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Current Research Areas

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1 Current Research Areas
Music & Science Current Research Areas

2 Arts and Sciences Historical Academic Tradition ‘The Arts’ vs ‘The Sciences’ Traditional GCSEs and A level course combinations Undergraduate Degree: BA or BSc Post graduate Degree: MA or MSc, then Doctorates: PhD & TD (plus professional Doctorates: DEng, DMus, EdD)

3 Not that simple Music: Creative Artistic
but also has an absolute basis within Hard Science

4 Music: an interface between creative and scientific processes
The physics of how sound is created The anatomy behind how sound is heard The neuroscience behind how music is interpreted The psychology behind how music is appreciated The physics and electronics behind Music Technology and digital music production The social sciences: re the impact of music on individuals or communities

5 Research Departments within Conservatoires and Universities
e.g RCM / Imperial College: Centre for Performance Science University of Cambridge: Centre for Music and Science

6 Current Projects: RCM Centre for Performance Science
Time to Decide: Examining How, When and Why Musical Judgements are Made Investigating how musicians and audiences determine what separates a good performance from a great one. IMPACT lab: Performance Simulator TELMI: Technology Enhanced Learning of Musical Instrument Performance  Optimal Music Performance  Musical IMPACT: a study of musicians health and wellbeing. Musical Impact investigates the demands of making music with the aim of enhancing musicians’ health and wellbeing AHRC-funded £1 million project started in September 2013 and sees the UK’s nine top music conservatoires leading the world’s largest ever study into the health and wellbeing of performing musicians.  Art For Ages : Art for Ages examines the role of musical experience and participation in enhancing the physical and mental wellbeing of older adults. Sing with Us explores whether singing affects mental health, wellbeing, quality of life, and social support for people affected by cancer.

7 Centre for Performance science:
Projects: Optimal Music performance: projects Projects: TELMI Projects: IMPACT lab: performance simulator Projects: Time to Decide

8 New (& Older) Technologies to Create Music
Theramin Live Coding: Sonic Pi

9 Theramin live coding

10 Centre for Music and Science: University of Cambridge
The Centre for Music & Science provides a home for research linking music with psychology, speech science, acoustics, computer science and neuroscience It is cross-disciplinary: although the chief specialism of the centre is music cognition, there is increasing emphasis on all aspects of communicative interaction, including speech and body movement With its dedicated studio facilities, the CMS supports technology-based graduate and staff research and teaching in music that requires technological resources. “All known cultures have music, and all cultures expect their members to be able to be able to make sense of their music by making music or listening to it. In the CMS we explore musicality as a fundamental human capacity. We investigate the full range of musical behaviour from private listening to interacting with others, whether in expert performance or just having fun. Music is not just sound: it is dynamic pattern in embodied minds, movement, and social interactions; it is shaped by biology and culture. In the CMS we study music from all these perspectives; we aims to identify its relationships with other domains of human life, particularly speech and language”

11 Academic JOurnals Music Perception Musicae Scientiae
Psychology of Music Journal of New Music Research Empirical Musicology Review Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Psychological Review

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