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Brazil What I KNOW What I WANT to know What I LEARNED.

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3 Brazil What I KNOW What I WANT to know What I LEARNED

4 United States Brazil

5 Kayapo Indian Group The Kayapo Indians are one of the main native groups that remain in the rain forest around the Amazon River in Brazil. The Kayapos were known traditionally as fierce warriors. The Kayapos live in thatched-roof huts without room divisions. The thatch for the roofs is made of palm leaves. The huts are quite roomy and large enough for an entire family. Instead of using mattresses, the bedding usually consists of hammocks. These are much cooler and more comfortable in a jungle environment.

6 The Geography of Brazil
Brazil is the largest country in South America. Brazil covers almost half of the continent. The country is divided into 5 geographic regions.


8 What is the capital of Brazil? __________________________
What ocean borders Brazil to the east? ___________________ What is the name of the huge rainforest in northern Brazil? ___________________________________________________ What is the name of the river that runs through this rainforest? ___________________________________________________ In what country does this river begin? __________________

9 Central-West Region 2. Northeast Region 3. North Region 4. Southeast Region 5. South Region

10 Brasilia This is the capital of Brazil. Brasilia is located in the
Central-West Region. The population is around 2,557,000.

11 Brasilia was created to encourage people to move inland
Brasilia was created to encourage people to move inland. If you looked down on the city from above, you would see that it is shaped like an airplane. The government offices make up the center cabin of the plane. The executive, judicial, and legislative buildings form the nose of the plane. The wings are the parts of the city where most of the people live.

12 Central-West Region This region is known for its huge cattle ranches and a large, swampy area called the Pantanal.

13 Northeast region This region is known for its beautiful beaches. This region is rocky and gets very little rainfall. When it does rain, the region often floods. The dry spells and flooding cause people to migrate to other parts of Brazil.

14 North Region The North Region is home to the mighty Amazon River, the highest point in Brazil, and the world’s largest rain forest. Although this is the largest of the 5 regions, covering almost half of Brazil, it has a small population of around 15 million people.

15 Amazon River The Amazon River is the largest river in the world by volume and possibly by length. There are disputes as to whether the Nile River or the Amazon River is longer.

16 The Amazon River is approximately 4,000 miles long
The Amazon River is approximately 4,000 miles long. It begins in Peru and travels through the North Region of Brazil. During the dry season it can be up to 6 miles wide and during the rainy season it can be up to 24 miles wide!

17 At no point is the river crossed by bridges
At no point is the river crossed by bridges. This is mainly because, for most of its length, the river flows through the tropical rainforest, where there are few roads and even fewer cities.

18 So, how did the Amazon get to be so big
So, how did the Amazon get to be so big? The first reason has to do with its location - right at the equator. This is a tropical zone where over 400 in of rain falls every year. That averages out to more than an inch of rain, every day! A lot of water falls onto the land surrounding the river, what is called the "Amazon River drainage basin". A good way to understand what a drainage basin is to think of the whole northern half of the continent of South America as a shallow dish. Whenever rain falls and lands anywhere in the river basin it all runs into the lowest place in the pan, which happens to be the Amazon River. The sheer volume of rain in the Amazon jungle, as well as the slope of the surrounding land, combine to create the enormous river known as the Amazon!!

19 Pico da Neblina This mountain is the highest point in Brazil. The mountain is 9,822 feet above sea level and is located near the border of Venezuela.

20 The word neblina means "fog" in both Portuguese and Spanish; so, the peak's name (meaning "Peak of the Mists") reflects that it is shrouded in dense clouds most of the time.

21 Amazon Rain Forest The Amazon represents over half of the planet's remaining rainforests, and it comprises the largest and most species-rich tract of tropical rainforest in the world.

22 Southeast Region Most of the people of Brazil live in this region. The population is around 79 million people. This region is the most developed region and has many mountains and farmlands. The cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are located here. Rio de Janeiro used to be the capital of Brazil.

23 South Region This is the smallest region. Rocky coasts, forests, and waterfalls are found in this region. Cattle graze on pastures called pampas.

24 The waterfall system consists of 275 falls along 1
The waterfall system consists of 275 falls along 1.67 miles of the Iguazu River. The falls are located on the border of Brazil and Argentina. Iguazu Falls

25 The History of Brazil Indians were the first to inhabit the land of Brazil. In 1500 an explorer names Pedro Álvares Cabral claimed the land for Portugal. The Portuguese cut down trees and exported brazil wood back to Portugal. They also began raising sugarcane, growing coffee, and farming cotton. They needed people to work in the fields so they enslaved the Indians. The discovery of gold and diamonds attracted thousands more Portuguese to Brazil.

26 Portugal ruled Brazil until 1822
Portugal ruled Brazil until Brazil then became an independent nation. In 1888, a law ended slavery. Immigrants from other parts of Europe came to Brazil to work on farms and in mines in place of the enslaved people.

27 The Official Language of Brazil
The rest of South America speaks Spanish…. However, thanks to Portugal’s rule over Brazil until 1882… The official language of Brazil is….Portuguese!

28 Brazil's flag is a deep green banner with a yellow diamond enclosing a night-blue, star-studded Southern Hemisphere sky. The sky depicts 27 white, five-pointed stars (one for each state and the Federal District). A banner across the sky reads, “ORDEM E PROGRESSO,” which means “order and progress” in Portuguese. This flag was adopted on May 11, 1992.

29 1. How many stars are pictured on the Brazilian flag? ______
2. What do these stars represent? __________________________________________ 3. In what language is the motto on the flag written? __________________________ 4. When was this flag adopted? __________________

30 Government United States Brazil

31 Brazil's Natural Resources
Sugarcane Coffee Cotton Rice Nuts Wheat Corn Rubber Citrus fruit Avocados

32 Manufactured Products
Airplanes Trucks Tractors Clothing Shoes Tires Electric appliances Machinery

33 Imports Oil Coal Chemicals

34 Até a vista

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