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Presentation on theme: "Welcome!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome!

2 What will your child be tested on?
1. Reading. This will be a 60 minutes test. 2. Maths. The children will do 3 tests: Arithmetic (40 marks) – 30 minutes test. Paper 2 and 3: Reasoning (35 marks for each test) – 40 minutes for each test. 3. SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) The children will do 2 tests: Spelling Test (20 marks) SPAG test (50 marks) – 45 minutes test.

3 Dates of the Tests Monday 8th May 2016 – Reading test.
Tuesday 9th May 2016 – SPAG tests. Wednesday 10th May 2016 – Paper 1: Arithmetic Test and Paper 2: Reasoning Test. Thursday 11th May 2016 – Paper 3: Reasoning Test

4 Writing and Science No tests!
Evidence is built from ongoing teacher assessments. Writing and Science assessments will be finalised during the 4 weeks after the SATs week. It is crucial children are in school during this time period so evidence can be captured.

5 Booster Sessions! Maths booster – this will take place on a Monday from 9:10 – 10:10. These sessions will consist of 15 minutes arithmetic and 45 minutes reasoning / problem solving. English booster – this will take place on a Tuesday from 1:00pm – 2:00pm. These sessions will consist of 15 minutes grammar input and 45 minutes reading skills input. These boosters have already started and will run right up to the week before SATs.

6 How can you support your child?
Support your child with home-learning. The children may get extra home-learning some weeks. Support your child with home-learning over the Easter holidays (10 minutes a day approach.) Read with your child at home – ask questions. These can be found in the front of Home-School Books and on the website. Ensure your child attends school every day! If you want any extra materials to use with your child, please ask.

7 During SATs week… Ensure your child… Gets plenty of sleep.
Has a good breakfast. Is on time for school. Attends Breakfast Club (where possible.) Breakfast Club: During SATs week, we recommend you take advantage of the Free Breakfast Club. Children can attend Breakfast Club from 8:20am on the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of SATs week. There will be no charge for Year 6 pupils on these days!

8 Don’t worry - the children are fully prepared!
Last of all… Don’t worry - the children are fully prepared!

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