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Conditional Probability – A Color Sequence Example

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Presentation on theme: "Conditional Probability – A Color Sequence Example"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conditional Probability – A Color Sequence Example

2 Probability CS Prints Out
Color Sequence Probability CS Prints Out BBBB .10 = 10% BGGB .25 = 25% RGGR .05 = 05% YYYY .30 = 30% BYRG .15 = 15% RYYB Total 1.00 = 100%

3 Compute Pr{ blue shows 1st | blue shows 4th }

4 Probability CS Prints Out
Pr{ blue shows 1st | blue shows 4th } Identify Prior Event “Blue Shows 4th “ Color Sequence Probability CS Prints Out BBBB .10 = 10% BGGB .25 = 25% RYYB .15 = 15% Total .50 = 50%

5 Pr{ blue shows 1st | blue shows 4th };
Compute Prior Probability Pr{ Blue Shows 4th } = Pr{ exactly one of BBBB, BGGB, RYYB shows } = Pr{BBBB} + Pr{BGGB} + Pr{RYYB} = = .50

6 Probability CS Prints Out
Pr{ blue shows 1st | blue shows 4th } Identify Joint Probability “Blue Shows 1st and 4th “ Color Sequence Probability CS Prints Out BBBB .10 = 10% BGGB .25 = 25% Total .35 = 35%

7 Pr{ blue shows 1st | blue shows 4th }
Compute Joint Probability Pr{ Blue Shows 1st and 4th } = Pr{ exactly one of BBBB, BGGB shows } = Pr{BBBB} + Pr{BGGB} = = .35

8 Conditional Probability =
Joint Probability / Prior Probability So, Pr{ Blue Shows 1st | Blue Shows 4th } = Pr{ Blue Shows 1st and 4th }/Pr{Blue Shows 4th } = .35/ .50= .70

9 Compute Pr{ green shows 2nd or 3rd | yellow shows }

10 Probability CS Prints Out
Pr{ green shows 2nd or 3rd | yellow shows }; Identify Prior Event “Yellow Shows” Color Sequence Probability CS Prints Out YYYY .30 = 30% BYRG .15 = 15% RYYB Total 0.60 = 60%

11 Pr{ green shows 2nd or 3rd | yellow shows }
Compute Prior Probability Pr{ Yellow Shows } = Pr{ exactly one of YYYY, BYRG, RYYB shows } = Pr{YYYY}+ Pr{BYRG}+ Pr{RYYB} = = .60

12 Identify Joint Event “Green Shows 2nd or 3rd and Yellow Shows” No sequences meet this requirement, so Pr{“Green Shows 2nd or 3rd and Yellow Shows”} = 0

13 Conditional Probability =
Joint Probability / Prior Probability So Pr{ Green Shows 2nd or 3rd | Yellow shows } = Pr{ Green Shows 2nd or 3rd and Yellow shows }/ Pr{Yellow shows } = 0 / .60= 0

14 Compute Pr{ yellow shows | red shows }

15 Pr{ yellow shows | red shows } Probability CS Prints Out
Identify Prior Event “Red Shows” Color Sequence Probability CS Prints Out RGGR .05 = 05% BYRG .15 = 15% RYYB Total 0.35 = 35%

16 Compute Prior Probability
Pr{ Red Shows } = Pr{ exactly one of RGGR, BYRG, RYYB shows } = Pr{RGGR} + Pr{BYRG} + Pr{RYYB } = = .35

17 Probability CS Prints Out
Pr{ yellow shows | red shows } Identify Joint Probability “ Yellow and Red Show “ Color Sequence Probability CS Prints Out BYRG .15 = 15% RYYB Total 0.30 = 30%

18 Compute Joint Probability
Pr{ Yellow and Red Show } = Pr{ exactly one of BYRG, RYYB shows } = Pr{BYRG}+ Pr{RYYB } = = .30

19 Conditional Probability =
Joint Probability / Prior Probability So Pr{ Yellow Shows | Red Shows } = Pr{ Yellow and Red Shows }/Pr{Red Shows } = .30/.35 = 6/7 = .8571

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