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Fractals Everywhere you look.

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Presentation on theme: "Fractals Everywhere you look."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fractals Everywhere you look

2 Overview History Definition of Fractals Fractal Application
Fractals in the classroom NCTM Standards

3 A Brief history Before Mandelbrot Benoit Mandelbrot Flooding of Nile
Economics Brownian Motion Benoit Mandelbrot Electronic noise "How Long Is the Coast of Britain?"

4 What is “a fractal” Euclidean Shapes Fractal Shapes Square Circle
Triangle Fractal Shapes Coastline Snowflake Rivers Nerve Cells

5 Definition Geometric pattern reproduced on a smaller and smaller scale

6 Koch Snowflake Iterations Self Similar Exact Statistical
Exact copy of original Snowflake Statistical Only looks alike under magnification

7 How long is the coast of Britain
As size decreases accuracy increases As size decreases total distance increases indefinitely

8 Where on Earth would I use fractals
Key Word is Earth Nature simulation

9 Snowflake Iteration

10 Why Study Measuring Crop Roots Chromosomes DNA Sequences
Soil Structure Stock market timing Computer Science Telecommunications Surface Physics

11 Bringing Fractals Into the Classroom
Older Ages Demonstrate the nature of fractals Younger Ages Koch Snowflake construction Similar shapes

12 NCTM Standards Rational Number Concepts Proportionality Measurement
Transformations Visualization

13 Wrap Up Fractals are Geometric pattern reproduced on a smaller and smaller scale Used widely in nature simulation, business, medical, and computer realated fields Used to help understand geometry with any age group

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