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Mobility, Migration, and Efficiency

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1 Mobility, Migration, and Efficiency
Chapter 9 Mobility, Migration, and Efficiency McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Ratio of foreign-born individuals in Turkey

3 Migrants in OECD Arriving in rich countries migrants differ than natives: On average migrants are younger, higher proportion of men, concentrated in major cities, educational level is lower, more frequently unemployed. These differences are influenced by source countries.

4 Chiswick 1978 US 1970 data He shows that immigrants arriving US earn 17% less income than natives with comparable characteristics. Difference closes at 1% per year. Migrants who arrived more than 5 years ago even earn more than natives. Progressive integration could explain shrinkage of income gap but not the fact that migrants end up earning more than natives.

5 Motive affects the charachteristics of immigrants

6 Immigration and unemployment-No correlation (1980-2010)

7 Immigration and Income Inequality-Negative correlation driven by Ireland and Spain
Change in wage dispersion between 1985 and 2007

8 Simulations: Immigration has limited impact on wages
Skilled -unskilled distinction by high school diploma Skilled represent 91% of US labor force by 68% of migrants in 1995.

9 1. Types of Labor Mobility
4/13/2018 1. Types of Labor Mobility 9-9

10 Types of Labor Mobility
4/13/2018 Job change/no change in occupation or residence A waiter switches working from Andrew’s Capital Bar and Grill to the Governor’s Club. Occupational change/no change in residence Much occupational mobility involves changes in closely related occupation. Example: busboy to waiter Each year about 10% of workers change occupation. 9-10

11 Types of Labor Mobility
4/13/2018 Types of Labor Mobility Geographic change/no change in occupation Geographic mobility involves movements of workers from one location to one location. About 16 to 18% of the population changes residence each year. Geographic change/change in occupation About 30% of geographic job-related changes involve a changes in occupation. 9-11

12 2. Migration as an Investment in Human Capital
4/13/2018 2. Migration as an Investment in Human Capital 9-12

13 Net Present Value of Migration
4/13/2018 Net Present Value of Migration Workers will migrate if the net present value of migration (Vp) is greater than zero. 9-13

14 3. The Determinants of Migration: A Closer Look
4/13/2018 3. The Determinants of Migration: A Closer Look 9-14

15 Determinants of Migration
4/13/2018 Determinants of Migration Age Older individuals are less likely to migrate. Older migrants have fewer years to recoup investment costs. Older people have greater firm-specific human capital. Older people have greater monetary and psychic costs of moving. Younger people are more likely to have just completed a human capital investment and to “job shop.” 9-15

16 Determinants of Migration
4/13/2018 Determinants of Migration Family factors The costs of migration rise with family size. Married people are less likely to move since spouse may hold high wage job. Psychic costs rise as number of family members rises. 9-16

17 Determinants of Migration
4/13/2018 Determinants of Migration Education Migration is more likely as education levels rise. The market for more highly educated workers is regional/national rather than local. The gain from migration may be greater due to greater variability in workers and positions. College educated workers are more likely to be transferred and have lower psychic costs to moving. 9-17

18 Determinants of Migration
4/13/2018 Distance The probability of moving falls with the distance the person must move. Transportation costs will be higher. Psychic costs will be higher. Unemployment rates Families headed by unemployed persons are more likely to move. The unemployment rate at the origin location positively affects the probability of out-migration. 9-18

19 Determinants of Migration
4/13/2018 Determinants of Migration Other factors that lower migration Homeownership Occupational licensing High personal taxes at destination location Immigration quotas Union membership Foreign language at destination location 9-19

20 4/13/2018 Question for Thought 1. Use two variables in the present value of migration equation to cite at least two reasons why it may be rational for a family to migrate from one part of the country to another, even though the hypothetical move produces a decline in family earnings in the first year of work following the move. 9-20

21 4. The Consequences of Migration
4/13/2018 4. The Consequences of Migration 9-21

22 4/13/2018 Personal Gains Empirical evidence suggests that the rate of return from migration is 10% to 15%. Caveats Uncertainty and imperfect information Migration decisions are based on expected net benefits and sometimes don’t occur. Costs at destination may be higher than expected and earnings may be lower. Return migration is common and provides information to those at origin. Timing of earnings gains Higher lifetime gains don’t necessarily imply the gains occur immediately. 9-22

23 Personal Gains Earnings disparities
4/13/2018 Personal Gains Earnings disparities Due to a lack of skill transferability across employers or locations, migrants may earn less than similar workers at the destination. Migrants tend to be self-selected in favor of more motivated workers. They would tend to have higher earnings than native workers. The evidence suggests that newer immigrants to the U.S. not likely to ever achieve wage parity with native workers. 9-23

