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International Training Centre Programme for Workers’ Activities

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1 International Training Centre Programme for Workers’ Activities
Trade Union Training Committee 12-13 May 2011

2 Programme for Workers Activities
Mandate: Implementation of the Workers' Education Programme of ACTRAV and the Workers’ Group: to contribute to capacity building of TUs and to promote: → Unions’ education & training capacities → Outcome 10: Workers have strong, independent and representative organizations. But crosscutting many other outcomes → Decent Work Agenda, SJD, FoA, Organizing & Collective bargaining → Improve capacity of TUs to represent & defend the interests of workers in social dialogue and DWCPs/UNDAF: to strengthen workers’ input in other activities of the Centre

3 Integration with Actrav-GVA
A good practice for the ITC Programme priorities decided through TUTC & Actrav GVA and the Workers’ Group (taking into account also the feedback & priorities suggested by Field Specialists) Training curricula developed in line with the four ILO strategic objectives, Decent Work Agenda, SJD and ILO Outcomes Actrav Field Specialists involved in the delivery of training as also other ILO Specialists both in ITC and in HQs and ROs ACTRAV Turin as the training arm of ACTRAV

4 2010 – activities summary Activities 2008 2009 2010 73* 66* 54*
23 (Campus) 21 (Campus) 37 (Field) 26 (Field) 28** (Field) 13 (Distance) 17 (Distance) 5** (Distance) Participants 2008 2009 2010 1833 1268 1254 42% women 41% women 38,1%women *including joint activities with ACTEMP in the field (1 in 2010) ** 1 blended activity in Africa

5 Participants: 1999-2010 ACTRAV Programme

6 2010 participants and days of training by kind of activities

7 2010 Participant figures by region
Total: 1.268 Regions: Total diff.2009 America Africa Europe Asia–Pacific Arab States ICS* * An ACTRAV staff development workshop took place in Turin in 2010

8 Women’s participation by Region 2010

9 Women’s Participation in Actrav-Turin Programmes - overall trends (2001- 2010)

10 2010: Evaluation average score
4.29 4.39 4.31 4.45 4.44 4.27 4.42 4.36 4.20 Achievement of objectives Contents serve objectives Learning methods Materials Activity overall quality Relevance to org. needs ACTRAV 2010 ITC 2010

11 Participants: 1999-2010 Total of Workers in all Programmes

12 Participants: 1999-2010 Workers in Bi-Tripartite Courses

13 Tripartism in the Centre
Need to increase participation of workers in activities organized by other Programmes: SPSF fellowships became unimportant (14 in 2010) More workers in other activities of the Centre but true tripartite curricula are seldom - difficult procedures for joint design with other programmes - low participation of resource persons from the TUs in courses not ACTRAV RBTC regional funds & role of ROs in deciding priorities, allocation of resources versus autonomy of constituents’ capacity building (regional priorities often don’t match with unions & Actrav needs)

14 Finances - 2010 Projects 31.73% Other external sources 8.81%
RBTC/ILO/TC % ACTRAV + Italy MAE 50.62%

15 2010 - Projects Social Security Project (Spain) – end May 2012
GJP project (Italy) – end June 2011 EU funded projects: Strengthening capacity of EMCEF affiliates for participation in sectoral Social Dialogue at national and European level – end Mar 2010 Decent Work for Transport Workers – end Dec 2011 Strengthening Social Dialogue in Commerce – end Dec 2011 Cross Sectoral Project for Social Dialogue – end Dec 2010 Total: € 2,150,000

16 2010 Partnerships International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
National Trade Union Centers European Trade Union Confederation, ETUI Global Unions and European Trade Federations European Union Governments: Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Walloon Community, Sweden Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Jilaf, Koilaf, Giri Institute

17 Topics covered in 2010 Social protection and social security (12)
Globalization, global crisis, Global jobs pact and sustainable development (8) ILS, freedom of association, Decent Work Agenda (7) Social dialogue (6) OHS/E and HIV/AIDS (4) Collective bargaining (3) Training methodology (2) Union organizing (2) Informal economy (2) Migration (2) Labour relations, employment relations (2) Information technology (1) Other (3)

18 2010 Innovations 2 new curricula (Informal Economy and Communication for T.U.) Core residential course for Africa in French and English Decentralized use of Solicomm implemented 1st European project for 27 member countries (on Decent Work for precarious workers)

19 Labour Education Material
2010 Labour Education Material material for use in on-line course on negotiations and collective bargaining skills training manuals on Informal economy and on Sustainable development a toolkit on Decent Work in cooperation with ACTRAV in Geneva training material and manuals on the following topics: “Social dialogue, negotiation and communication techniques” “Introduction to Decent Work – Departure module” “Wage equality: training module and trainer’s guide” “Gender mainstreaming: training module and trainer’s guide” “Social protection and gender: training module and trainer’s guide” “Conciliation between family and work: training module and trainer’s guide”.

