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A changing landscape.

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1 A changing landscape

2 Internationally important wetlands: Biodiversity Water
Photo: Joy Russell Internationally important wetlands: Biodiversity Water Carbon storage (peat) Archaeology Working landscape: Farmland Peat extraction Nature reserves Tourism

3 Best examples of habitat / Rare habitats
Site of Special Scientific Interest (‘Triple-S I’): Protected by law to preserve wildlife or geology Best examples of habitat / Rare habitats Photo: Joy Russell National Nature Reserves: Protect the UK’s most important habitats and species. Outdoor laboratories Ramsar: Framework for conservation of areas of international importance Biodiversity Action Plan: International programme to address threatened species and habitats Scheduled Monuments Protection of nationally important archaeological sites


5 The Avalon Marshes Somerset, UK Image: Red Kite

6 N E S W The Avalon Marshes

7 <10m above sea level, in places it is below sea level!
Low-lying wetlands: <10m above sea level, in places it is below sea level! Mix of habitats: wet woodland, reedbed, grassland, bog, fen, water, farmland Between the Mendip and Polden Hills - highest point is Glastonbury Tor (once and island) Layers of peat hold layers of history Photo: Joy Russell Photo: Joy Russell

8 Nature reserves Farmland Villages Glastonbury Town and Tor Historical/archaeological sites Tourism

9 Photo: Lynne Newton Photo: Lynne Newton Photo: John Crispin Photo: Lynne Newton




13 The Abbott’s Way (Stone-Age) Meare Heath Track (Bronze-Age)
Ancient track-ways The Sweet Track (3806BC) The Abbott’s Way (Stone-Age) Meare Heath Track (Bronze-Age) Replica of The Sweet Track Image: E Mortlemans


15 Lake Villages Meare (from 300BC): a seasonal marketplace Glastonbury (from 250BC): a permanent settlement inhabited for approx. 200 years

16 Burtle

17 Roman industry Salt – very important for preserving; used for trade ‘Salterns’ also used for forging counterfeit coins! Huge hoard of Roman silver coins found near Shapwick

18 Somerset ‘Land of the summer people’ First named during Anglo-Saxon times Farming Abundance of resources

19 The Middle Ages Disputes between Glastonbury Abbey and Bishop of Wells over land ownership in the Avalon Marshes The Abbot’s Fish House by Meare Pool supplies fish to the Abbots of Glastonbury Image: Saxton Image: Red Kite

20 18th Century – division and enclosure of land begins Rhynes (reens)
Draining the Marshes 18th Century – division and enclosure of land begins Rhynes (reens) Droves Drains Photo: Joy Russell

21 Peat extraction - 19th Century

22 Peat extraction – 20th Century
Change from fuel and animal bedding to compost Extraction and processing by machine, not hand Plastic sacks rather than truck or hessian bags 1960s-1980s industry peaks 1990s pressure on industry due to environmental concerns Image: Peter Alexander

23 Farming: Large amount of land in Avalon Marshes used for farming, and many people working as farmers Seasonal – summer grazing of cattle and sheep on Marshes (winter on higher land) Farming for conservation – partnerships between farmers and nature reserve managers

24 The landscape today: Voids left by peat extraction have filled with water and now provide habitat for wildlife The unusual landscape is unique in its lines and shapes, and is a mosaic of different habitats Photo: RSPB

25 Characteristic wetland species – willow, common reed, yellow iris etc
Flora: Characteristic wetland species – willow, common reed, yellow iris etc Important and rare species – sundew, cotton tail grass, devil’s bit scabius, royal fern, several orchids, sphagnum mosses Indicators of healthy habitats – meadows, bogs, fens etc Photo: Joy Russell

26 Common wetland species – kingfisher, swan, grey heron etc
Photo: Lynne Newton Photo: Lynne Newton Birds: Common wetland species – kingfisher, swan, grey heron etc Conservation success stories - great white egret, bittern Famous spectacles - starling murmurations Photo: Lynne Newton Photo: Lynne Newton

27 Photo: Lynne Newton Photo: Joy Russell Thousands of invertebrate species, including rarities – shrill carder bee, lesser silver diving beetle, shining ram’s horn snail Reptiles and amphibians – adders, grass snake, slow worms, lizards, newts (including the protected great crested newt) Mammals including the protected water vole, plus otters, and rare bats (greater and lesser horseshoe) Photo: Joy Russell Photo: Lynne Newton Photo: Lynne Newton

28 Photo: David Tipling 20/20 Vision Photo: Ross Hoddinott 20/20 Vision
Photo: Joy Russell


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