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NOW and NEXT strategic plan Overview

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1 NOW and NEXT strategic plan Overview
First United Methodist Church of Oviedo

2 Areas of Emphasis we need a strategic plan
People want to follow a mission and vision It Isn’t the job of the Pastor to come up with the plan We Can avoid Common pitfalls An effective plan consist of a mission, vision and values The next Steps we initiate will move this plan forward

3 I. We need a strategic plan:
To implement GOD’S PLAN – Not our own God has always had a purpose and vision for FUMCO. There is no confusion on His part about what He wants us to do in the days, months and years ahead. So we must Pray – Search – Seek Him to better understand His plan. (Remember we started with the 40 days of prayer) To – Engage people – Lay people are the fuel that moves the ministries of Jesus’ Church forward. The needed Kingdom building and serving Time, Talent and Treasure do not come to the church from any other source.

4 II. People want to be on a Mission following a plan to achieve a Vision:
To - Avoid focusing just on the immediate – Most church pastors, ministry staff and church lay leaders don’t take the time to focus on the future. The present is always in our face, and we find ourselves surrendering to the tyranny of the immediate – rather than challenging ourselves with the grander vision of healthy, generative disciple-making. To - Establish a process and outline for success – Focusing on the future requires discipline and a process. The grandest vision comes out of a process that is bathed in prayer and encompasses rich dialogue involving pastor, staff and laity.

5 III. It isn’t the job of the pastor to come up with a plan
Jesus did not function with a command and control style. His ministry involved Him investing in a few, involved with many and interested in all. The role of a pastor is to ensure that a plan is developed as a collaborative effort of committed people. Without the participation of those committed lay people the pastor becomes a salesperson with the congregation. What is presented to you here is the result of the collaborated effort of such a group of people.

6 IV. With a clearly thought out plan we avoid many pitfalls
We have the tendency to allow the budget process, a crisis, or a pastoral change drive our plans when – in fact – God wants to reveal a future that will excite and challenge us. Often the fellowship time we spend getting to know one another, praying and worshiping together are the first things that we let go of. We fall into the trap of busily maintaining lives and church work. Loving God and one another is vital to discerning our strategic actions. It is possible to become so content with our church that we become complacent. We are busy building homes, families and careers while dealing with a chaotic, change-filled world. As a result, we like the stability of church being the same week after week. But, sameness can quickly become complacency and ministry without true metrics and values. Church leaders are unsuccessful at moving the church forward when we allow our memoires to become bigger than our dreams. Our metrics mean nothing if we are not helping our people love, learn and lead better as disciples of Jesus Christ.

7 V. What a plan consists of:
Our 2017 Mission is “Following Jesus Christ to make disciples for the transformation of the world.” Critical Processes are: 1. FOLLOW – Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” (Jn. 14:6) Following Jesus means that we not only believe in Him, but we also live obedient to His teachings, and imitating His example. If we follow Jesus, we will reproduce who we are. 2. MAKE – Jesus said, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of (Jn. 8:31) Christ wants us to grow people of every age and stage whose lives reflect a deep commitment to loving and serving Him as their Lord. We must be disciples of Christ so we can make disciples. 3. TRANSFORM – Paul said “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is; his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2) Jesus didn’t just teach about the Kingdom of God, He also lived it out. He didn’t try to sell the Kingdom to people. He didn’t even try to tell people about the Kingdom. He just lived out what the Father had shared with Him. He showed people the Kingdom. The world will follow our lead if we are Disciples of Christ

8 Our 2017 Vision: “Each person in our church and community loving and growing as disciples of Jesus Christ through fellowship, learning, outreach, and worship.” “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” (Acts 2:42) 1. Fellowship – Investing time intentionally each week with one another. An investment that extends beyond Sunday morning through many church organized opportunities throughout the week or month. Also through individually planned opportunities for fellowship. We want our church to be filled up with joyous and generous people doing life together. 2. Learning - (Teaching) Intentionally gathering together to connect with God’s Holy Word. Many different opportunities and settings are available daily, weekly, monthly and seasonally to expand our knowledge. It is essential that we know what is taught in the Scriptures so we can offer with authority what the Bible teaches. 3. Outreach – (Breaking of the bread) Reaching out regularly to invite new people to worship, learning, and fellowship opportunities. Caring for the members of our existing group. Just as the early church devoted themselves to remembering and celebrating Jesus, they were also committed to modeling the life of Jesus out in the world. 4. Worship - (Prayers) Our worship life as God’s people exists in daily, weekly, monthly & seasonal corporate opportunities for worship. Important and personal worship opportunities also exist every day in our walk with Christ. The group that formed the foundation of the early church were devoted to personal worship, with prayer as the ongoing communication link with God. We will plan our actions and activities and establish measurable goals to measure their success.

9 Core Values: We function under a set of core values – These are the guiding principles through which
we live our lives and achieve our goals. Everything we do should fit within our mission to: “Follow Jesus Christ to make disciples for the transformation of the world.” And, it is very important that we don’t stray from our Core Values which are: 1. LOVING – In relationships and Worship 2. LEARNING – Through discipleship and Worship 3. LEADING – Through accountability and Worship Notice what is common in our Values - WORSHIP We will use our Core Values in establishing and following a Ministry Action Plan

10 VI. POSSIBLE NEXT STEPS Personal Spiritual Growth:
To guide and support First Church in reaching in to His church and out to His community. 1. Spiritual Disciplines - Guide (SOAP Personal Worship) growing in our prayer, solitude, reading & applying scripture. Available Resources for Growth: 1. Network Spiritual Gifts Discovery Course to assess Spiritual Gifts, Personal Style and Ministry Passion. 2. Fruit of the Spirit Study (After Easter Message Series) 3. Small group for maintaining supportive relationships with other followers 4. Leadership Survey to begin ministry process. 5. Lead Like Jesus Encounter Workshop to equip servant leaders at FUMCO

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