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Defensive Driving.

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Presentation on theme: "Defensive Driving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defensive Driving

2 The Sad Facts Traffic crashes are the leading cause of all work place fatalities. Leading cause of death for those aged 5 to 24 Two out of every five people will be involved in an alcohol related crash in their lifetime In 4 hours roughly 20 people will be killed in motor vehicle crashes

3 The Statistics Every 11 minutes in the USA a person dies as a result of injuries sustained in a crash In four hours 1,040 will be injured In one year more than? 44,000 24,000 124,000

4 It’s the Other Driver I’m Worried About…
Have you ever said this or heard this comment before? Are you the other driver? Are you part of the solution? If you are a defensive driver you are part of the solution.

5 Part of the Problem In the last 20, years the number of registered drivers has doubled The number of registered vehicles tripled...yet our roads have not 60 to 90% of us feel we are better drivers than every one else…yet accident numbers are remaining the same…

6 Still Part of the Problem
Drivers surveyed admitted to the following: 30% ran yellow / red lights 26% slowed but did not come to a complete stop at stop signs 23% drove 10 mph over interstate speed limit 22% drove 10 mph faster than flow of traffic 8% drove when affected by alcohol

7 Defensive Driving, the Solution
Driving to SAVE LIVES, TIME and MONEY, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others. We just heard from the other driver their actions and in some cases their condition. NOW lets learn how to deal with them and other issues.

8 Defensive Driving Course is About:
Developing safe driving habits / attitudes Improving the way you see the road Improving the way you respond to hazards Taking control over your actions behind the wheel Learning to recognize hazards, avoid crashes, violations, and road rage

9 The Goal!!! Develop driving skills that may one day save your life and the lives of others Remember those statistics The more you drive the more potential

10 What are… The most hazardous issue you see daily?
The hazard you deal with most often? The conditions you deal with? The driver conditions you deal with? How do you handle these hazardous? Do you talk to management about them, other drivers? At the end we will talk about some of these.

11 Defensive Driving Involves…
Making effective, safety and legal choices Creating safe, stress free driving conditions Getting to place without ticket or crash Practicing courtesy, common sense, cooperation Understanding the hazards of conditions and behaviors around you

12 DDC Collision Prevention Formula
Recognize the hazard / scan Past, present, and future Use the what If strategy…. What if that car does not stop, what will I do? Understand the defense Know what to do to avoid a hazard Know the consequences of your choices Know the defense Scanning

13 DDC Collision Prevention Formula
SLOWING DOWN Safe Following Distance Act correctly, in time… Be alert, pay attention to driving Concentrate on hazards

14 Driver Actions you Witness
Eating, drinking meal Reading Speeding Tailgating On cell phone Stopping Passing on right Passing Fail to yield Driving aggressively Sleeping Signal kept on Did not use signal Poor vehicle condition Too fast for conditions Too fast for vehicle

15 Road and Driver Conditions
Snow, ice, fog, rain, sand, leaves… Traffic Construction School zone Motorcycles Too much light Not enough Glare Driver Angry Upset Rushed Stressed out Under influence of drugs, alcohol Under influence of peers

16 Road and Driver Conditions
Control your emotions Leave late be late Get calm, wait Time is the only way to sober up Driver is responsible

17 Road and Driver Conditions
Snow, ice, fog, rain, sand, leaves… Traffic Construction School zone Motorcycles Too much light Not enough Glare Reduce speed Increase following Following distance Glasses, slow down Slow down

18 Dealing with other Driver Actions
Followed to closely - Let them go Speeding - Let them go Passing - Ask yourself why Failure to yield - Watch for them Rolling Stops - Bad habit, eye scan Jeff Gibson

19 Accident vs. Collision You run a yellow turning to red light and hit a car is it an accident? You fail to reduce your speed when it is raining and skid off road, is it an accident You fail to pay attention and rear end the vehicle in front of you is it an accident? 90% are driver error Less then 10% acts of God, mechanical failure

20 No, No, and No These are preventable collisions where the driver did not take reasonable actions to reduce the potential for a crash. Is it reasonable to slow down approaching an intersection? Is it reasonable to slow down in rain, snow or other weather hazards? Is it reasonable to focus attention to vehicles around your vehicle?

21 An Accident is an Unplanned Event
We know we should not run lights, follow too close, and that we should slow down in poor weather. Why don’t we… Its not me I am worried about, it’s the other guy…. We think it won’t happen to us Other reasons! Drive to save lives, time and money

22 At Intersections White lines Signal Cover the brake
Point wheels straight Right on red Right of way 40% of all traffic crashes occur at intersections

23 How NOT to Get Hit at an Intersection
Look Left Look Right Look ahead Look Left Again If the first car don’t jump the light 30% of drivers reported they ran a red light Window down, look and listen Be able to see tires of vehicle in front on ground

24 At an Intersection… Next to a bus or large truck
Light turns green, do you go immediately? Can you see the intersection completely? Don’t pull up stop, and then roll closer to the car in front of you. Get boxed in, hit from behind, hit vehicle in front

25 Intersections - Fail to Stop
Play the what if game…. What if the vehicle does not stop…what will I do? Reduce your speed by covering the brake Cover the horn with you hand Last -- don’t count on them stopping

26 Rail Road Crossings They are intersections too
Expect a train any time Never drive around gate Never stop on tracks Never race the train Don’t rely on warning signs If you are stuck or stalled – GET OUT Run toward the train not from it Never get into middle of intersection if you can not get all the way through regardless of light

27 Unsafe Behaviors Passing – why do we pass?
What will I gain from this pass? 3 types of crashes- head on, side swipe, run off the road… # of vehicles on the road today Next intersection, stop light, sign, or construction site… who do we see?