20 2010 Solicomm Development A special focus was given to adapt the system in order to make it possible a decentralized use of the Platform to manage distance education and conferencing at regional level A stronger cooperation with the ICT services of the Centre was implemented during 2010 looking for a better synergy and resource savings

21 2011 94 planned activities [54 project based]:
21 on campus [2 project based] 63 in the field [46 project based] 9 distance learning [6 project based] 1 blended [distance + field] foreseen number of participants: 1.500

22 Finances 2011 2011: no big differences from 2010 (thanks to savings)
but difficulties in having captive funds to complement external donors available resources Our use of resources in 2010: Core courses: 30.7% of income; 17.0% of participants (but 60.7% of captive funds) Projects: 31.7% of income; 48,1% of participants Others: 37.6% of income; 34.9% of participants

23 Finances beyond 2011 more resources from ILO (HQs and ROs) but the Workers’ Programme receives limited benefits and has a limited voice on decisions (one more problem: the nomination of workers to tripartite activities) new donors: for the moment nothing for Workers’ Programme new projects: more predictable but reduced amount from the new joint management agreement between ILO and EC DG Employment new projects: explore direct negotiations with donors new areas of cooperation with EC (Europe Aid, external policies, outcome of High level meeting ILO/EC) ILO Technical cooperation: how to include capacity building components designed since the beginning with Turin (integrated training programmes not lists of spot activities)

24 2011 - Partnerships International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
National Trade Union Centers European Trade Union Confederation & European Trade Union Institute Governments: Spain, Sweden, Italy and others Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Koilaf Korea, Jilaf Japan, Academy of Labour Russia and others Global Unions and European Trade Federations Italian Trade Union Confederations

25 2011 - Projects achieved European Commission:
Social Dialogue in transport industry Social Dialogue in commerce Precarious workers Spain - Soc. Protection 2nd phase [ ] Other activities: Sweden - OSH Italy – GJP Walloon Community - Africa

26 2011-2012:New Projects Trade Union skills for Decent Work
based on Social Justice Declaration (The “DW CUBED” project) a training package with the six faces of a cube: the base: organizing, FoA, Collective bargaining 4 faces: the four pillars of DWA the top: DWCPs and UNDAF a training package addressing diversified audience

27 :New Projects Interregional projects: MNEs, informal economy, (with which sponsors?) A project on “Sustainable Development & Decent Work” A project on “Communicating Labour and Communicating with Labour” A project for the French speaking Countries

28 2011-2012 Perspectives and challenges
Coordinated activities with ITUC and its Regional organizations, the Global Unions and other organizations Enhanced quality of the nomination process of our participants, with a special focus on gender balance, through a better interaction with the National organizations A more effective evaluation of the impact of training (develop evaluation practices and tools addressing the participants’ organizations with more follow up activities and impact assessment)

29 2011-2012 Perspectives and challenges
Preparation of an updated list of Workers’ related resource persons on each specific subject Increased cooperation with other Technical Programmes of the Centre also to enhance the added value of more inputs from the Workers’ side in their activities A decision: formalize use of the list of resource persons by other Programmes and Workers’ input in Academies

30 2011-2012 Perspectives and challenges
To increase the relevance to TUs needs frame our activities into programmes of training linked to needs assessed with recipient organizations (more thematic networks and more follow-up). Stronger integration and communication with other training activities implemented in the field by ACTRAV field specialists and by Regional and National Trade Union organizations Build linkages to labour organizations and the field through an information-rich marketing policy for trade unions (easier access to our planning with user friendly search engine in our website) A proposal: to organize regional workshops on planning Turin programme of activities with more integration and follow-up (on a rotation basis & in a 3-years frame)

31 2011-2012 Perspectives and challenges
Implementation of at least 50% of the activities through projects with a special focus on interregional ones New and/or updated curricula and training material Increase capacity for training in French and Arabic also through projects Improve mainstreaming of gender equality

32 Technology Development
Technology Development Develop synergies with the Centre (MIS-Delta) Empowerment of the field structures (ACTRAV and TUs for decentralized use of Solicomm) Produce more training material on education methodology and labour issues specific for distance education (at least in 3 languages) Solicomm as a knowledge management tool for ACTRAV structures and which integration with broader ILO strategy?

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