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You Too (LOOK WHO’s Talking)

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1 You Too (LOOK WHO’s Talking)
A: Don't say that word, it will get you in trouble. B: I've heard you say that word at home lots of times! You Too (LOOK WHO’s Talking)

2 I guess you can wait until next week to take this test
I guess you can wait until next week to take this test. After all, you've had a rough day. Ad Misericordiam

3 Contradictory Premise
Bill is a good kid, but you know what they say, “boys will be boys” and there are plenty of times when Bill misbehaves. Contradictory Premise

4 Fred, the Australian, stole my wallet
Fred, the Australian, stole my wallet. Thus, all Australians are thieves. Hasty Generalization

5 It is unfair to penalize Eastman Kodak for harming the environment when they have been such a strong supporter of the local economy. Red Herring

6 In the late 1960's highway fatalities were increasing at a rate of about 500 a year.  They reached 55,000 plus in 1973.  Once the 55-mph speed limit law was put into effect, the first year the fatalities immediately dropped by 10,000.  In the three following years, fatalities were about 9,000 lower than the 1973 level.  Therefore, in its first four years, the law saved over 36,000 lives. Post Hoc

7 Education cannot prepare men and women for marriage
Education cannot prepare men and women for marriage.  To try to educate them for marriage is like trying to teach them to swim without letting them go into the water.  It cannot be done. False Analogy

8 A: Emma Watson said that feminism should be about equal rights for men and women, not about being angry at men. B: Just because she says men and women are exactly the same doesn't make it so. Straw Man

9 It's not hard to explain why some doctors favor fluoridation
It's not hard to explain why some doctors favor fluoridation.  For instance, one of its leading advocates has been Dr. Danger, Dean and Research Professor of Nutrition at the State University Medical School.  Dr. Danger received in the past six years over $350,000 from the food processors, the refined sugar interests, the soft drink people, and the chemical and drug interests. Poisoning the Well

10 "America: love it or leave it."
False Dilemma

11 Uh oh, he just walked the lead off hitter
Uh oh, he just walked the lead off hitter! This is where we fall apart and give up the game. Slippery Slope

12 To allow the press to keep their sources confidential is very advantageous to the country, since it is highly conducive to the interests of the larger community that private individuals should have the privilege of providing information to the press without being identified. Begging the Question

13 Teachers are eggheads. I doubt he would play rugby.
Dicto Simplicitor

14 Hypothesis Contrary to Fact
If Derek Jeeter had played for another team, nobody would care that he's retiring. Hypothesis Contrary to Fact

15 Hypothesis Contrary to Fact
If Derek Jeeter had played for anY other team, nobody would care that he's retiring. Hypothesis Contrary to Fact

16 Sure the sport is dangerous and lots of people get concussions, but it is so much fun to play and watch. Emotional Appeal

17 Additionally, many medical associations are opposed to fluoridation
Additionally, many medical associations are opposed to fluoridation.  For instance, the Texas Medical Association declined to recommend it. FALSE Authority

18 I would never eat A dog! They are pets.

19 Calling a Japanese motorcycle a "rice rocket" to sell a Harley at a biker bar.
Ad Populum

20 See that guy cutting into the line
See that guy cutting into the line? Why are we wasting our time back here? Let's get up there. Two Wrongs

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