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Introduction of Embedded C and demo programs

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1 Introduction of Embedded C and demo programs

2 Development process of AVR projects
Control structures in C Algorithms to be studied AVR studio

3 Embedded system An Embedded system is combination of computer hardware and software, and perhaps additional mechanical or others parts, designed to perform a specific task. Example: microwave oven, AC etc

4 What is Embedded C? Embedded C is nothing but a subset of C language which is compatible with certain microcontrollers. Some features are added using header files like <avr/io.h>, <util/delay.h>. scanf() and printf() are removed as the inputs are scanned from the sensors and outputs are given to the ports. Control structures remain the same like if-statement, for loop, do-while etc.

5 Development process of Embedded C projects
Write C programs in AVR Studio. Compile them into a .hex file using the AVR-GCC compiler (which integrates into AVR Studio). Simulate the target AVR program and debug the code within AVR Studio. Program the actual chip using the AVRISP mkII USB device, which is attached to our target board with a special 6-pin cable. Once programmed, the chip runs the program in your circuit.

6 If-statement Syntax: if( condition) { statement……. } else

7 Program for if-statement
Int a=4; Int b=5; If(a>b) printf(“ a is largest”); else printf(“ b is largest”);

8 Do- while statement Syntax: Initial counter Do { statement…….
update statement } While(condition);

9 Program for do-while Int a=4; Do { a++; } while(a>5);

10 For- statement Syntax: Program:
For( initial counter; test condition; update stmt) { statement…….. statement……... } Program: for(int i=0;i<5;i++) sprintf(str, “Hello Robosapiens”);

11 Algorithms to be studied:
Blinking LED Line follower robot Edge avoider robot Light searching robot Wall follower robot

12 1. Blinking LED Program: main() { DDRB=0XFF; while(1) PORTB=0XFF;
_delay_ms(255); PORTB=0X00; }

13 Creation of AVR Projects with AVR studio

14 Home screen of AVR STUDIO

15 Naming project as Line follower

16 Selecting Platform and Device

17 Coding window

18 Building the code

19 Build and Run the code

20 How to burn the .hex file in MCU

21 Select the HID boot flash icon

22 Click on to the find device.

23 Click on the browse button to browse the hex file.

24 Browse the file from your project folder , select the hex file and click open.

25 Finally click on to the write button to burn the hex file in the MCU.


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