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Metamorphosis Vocabulary

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1 Metamorphosis Vocabulary
1. metamorphosis: a transformation from one state to another. 2. melancholy: sad or depressed 3. precursor: something that comes before 4. equilibrium: a stable or balanced condition 5. omission: the act of leaving out; neglecting 6. unassailable: safe from question or attack 7. indisposition: minor illness 8. imminent: about to happen 9. lavishly: freely and abundantly 10. ardor: eagerness; enthusiasm

2 Author Study Read through the author study on Franz Kafka on pg and take notes in your journals. Write down one key fact about Kafka from each of the bolded sections: A Tortured Soul A Double Life Fear of the Father A German Jew in Prague Then, read the sections titled, “Build Background” and “A Challenge to Readers”

3 POV Metamorphosis is written in 3rd person limited point of view.
This means that a narrator outside of the action is describing the story, but is only limited to the thoughts and feelings of one character, the bug, Gregor Samsa.

4 Reading & Focus Questions
As you read, write down the answers to the focus questions on the PPT in your journals. You don’t have to use complete sentences, but your answers need to be thorough. You have today and tomorrow to read in class to get this story done. If you feel that you will not be able to get it done, you need to see Ms. Eide and check out a textbook in the library on your own time.

5 Part I &II Reading: Pg 1. For a man who has awakened as a bug, Gregor’s worries are surprising. What does he worry about? 2. Why is it so hard for Gregor to get out of bed? 3. When Gregor responds to the chief clerk’s criticisms, everyone panics. Why are people so horrified by his voice? 4. How do people respond to the sight of Gregor? 5. How is Gregor forced back to his room? 6. Summarize Part I in 3 sentences. 7. How has daily life changed for Gregor and the rest of the family? What do the actions of Gregor’s sister reveal about her? 8. Why does the furniture moving episode lead to the father’s attack on Gregor? 9. Summarize Part II in 3 sentences.

6 Part III Reading: pg. 1135-1147 1. Summarize Part III in 3 sentences.
2. What is your reaction to the way the story ends? Explain. 3. For which character do you have the most sympathy? The least sympathy? Explain. 4. Consider the ways Gregor and his family respond to his transformation. How do the ways differ? 5. Compare the problems of Gregor’s life as an insect to his problems before his change. Are his problems as an insect completely different from his earlier problems? Explain. 6. Why do you think Kafka chose to have Gregor transformed into an insect instead of another type of creature? Think about the characteristics of a bug and how others react. 7. What is Kafka’s message through this story? What’s the meaning of the story overall? (This has been debated)

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