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NC Government Terms, Organization, and Constitution

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1 NC Government Terms, Organization, and Constitution

2 NC Government Vocabulary
Federal System- government that divides powers between the national government and the states Popular Sovereignty- People are the ultimate source of any power given to the government Suffrage- the right to vote Civil Rights- protections granted in the Constitution; recognize all citizens must be treated equally Statute- General laws that apply statewide

3 NC Government Vocabulary continued…
Commute- to reduce a criminal’s sentence County Seat- center of county government Ordinance- local laws Incorporated- the state has declared that a specific geographic area is a municipality (city, town, or village) and has been given a charter

4 Roots of NC Government King Charles II grants territory south of VA, 1663; separates into North and South in 1729 NC insists of representative gov’t; the General Assembly passes laws & levies taxes NC legislature bicameral- governor & council is the upper house; elected reps is the lower house

5 Roots of NC Government continued…
NC Seeks Independence French and Indian War had created huge debt for Great Britain- levy taxes on colonists to pay war debts NC held congress in Wilmington to elect reps to attend the Continental Congress

6 Roots of NC Government continued…
The Mecklenburg Declaration All Great Britain's offices vacant; the NC government was only lawful government in the colony The Halifax Resolves First Colonial gov’t to call for total independence from Great Britain

7 Roots of NC Government continued…
Constitution of 1776 Two house legislature called General Assembly; Executive branch with governor and Council of State; NC Court system In 1835 voters gain power to elect the governor and approve or reject constitutional amendments Constitution of 1868 New constitution must be written after Civil War; Abolish slavery, males over 21 could vote Constitution of 1971 lower voting age from 21 to 18; governor serves 2 four year terms; governor can veto legislation

8 NC State Government The Legislative Branch- The General Assembly
Makes laws or General statutes that apply statewide; Enact local laws to specific areas General Assembly elects members to sit on University of NC Board of Governors

9 NC State Government continued…
Organization of General Assembly Bi-cameral- senate (50 members) and house of reps (120 members) Senate and house members are elected for 2 years, with no term limits Member of General Assembly rules House21 years old, Live in the district for a year before election Senate 25 years old, live in district for a year before election Speaker of the House leads house Lieutenant Governor leads senate

10 NC State Government continued…
The Executive Branch The Governor is NC’s chief of state and chief executive Governors roles include- leader of state agencies administers state budget grants pardons to criminals or commutes (reduces) sentences Gov. serves for 4 years, 2 consecutive term limit 30 years old US citizens for at least 5 years live in NC for 2 years Lieutenant Governor is like VP- president of senate

11 NC State Government continued…
Executive Officers Governor appoints 10 department chairs to head various administrations- called cabinet Some appointed by Governor, other officers are elected by voters- Council of State Council of State operates independently of governor

12 NC State Government continued…

13 NC State Government continued…
Magistrates – a civil officer or lay judge who administers the law 2 year term have original jurisdiction in certain misdemeanor cases usually when there is an admission of guilt can issue warrants; set bail NC District Courts– There is at least one district court located in each of the 100 counties judges elected for 4 year terms Original jurisdiction in all misdemeanor cases NO JURY

14 NC State Government continued…
NC Superior Court- Major cases Judges elected for 8 years Original jurisdiction; takes appeals from District Court felony criminal cases Trial by 12 member jury The NC Court of Appeals- 15 judges hear appeals Judges elected for 8 year term decides on cases appealed from District and Superior Courts

15 NC State Government continued…
The NC Supreme Court– 7 Justices (1 Chief and 6 Associates) Judges elected for 8 year terms decides civil and criminal cases appealed from lower courts no witnesses or juries

16 Local Government and Finances
Municipality- cities, towns, villages Municipalities provide services to meet needs of its citizens Each has been incorporated- officially given a charter basic rules for gov’t Cities can expand by annexation- bringing unincorporated land into an existing municipality (Midway, Davidson County) All municipalities elect their own governing board- city/town council Citizens elect a mayor, but city council hires a “professional” to run the city- council-manager form of gov’t

17 Local Government and Finances continued…
Government Finances Two parts to budget- revenues and expenditures Fiscal budget year begins July 1 for state as well as for local gov’t Budgeting begins in governor’s office- must present a balanced budget General Assembly studies and revises budget proposed by governor Most money for state gov’t from state taxes

18 Local Government and Finances continued…
Municipal and County Budgets Most expenditures from cities go to utilities water, sewage, and schools Revenue comes from utility user fees and property taxes

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