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= organic compounds with a hydroxyl (-OH) group

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1 = organic compounds with a hydroxyl (-OH) group
Alcohol = organic compounds with a hydroxyl (-OH) group

2 Used as solvents, found in antifreeze, perfumes, fuels, hairspray, medications, etc.
All can be toxic to humans Some in small amounts, others in large amounts

3 Alcohol in the Body Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) – depressant = slows heart rate, brain activity, and causes drowsiness Absorbed to blood thru stomach / small intestine As alcohol concentration , response to stimuli

4 Initially, very happy b/c part of brain that controls inhibitions is depressed
More alcohol, less coordination, more confusion Part of brain for learning and memory - affected

5 Liver – alcohol broken down by alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)
Becomes acetaldehyde  CO2 and H2O (90%) Remaining 10% excreted (breath, sweat, urine) Metabolizes 1-2 drinks/hour If more, excess alcohol goes to tissues

6 Blood Alcohol Concentrations/ Levels of Intoxication
0.08 BAC = 8 g alcohol per 10,000 mL blood Behavior: – normal – euphoria (talkative, confident, less inhibited); loss of motor skills – blurry vision, loss of balance & coordination; sleepy

7 – slurred speech, dizzy, disoriented; very emotional & confused; ++ increased tolerance for pain & affected resp system – difficulty in walking and standing; vomit; lose control of bladder – impaired resp and circ systems; difficulty breathing; temperature drop; coma; die potentially fatal

8 Factors Weight, amount consumed, time frame, food in stomach, how often person drinks Alcohol attracted to water  will collect in body tissues with more water Body fat does not contain much water, so does not absorb much alcohol So, more alcohol in blood

9 Food in stomach slows absorption  pyloric sphincter closes
Carbonation speeds absorption 20% absorbed thru stomach walls 80% absorbed thru small intestine walls Medications with sedative effects enhance alcohol’s effect Alcohol may decrease effectiveness of meds

10 Tolerance = Body’s need for progressively larger amounts of a chemical to cause the same level of intoxication 2 types: Metabolic tolerance – more EtOH, more ADH  speeds elimination and lowers BAC – serious liver damage Functional tolerance – display fewer symptoms of intoxication, no effect on BAC or impairment

11 Alcohol and the Law 0.08+ BAC = DUI = illegal
If driver refuses breath or blood sample, lose license for 6 months – year 1966 – Schmerber v. California – blood sample tested w/o consent – said it violates 5th Amendment right US Supreme Court – did not – 5th Amend. for testimonial evidence, not physical

12 Determining Alcohol Levels
Quickly – presumptive field tests Field Sobriety Tests: Odor of alcohol Horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN) test – more pronounced involuntary jerking motions of eyes; small light moved slowly side to side, follow with eyes Divided attention tests – backwards ABCs while on one foot; heel to toe walk

13 Alcohol diffuses into alveoli of lungs
Alcohol in breath = 1/2,100 alcohol in blood (2,100 mL of exhaled air = 1 mL blood) Breath Tests Breathalyzer – measures amount of alcohol in exhaled air

14 Blood tests more accurate than urine
GC-MS – separates components, recorded as peak on chromatogram

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