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Five Broad Climate Regions

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Presentation on theme: "Five Broad Climate Regions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Five Broad Climate Regions
1. Tropical Tropical Wet Year-round rainfall, hot Tropical rainforest Tropical Wet and Dry Rainfall, but some drier times, hot Grasslands, trees 2. Dry Arid Very hot, no rain No vegetation Semi-arid Hot, mild winter, little rain Desert scrub (shrubs and dry grasses)

2 Five Broad Climate Regions
3. Temperate Marine (mid-latitude) Mediterranean Rain in winter, dry summer Mediterranean vegetation Marine West Coast Rain in summer, dry winter Deciduous and coniferous forests Humid subtropical Rain in summer, mild winter Deciduous forests

3 Five Broad Climate Regions
4. Temperate Continental (mid-latitude) Humid Continental Moderate/Hot summer, cold winter Grasslands and forests Sub Arctic Moderate summer, cold winter grassland and coniferous forests 5. Polar (high-latitude) Tundra Cold all years Tundra Vegetation Ice Cap Cold all year Snow and ice all year

4 Plate

5 Temperature, Weather, and Climate
The hot or coldness of the air Weather The day to day temperature Climate The average temperature over a period of time

6 Mechanical Weathering-the erosion or breakdown of rock into smaller fragments by natural physical agents with no chemicals involved

7 Chemical Weathering-Chemical processes that take place to cause the break down of the earth’s surface

8 Weathering and Erosion-the process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by the action of water, glaciers, winds, waves, etc.

9 Glacier-a huge, slow-moving mass of snow and ice

10 River Basin- an area that is lower than surrounding land areas, may be filled with water

11 River-a natural stream of water of fairly large size flowing in a definite course or channel or series of diverging and converging channels

12 Delta- a plain at the mouth of a river, often triangular in shape, formed where sediment is deposited by flowing water

13 River Mouth-the point where a river enters a lake or sea

14 Flood Plain-a broad plain on either side of a river, formed where sediment settles during floods

15 Alluvial Fan-a fan-shaped deposit formed where a fast flowing stream flattens, slows, and spreads typically at the exit of a canyon onto a flatter plain

16 Tributary-a river or stream that flows into a larger one

17 Waterfall-a steep fall or flow of water in a watercourse from a height; cascade

18 Cataract-a large waterfall or steep rapids

19 Lake- you tell me!

20 Fjord-a long, narrow arm of the sea bordered by steep cliffs: usually formed by glacial erosion

21 Ocean-the vast body of salt water that covers almost three fourths of the earth's surface

22 Gulf-a portion of an ocean or sea partly enclosed by land

23 Sea-the salt waters that cover the greater part of the earth's surface; may be landlocked (ocean or large lake)

24 Bay-a body of water that is partly surrounded by land and that is connected to a larger body of water

25 Harbor-a part of a body of water along the shore deep enough for anchoring a ship and so situated with respect to coastal features, whether natural or artificial, as to provide protection from winds, waves, and currents

26 Lagoon- a portion of an ocean or sea partly enclosed by land

27 Strait-a narrow stretch of water that connects two larger bodies of water

28 Reef-a ridge of rocks or sand, often of coral debris, at or near the surface of the water

29 Island-an area of land completely surrounded by water

30 Archipelago-a large group or chain of islands

31 Atoll-A ring-like coral island and reef that nearly or entirely encloses a lagoon

32 Peninsula-an area of land almost completely surrounded by water but connected to the mainland

33 Isthmus-a narrow strip of land that connects two larger areas of land

34 Mountain-a landform that rises steeply at least 2,000 ft
Mountain-a landform that rises steeply at least 2,000 ft. above surrounding land

35 Volcano-an opening in the Earth’s surface through which molten rock, ashes, and gases escape from the interior

36 Valley-a low stretch of land between mountains or hills; land that is drained by a river

37 Terracing-a raised level piece of land with a vertical or sloping front; one of a series of levels rising one above another

38 Canyon-a deep narrow valley with steep sides, often with a stream flowing through it

39 Butte-an isolated hill or mountain rising abruptly above the surrounding land; smaller than a mesa

40 Mesa-a high, flat topped landform with cliff-like sides, larger than a butte

41 Plateau-a large, flat area of land that rises above the surrounding land; at least one side has a steep slope

42 Plain-a large area of flat or gently rolling land

43 Steppe-the grassland of fertile soil suitable for farming in Russia

44 Savanna-a plain characterized by coarse grasses and scattered tree growth, esp. on the margins of the tropics where the rainfall is seasonal, as in eastern Africa

45 Semi-arid-a dry climate that receives very little rain and supports desert scrub vegetation

46 Desert Scrub-vegetation found in semi-arid climate regions

47 Chaparral-A vegetative region characterized by hot dry summers and cool moist winters and dominated by a dense growth of mostly small-leaved evergreen shrubs, as that found in the foothills of California.

48 Desert-a region so arid because of little rainfall that it supports only sparse and widely spaced vegetation or no vegetation at all

49 Dune-a sand hill or sand ridge formed by the wind, usually in desert regions or near lakes and oceans

50 Oasis- a small fertile or green area in a desert region, usually having a spring or well

51 Polar Climate-Climate region that is cold all year round
Polar Climate-Climate region that is cold all year round. Includes both the tundra and polar ice cap climates.

52 Tundra-a cold, dry region covered with snow for more than half the year

53 Marine West Coast- a temperate marine climate region which receives plenty of rain in the summer and has mild winters. Supports a variety of forests.

54 Deciduous Forest-shedding the leaves annually, as certain trees and shrubs

55 Coniferous Forest-   Any of various mostly needle-leaved or scale-leaved, chiefly evergreen, cone-bearing trees or shrubs such as pines, spruces, and firs

56 The End

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