24 Personal Gains Earnings of spouses Wage reductions from job losses
4/13/2018 Personal Gains Earnings of spouses A gain in family income from migration does not necessarily imply a income gain for both spouses. Wage reductions from job losses A positive return to migration does not necessarily imply higher earnings than would have occurred if past wage rates had continued to be earned. Example: those moving due to a job loss or political repression 9-24

25 Wage Narrowing and Efficiency Gains
4/13/2018 Wage Narrowing and Efficiency Gains b c Quantity of Labor Wage rate Du e Wu f We U.S. g The migration of labor from low-wage Mexico to high-wage U.S. will increase the domestic output and reduce the average wage in the U.S and produce the opposite effects in Mexico. i j Quantity of Labor Wage rate Dm k We l Wm Mexico m The output gain of ebcf in the U.S. exceeds the loss of kijl in Mexico. The value of combined outputs from the two nations rises. 9-25

26 4/13/2018 External Effects Though migration has positive efficiency gains, it has positive and negative third-party effects called externalities. Real negative externalities These are private actions spilling over to third parties that cause misallocations of resources. Example: migration to a “boom town” creates congestion and crime. 9-26

27 External Effects Pecuniary externalities
4/13/2018 External Effects Pecuniary externalities Pecuniary externalities are actions that redistribute income among individuals and groups. Losses in the origin nation Output increases in the U.S., but it decreases in Mexico. Exceptions: Labor is unemployable in Mexico and so output is shared by fewer people in Mexico. Workers send income back to Mexico. 9-27

28 External Effects Reduced wage income for native workers
4/13/2018 External Effects Reduced wage income for native workers Immigration increases the supply of labor and decreases the wages of native U.S. workers overall. Immigration decreases the supply of labor in the foreign country and raises wages abroad. The wages of labor market groups that are gross complements to immigrants will rise, while the wages of while gross substitutes will be lower. 9-28

29 External Effects Gains to owners of capital Fiscal impacts
4/13/2018 External Effects Gains to owners of capital The lower wage costs cause owners of capital to gain area cbg. Feedback effects may eliminate the lower wage costs for labor. Fiscal impacts Immigrants may utilize transfer programs more than native workers and redistribute income away from native workers. Recent evidence indicates this is case. 9-29

30 5. Capital and Product Flows
4/13/2018 5. Capital and Product Flows 9-30

31 Impact of Capital and Product Flows
4/13/2018 Impact of Capital and Product Flows Quantity of Labor Wage rate D Wu We U.S. D1 S Quantity of Labor Wage rate D Wk We South Korea D1 S A high wage rate in the U.S. and a low wage in South Korea may cause either (1) flows of capital from the U.S. toward South Korea or (2) a price advantage for Korean-produced goods. In either case, the demand for labor is likely to rise in South Korea and fall in the U.S. Thus, the wage rate differential will narrow, and thus no migration will occur. 9-31

32 6. U.S. Immigration Policy and Issues
4/13/2018 6. U.S. Immigration Policy and Issues 9-32

33 Legal Immigration to the U.S.
4/13/2018 Legal Immigration to the U.S. Legal immigration rose gradually during the 1970s and 1980s until 1988. Legal immigration rose dramatically in as many former illegal immigrants were permitted to become legal immigrants. In the 1990s, the cap on legal immigration was raised from 500,000 to 700,00 per year. 9-33

34 Effect of Illegal Aliens
4/13/2018 Effect of Illegal Aliens The presence of illegal aliens in this low-wage labor market shifts the supply curve to St and reduces the market wage from Wd to Wt. Quantity of Labor Hours Wage rate Sd D Qd Wd St Qt Wt At Wt, all workers hired are illegal aliens. If the illegal aliens were deported, however, Qd domestic workers would be employed. Thus, it is misleading to conclude that illegal aliens accept jobs that domestic workers would not take. It is also misleading to conclude that the deportation of illegal aliens would create employment for native workers on a one-for-one basis. 9-34

35 Wage Effects of Illegal Aliens
4/13/2018 Wage Effects of Illegal Aliens Illegal aliens depress wages in some low skill labor markets. The impact of illegal immigration on the average wage rate has little net impact since there are offsetting effects. Illegal immigrants and some types of native labor are gross complements, and so the wage of these native workers will rise. 9-35

36 Fiscal Effects of Illegal Aliens
4/13/2018 Fiscal Effects of Illegal Aliens Illegal aliens are not eligible for public assistance, but some obtain assistance with forged documents. Most likely illegal aliens are young and don’t meet requirements for assistance and do pay taxes. Most likely illegal aliens are net taxpayers. 9-36

37 4/13/2018 Question for Thought 1. Analyze this statement: “U.S. tariffs on imported products from low-wage foreign nations create an incentive for migration of low-skilled immigrants into the United States. 9-37

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