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Charting your course for after high school

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1 Charting your course for after high school
Battle Plan Charting your course for after high school

2 The Starting point What are your goals? College? 2-year 4-year Military? Technical/ Career Training?

3 Research your possibilities
Develop your application list Compare the schools against your “must haves” Create a list of 5 schools to apply to - Reach Good match Safety College A College B Location okay Degree program Study abroad Near family Great location

4 Apply! Even if you are thinking about community college, apply to at least one four-year college KNOW YOUR DEADLINES! Apply online and send your transcript & test scores from the Counseling Office. Manage your social media! Selective schools and scholarships look at your cyber footprint. Be smart. Get those incriminating posts and photos off the web!

5 Testing ACT SAT ASVAB Accuplacer ACT Test Dates
Test Date Deadline to Register October 28, 2016 Sept. 22, 2017 December 9, 2016 Nov. 3, 2017 February 10, 2017 Jan. 12, 2018 April 14, Mar. 4, 2018 June 9, May 4, 2018

6 FINANCIAL AID Institutional Aid Corporate/National Scholarships
Federal Aid (Pell Grants) - FAFSA Community Scholarships


8 A+ Scholarship Graduates who complete the program successfully will be eligible for paid tuition and fees to any Missouri public community college or vocational/technical school after all grants have been applied. There are some A+ incentive scholarships that are awarded by four-year colleges. IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO ENROLL!

9 HOT OFF THE PRESS: MU Land Grant Compact
Students who qualify for a federal Pell Grant will receive aid to supplement that amount to cover full tuition and fees. You must meet MU criteria for admission. Students who are accepted to the Honors College may also have their on-campus housing covered.

10 What’s coming up Senior Credit Check Letters arriving in the mail in September. Individual Meetings begin next week! FAFSA Frenzy October 11, 5-7 p.m. ACT at Battle October 28 ASVAB November 14

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