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Drinking and Driving A Preventable Tragedy.

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Presentation on theme: "Drinking and Driving A Preventable Tragedy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drinking and Driving A Preventable Tragedy

2 Background Drinking and driving is a significant problem in the United States and Arizona is no exception. It is estimated That in 2012, 29.1 million people admitted to driving under the influence of alcohol - that’s more than the population of Texas (National Survey on Drug Use and Health). Additionally, a recent study shows that, “Every day in America, another 28 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes” (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).

3 Background “In 2013, 10,076 people died in drunk driving crashes - one every 52 minutes - and 290,000 were injured in drunk driving crashes” (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). Unfortunately this does not just cause a problem for those to choose to get behind the wheel while impaired, but kills and destroys the lives of countless others. “In 2012, 239 child passengers (under age 15) were killed in drunk driving crashes – representing 20 percent of all child traffic fatalities. Of those, more than half (52 percent) were passengers in a vehicle with the drunk driver” (NHTSA data query). According to the research young adults are the most likely to be involved. “In fatal crashes in 2011, the highest percentage of drunk drivers was for drivers ages 21 to 24 (32 percent), followed by ages 25 to 34 (30 percent) and 35 to 44 (24 percent)” (“Traffic Safety Facts 2011: Alcohol-Impaired Driving”).Not to mention the mothers. Fathers, children and other loved ones who are left behind to pick up the pieces.

4 Why I am Interested in This Topic
My father was my hero; I was definitely a “Daddy’s Girl”. He called me Princess and when he was around, no one could convince me otherwise. This is the last photo he ever took. Only weeks later, he was thrown from his car after falling asleep at the wheel. He died alone on the side of the road of massive brain trauma from where the car had landed and crushed him. ; his blood alcohol level was a I was twelve years old and my life has never been the same.

5 Genres by Other People (Soft Sources)

6 Genres by Other People (Soft Sources)

7 It CAN Happen to YOU ?v=Z2mf8DtWWd8

8 Drinking and Driving Laws
DUI Laws In Other Countries If you think that Connecticut DUI laws are too stiff, check out what reportedly happens in other countries: Australia - Immediate loss of license for a minimum of six months if it is your first offense and a permanent loss for your second offense (source) Canada - First offence: $1,000 fine, 1-year driving prohibition; second offence: 30 days jail, 2-year driving prohibition; third or subsequent offence: 120 days jail, 3-year driving prohibition (source) Costa Rica - A fine of about $500, loss of license for 2 years, and possible confiscation of your car or even jail time (source) El Salvador - Anyone with a BAC over 0.01 (which is effectively zero tolerance), automatic license suspension, seizure of your vehicle and probable fines (source) England - Lose of license for a minimum 1 year (3 years for 2nd offence if within 10 years),  substantial fine and possibility of up to 6 months imprisonment (source) Finland - Drivers guilty of driving while intoxicated face a fine or imprisonment for up to two years (source) France - Your car will be confiscated, three year loss of license, possibility of one year in jail and a $1,000 fine (source) New Zealand - A fine of at least $1,000 and depending upon your age and BAC level, the lose of your license for at least three months (source) Norway - Fines between 6,000 to 8,000 Norwegian krona, which is around $1,000 - $1,500 US dollars (source) Russia - A first-time offender convicted of a DUI can have their license suspended for up to two years; In addition, knowingly allowing an intoxicated person to drive can get your license suspended; Refusing a field or chemical sobriety test can result in a fifteen day imprisonment (source) Sweden - A BAC over 0.02 will result in fines based upon how much money you have in the bank, possibly have your car seize and sold off and being sent to an alcohol treatment program  Arizona Laws: Penalties for a Standard DUI

9 Arizona DUI Laws Penalties for a Standard DUI 10 days in jail.
A fine of $1,250. Required completion of an alcohol/drug screening, treatment, and education program. An ignition interlock requirement for every vehicle you drive. Community service.

10 Genre one: Poem

11 Genre Two: Lasting Impact
How it affected and continues to affect others Brothers and Sisters- Children- Grandchildren- Friends and Others-

12 Genre Two: “Silent Legacy”

13 Genre Three: Musical Obituary
In process

14 Conclusion Findings (in process) Suggestions/Solutions (in process)

15 Works Cited In Progress

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