for appointing the Midnight judges.

6 James Monroe This President also died on July 4th, but five years after Presidents Adams and Jefferson.

7 Thomas Jefferson This President sent Lewis and Clark out to explore the west and find a route to the Pacific Ocean.

8 George Washington This President founded the US Navy, established the first US currency, created the State Department and established the Supreme Court.

9 John Adams This President was an attorney who defended the British soldiers after the attack on the colonial citizens in the Boston Massacre.

10 Thomas Jefferson This President ordered Secretary of State James Madison not to deliver the official papers confirming some of the Midnight Judges.

11 George Washington This was the only President to have a national flag with thirteen stars.

12 Thomas Jefferson This President was responsible for purchasing a huge area of land from France called the Louisiana Purchase.

13 George Washington This President was involved with planning the White house but never actually lived there.

14 John Adams This man was the first President to live in the White House.

15 James Monroe This man was President when the Missouri Compromise was signed which held off the Civil War for a few more years.

16 The XYZ Affair took place under this President.
John Adams The XYZ Affair took place under this President.

17 Thomas Jefferson This President was asked to write the Declaration of Independence by attorney John Adams.

18 George Washington This President was a Revolutionary War hero who …………
Organized a surprise attack against the Hessians and crossed the Delaware River on the morning of December 26, 1776.

19 James Madison Together with Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay, this President was one of the authors of the Federalist Papers.

20 James Monroe This man was the first senator to be elected President.

21 Thomas Jefferson This President founded, designed and built the University of Virginia.

22 John Adams This President signed off on one of the worst legislative acts ever, the Alien and Sedition Acts.

23 James Madison This President, who was Secretary of State at the time was sued by William Marbury because he refused to deliver the official papers confirming Marbury’s judgeship.

24 James Monroe This President is the only person to have served as both Secretary of State and Secretary of War.

25 George Washington This is the only President to be unanimously elected.

26 John Adams This President was significant in history because his presidency established the fact that the transfer of power from one president to another could happen peacefully.

27 James Madison This President served as Secretary of State to President Jefferson.

28 George Washington This President was an officer in the British army during the French and Indian War. He established Fort Necessity in the Ohio Valley but was defeated by the French.

29 James Madison He was the first congressman to be elected President.

30 John Adams This President spent most of the Revolutionary War in France asking for support for the War.

31 George Washington This President was appointed as the Commander of the Continental Army.

32 James Monroe This President was elected to a second term in 1820 and had no opponent running against him.

33 James Madison This President is known as the Father of the Constitution.

34 John Adams He was one of the few Presidents to only serve one term.

35 James Monroe This President was wounded in Battle of Trenton during the Revolutionary War.

36 George Washington In his final speech as President, this person encouraged the country to stay away from political parties and not to get involved in foreign affairs.

37 James Monroe This man was the last Democratic Republican to serve as President. He was also a staunch Antifederalist.

38 James Madison Small in stature (5’4), this President served briefly in the Virginia militia and then entered politics at a young age. He was also the youngest delegate at the 1780 Continental Congress in Philadelphia.

39 John Adams This President’s son became the sixth President of the United States.

40 Thomas Jefferson This President promoted the economic idea know as Laissez Faire.

41 James Madison This President was the last surviving signer of the US Constitution.

42 Thomas Jefferson John Adams
There were only two Presidents that signed of the Declaration of Independence that went on to become President. They also both died on July 4th 1826.

43 James Madison This President was concerned about listing individual rights in the Constitution because it might possibly limit other, unlisted rights. He had a change of heart when it became apparent that a Bill of Rights was needed to get the Constitution ratified.

44 Thomas Jefferson This President served as Secretary of State under President George Washington.

45 This President was not a slave owner.
John Adams This President was not a slave owner.

46 Thomas Jefferson This President sent Thomas Pickney to France to find a way to keep the port of New Orleans open for American trade.

47 James Monroe This President sent forth a bold foreign policy statement that declared the United States would not interfere in the affairs of Europe and likewise would not tolerate any European Countries interfering with the nations in the Americas.

48 Thomas Jefferson This President was one of the most intriguing figures of the era. A man of the Enlightenment, he was ahead of his time with an astounding intelligence in multiple fields like politics, law, architecture, archaeology, paleontology and spoke several languages.

49 James Madison This President went to Congress and asked for a declaration of War against England which started the War of 1812.

50 James Monroe He was President of the United States during the Era of Good Feelings.

51 James Madison This President’s wife, Dolly rescued President Washington’s portrait from the White House as the British were burning it down.

52 George Washington This President was the first to sign the new Constitution at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.

53 James Monroe This President purchased Florida from Spain for 5 million dollars.

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