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Geological Cross-sections from Water Well Data

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1 Geological Cross-sections from Water Well Data
Michelle Ribant EUP Math Science Center

2 Summary of Lesson Students will research the groundwater wells in one section of Chippewa County, MI., specifically within the township their school is located. They will examine several variables and relate these variables to water well capacity. Variable to be investigated include: Well Depth, Water Bearing Formation. Additional topics to be presented include static water level and the creation of a geological cross-section of their section.

3 Problem Investigated In many areas of the Eastern Upper Peninsula, it is sometimes difficult to obtain enough groundwater to support a household.

4 Source of Data Students will collect water well data from the MDEQ Drinking Water Division Website. Each student will choose one section’s worth of data to examine.

5 Source of Data - continued
Within a section, students will choose 4 well records to examine and use to collect data. These records should be arranged from North to South or Northeast to Southwest. Data to be collected Depth Depth Location Capacity Geology

6 Data Manipulation Data from well logs will be organized in a spreadsheet

7 Well 4 Well 3 Well 1 Well 2 200 ft

8 Final Student Product

9 Favorite URL

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