28 Passing Is it safe to speed to pass?
Is it legal to speed to complete a pass? Remember DDC Safe and Legal Save time, money, and lives What do you think?

29 The Sinister Six 6 unsafe driving habits we just discussed Speeding
Right of way errors or violators Improper turning Driving left of center Improper passing Following too closely

30 Speed Kills Every 10 mph over 50 the risk of death is doubled
When there is a car accident that makes the newspaper what are some of the comments in the paper concerning the cause? What are the common causes listed in the paper? Why do you think drivers speed?

31 Speed Kills – is it Worth the Risk?
Time to go 10 miles Time saved Risk of death 50mph 12 min - X 55mph 10:54 1:6 1.5x 60mph 10 min 2 min 2x 65mph 9:14 2:46 3.0x 70mph 8:34 3:26 4.0x 75mph 8 min 4 min 6.0x 80mph 7:30’ 4:30 8x 85mph 7:3 4:57 12x

32 Is it Safer to Speed with the “Flow of Traffic,” or do the Speed Limit?
Risk of Death Save, Time, Lives and Money Tickets # of vehicles on the road Using a 2 second following distance 150 cars would have to pass you to lose five minutes of time

33 Drinking and Driving Check you local paper, all ages of drivers affected or caught Don’t do it Don’t follow charts weight/time/# of drinks Chose a designated driver Medications can have same effect Time is the only thing that sobers one up, NOT COFFEE

34 Collision Prevention Formula
Recognize the hazard: by scanning In front, behind, on sides Check mirrors every 3 to 5 seconds Use the “What If” game….. What if that car does not stop, get back into their lane, complete their pass, What will I do?

35 Collision Prevention Formula
What if that car does not stop, get back into their lane, complete their pass... What will I do? Read the road (recognize hazard) Reduce your speed Ride to the Right Ride off onto should or more if have to

36 Understand the Defense
See hazard…. Ask what can I do to avoid this Reduce speed as soon as possible Increase following distance WHAT IS THE RECOMMENDED FOLLOWING DISTANCE? 2,3,4, or 5 seconds

37 Following Distance 4 seconds on clear dry day good road light traffic and following like vehicle (car) 5-bus Add a hazard, add a second to the 3” Motorcycle = 5 Have a tailgater behind, add several Poor weather add several Traffic add several

38 Act Correctly in Time Be alert focus on driving not other actions
Being alert allows the most response time possible “The car stopped quickly, I did not have enough time.” In reality the driver did not see the vehicle stopping and lost valuable reaction, action and stopping distance

39 Passing, Avoiding Head on Crash
The Four R’s…. Read the road ahead Drive to the Right Reduce your speed immediately Ride off the road or to the far right of your lane. NEVER GO INTO THEIR LANE Gorham Maine – bus accident

40 Emergency Vehicles Scan mirrors every 3 to 5 seconds to see them.
Be able to hear them Pull over and stop If can’t acknowledge and when can pull over and stop What is the following distance 500’, 250’ 3 seconds?

41 Aggressive Drivers It takes two…. Don’t participate Stay calm
Different time, different route Leave late, will be late (number of vehicles) Be courteous

42 What are Some Aggressive Driving Behaviors you Have Seen?
Speeding Tailgating Fail to yield Blocking traffic Lane changes Gestures Verbal Throwing things Slamming on brakes Others!

43 “Road Rage” Decisions – Consequences Get emotions in control
Leave late will be late Call and let them know you will be late – defuse anxiety Your life depends on it Give other drives benefit of doubt-wave You make mistakes too Different route or time

44 Bad Driving Behaviors Blocking left most lane on highway
Tailgating – 3 seconds or more Signal use, lack of it, forget to shut off Horn use – for emergency Blocking traffic at an intersection Merging, allow other vehicles to merge

45 Save Lives, Time and Money in Spite of the Actions and Conditions
Take reasonable actions….. What if game Increase following distances Reduce speed Cover the break Drive at posted limit or below Make driving number one activity

46 Save a Life, Time or Money
Be at your best, rested, awake, sober Check your vehicle before leaving on trip Check the weather Check traffic reports Check for construction projects

47 Area Road Hazards Name them Discuss what to do
Determine best course of action Develop a solution Act on it

48 Driver Experience Turn a rounds
Cul De Sacs (circles and telephone poles) Overhanging branches Obstruction in my lane, or other lane Cargo Security!

49 From my (you) Perspective
An unsafe habit I have that I want to change is…. The defense technique I am going to use… One thing I learned today is… Any questions you still have…

50 Thank you for Attending
Drive Defensively There are others that want you around, need you, depend on you.

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