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Teacher Preparation Pathways

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1 Teacher Preparation Pathways
University of Colorado Denver

2 Many Pathways: Why and How
Tenacity in challenging times Shortage of teachers in Colorado and beyond Shifting policy landscape for licensing Push for highly qualified ECE teachers HOW Access and ‘fit’ for different kinds of students Same high quality curriculum and supports Shared commitments across pathways Barbara

3 Teacher Education Pathways
Pathways into teaching designed to fit readiness and needs of different groups of teacher candidates EDUCATION BA ELEM SPED ECE ARTS & SCIENCE BA Sec. Math Sec. Science Sec. Social Studies Sec. English Foreign Language (Spanish/Fr) RURAL BA NxtGEN 4-yr Residency MA SPED (Initial & Dual) Foreign Language ASPIRE Alternative Lic All CO licensure areas UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE ALTERNATIVE 150 125 15 50 60 200

4 Program Design: Theoretical Principals and Commitments
Focus on how people learn in and across different contexts and the kinds of structures and pedagogies that support all students Sociocultural learning theory Social constructivism Social justice Cultural & linguistic responsiveness Inclusionary practices Theory to practice to theory to practice Cindy

5 Infrastructure and Mediation
Extended clinical experience Settings reflect diversity in race, ethnicity, and SES Intensive investment in human resources to provide support and mediation Investment in partnerships Cindy

6 Alternative Licensure (ASPIRE) Delivery Structure (211 students)

7 Key Roles & Systems - ASPIRE
Alternative Licensure Instructor (ALI): Caseload of candidates; personalized program. Facilitate monthly PLCs, video coaching cycles, 1v1 check-ins, online guided explorations feedback. Program Coordinators: Responsible for ensuring all candidates are eligible for program according to state statutes; program inquiries; application materials; administer program surveys; payment and collection processes. Partnerships - Customer service relationships with HR Representatives, CDE, & candidates; 37 school districts, 21 charter schools, 3 facility schools Suzanne

8 Professional Development School (PDS) Residency Design
UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE Freshman Community Based Clinical Block 2 afternoons per week 1 concurrent block course Major Courses University Core Courses Sophomore Learning & Dev Clinical Block 2 mornings per week 2 concurrent block courses Junior Diverse Learners Clinical Block 1 full day per week Professional Year Foundations & Pedagogy Courses Specialty Methods Course(s) Capstone Course Year-long PDS Residency Internship Sequence

9 PDS Key Roles & Structures
University Site Professor (SP): University faculty member who spends one day a week in the PDS focused on the goals of the partnership. School-based Site Coordinator (SC): Master teacher or an instructional coach who supports the partnership goals from the school’s perspective Clinical Teachers (CT): Practicing teachers who mentor and co-teach with teacher candidates during internships. Partnership provides training and support Teacher Candidates (TC): Group of 6-12 students (depending on the capacity of the school) who complete their early clinical blocks and residency internships in the PDS Collaborative Council: Comprised of all teacher education instructors, site professors, district professors, site coordinators & facilitated by the Director of Partnerships to support collaboration & simultaneous renewal; also serves as the admissions body for the program. Council meets 4 full days over the academic year Emerging Structures: Community Partnership Network ECE Partnership Network NxtGEN Residency School Network Rural Partnership Network

10 Undergraduate Residency (NxtGEN) Delivery Structure

11 Undergrad Residency Key Roles and Structures
Summer Bridge Paid part time Para-internships in DPS Full-year, stipended Student Teaching Residency Customized program plan Video-coaching that is extended into induction Co-developed, context-specific curriculum NxtGEN Support Center Roles PEI Residency Coordinator Academic Success Coaches Site Supervisor Field Manager STR Coordinator Barbara

12 Rural Community College BA Partnership
AA Degree Shared Advising Cohort model Transfer Elementary License EDHD BA Full degree delivered locally at rural Community College Barbara Clinical experiences run across full four years

13 Rural Pathway Roles and Structures
AA degree provided by Community College Final two years provided by CU Denver in combination of online and face-to-face classes Partnership school model Mediated field experiences Late afternoon and weekend courses for working professionals Summer retreats to create curriculum coherency Roles CU Denver Rural Coordinator – located at community college Local Teacher Education Team Advisors in each institution Barbara

14 ECE Without License Pathway
In progress Birth – age 5 focus Target audience – ECE childcare professionals Employed full time Clinical Site becomes field experience and internship site Develop quality indicators to identify appropriateness of site Two tracks – Teaching and Leadership Candidates can finish licensure requirements (K-3) in one semester Barbara

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