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Intelligent Systems Technical Committee
January 2016 to December 2016 Annual Report
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Intelligent Systems Technical Committee Committee Overview Chair Dr. Nhan Nguyen Phone: (650) Subcommittees Members Awards Dr. Chelsea Sabo Conference Planning Mr. Kevin Melcher Membership Dr. Nhan Nguyen Procedures Dr. John (Jack) Ryan Professional Development Education Outreach Dr. Kristin Rozier Public Policy Dr. Christopher Tschan Publications Dr. Natasha Neogi Roadmap Dr. Yu Gu Webmaster Dr. Catharine McGhan Workshop Dr. Ella Atkins 50 Total / 49 34 Regular 35 7 Associate 4 4 International 4 5 Alumni 6 Category 9 Industry (18% 12) 20 Academia (40% 19) 21 Government (42% 18) International members 1 Germany 2 1 Japan 1 1 South Korea 0 1 UK 1 Vice Chair/Chair-Elect Dr. David Casbeer (Vice Chair) Phone: (937) Dr. Elad Kivelevitch (Chair Elect) Phone: (513) Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Sean Swei Phone: (650) Liaisons Software (Dr. Ella Atkins) Imbedded Roster file required, see Comment Note January 29, 2017
Activity Summary - January 2016 to December 2016 (12/31/2016)
Intelligent Systems Technical Committee Activity Summary - January 2016 to December 2016 (12/31/2016) Recent Conference Performance Issues / Help Needed (continued) SciTech 2016 SciTech 2017 The ScholarOne paper management system does not allow reviewers to provide feedback to authors. In some instances, authors whose papers are rejected do not know the reasons for rejection. This has caused some authors to feel alienated from submitting their work to the AIAA is aware of the ScholarOne problem. The ISTC recommends that future upgrade to the ScholarOne be given consideration to address this problem. Abstracts Received: 48 Abstracts Accepted: 34 No. of Sessions: 7 (0 invited) Withdrawals/No-Shows: 9/0 Papers presented: 34 (0 invited) Abstracts Received: 38 Abstracts Accepted: 31 Sessions: 9 (3 Invited) Withdrawals/No-Shows: 4/0 Presented: 27(1 Invited) Issues / Help Needed Initiatives & Plans The ISTC lacks consistent funding to support monetary prizes for the Best Student Paper Competition (BSPC) at SciTech ($500) and the Synopsis Challenge Science Fair (SCSF) for high school students (~$400). TAC funding and fund raising from the Intelligent Systems Workshop help sustain these two worthy causes. In 2016, TAC approved $500 for the BSPC after the SciTech This caused the ISTC to dip into our budget to fund only $250. The $500 approved TAC funds was not expended and subsequently was forfeited at the end of the FY. The number of papers presented at the SciTech 2017 continues to suffer a year-over-year decline. This could threaten the level of participation of the ISG at future SciTech forums. Other conferences such as GNC anecdotally have experienced similar issues. The ISTC is actively addressing how to reverse this trend for the SciTech One plan of action is to be more actively engaged with the TC in paper solicitation. The ISTC recommends that other ideas such as the formation of the proposed Information Systems Forum to remedy this problem be given a serious consideration at the TAC level. The Roadmap for Intelligent Systems in Aerospace continues to be a major TC initiative to articulate a vision for intelligent systems and advocacy for research funding. The 1st edition of the roadmap was publicly released in June The 2nd edition is being planned for future release. An AIAA group position paper Recommendations for Intelligent Systems Development in Aerospace is being developed to provide a summary of recommendations for intelligent systems research with target audience at research funding organizations in mind. The 1st draft is planned to be complete by March 2017 for submission to AIAA Public Policy Committee for review. The Intelligent Systems Workshop is another major TC initiative in its 3rd year. The 3rd workshop was held at NASA Langley in August The 4th workshop will be held at University of Michigan in August 2017. The ISTC is planning to publish the 2nd edition of AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics series book on Advances in Intelligent and Autonomous Aerospace Systems. 9 chapters have been submitted and are currently undergoing review. The book is planned to be complete in 2017. January 29, 2017
Activity Summary - January 2016 to December 2016 (12/31/2016)
Intelligent Systems Technical Committee Activity Summary - January 2016 to December 2016 (12/31/2016) Initiatives & Plans (continued) Accomplishments (continued) The ISTC plans to take initiative to improve the paper review transparency for the SciTech This initiative would look into how to implement a paper review process that is fair, consistent, and transparent. This process would be developed with inputs from other TCs. The plan is to be able to implement the recommendations for the SciTech 2018. The ISTC held a TC chair election at the SciTech 2017 meeting. Dr. Elad Kivelevitch was elected to be chair for the term starting in 2019. Two TC members (Kevin Melcher and James Steck) have been elected to associate fellows. One TC member (John Valasek) was nominated to fellow. Two TC members were keynote speaker at Women at SciTech Social Hour and Keynote (Missy Cummings) and plenary speaker on panel: Disruptive Technology Developments (Danette Allen). The ISTC enjoys strong membership interest. 11 nomination forms were received for 2017 and only 6 applicants were accepted. ISTC chair participated in AIAA Nomination Committee at Space Forum in September 2016 to nominate a roster of AIAA president-elect, region director, and group director candidates. Accomplishments The 1st edition of the 111-page publication Roadmap for Intelligent Systems in Aerospace was publicly released in June This roadmap was selected for TC-of-the-Quarter article. NASA Autonomous Systems Project has referenced the roadmap for project planning guidance. The 3rd Intelligent Systems Workshop at NASA Langley held on August 3-5, 2016 was a success. 110 participants from over 40 organizations in government, industry, and academia attended. The workshop featured keynote speakers from DARPA, ONR, and Northrop Grumman. Participants actively engaged in two panel discussions and 8 breakout sessions on many intelligent systems topics including: Adaptive Systems, Assured Autonomy & Software V&V, Big Data, ISHM, Human-Machine Interactions, Real-Time Risk Assessment and Safety Assurance, Robotics, and Unmanned Traffic Management. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine reached out to the ISTC to request for candidates to serve on Committee on Aviation Safety Assurance being formed at the request of NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. Four members were nominated and one member was invited to participate in public hearing. Financial Status and Other Activities The ISTC generated $215 from fund raising at the 3rd Intelligent Systems Workshop in $250 was spent for monetary prizes for the BSPC at SciTech Going forward, the ISTC plans to charge registration fees at the 2017 Intelligent Systems Workshop to help defray the workshop cost and also to generate TC funds. The ISTC receives TAC funds for the amount of $500 for the BSPC at the SciTech 2016 which was forfeited due to non-expenditure, $500 for the BSPC at the SciTech 2017, $408 for the SCSF prizes in 2016, $392 for SCSF prizes in 2017, and $448 for loyalty and recognition items (coffee mugs and lanyards). The ISTC is grateful for TAC support. January 29, 2017
Forum Participation Intelligent Systems Technical Committee
ISTC actively participates in SciTech Forum 2016 and 2017 as the main sponsor of conference, Space Forum 2016, and Aviation Forum 2016. 7 sessions at SciTech 2016 and 9 sessions at SciTech 2017 3 sessions at Space Forum 2016 1 session at Aviation Forum 2016 What are the top 3 successes from last years’ conference? Abstract requirement increases from AIAA standard extended abstract of 1000 words minimum to 5 pages minimum to improve quality. The ISTC sponsored 2 very well attended panel discussions at the SciTech 2017 with standing room only. The review process improves its rigor with a rejection rate of 19% for the SciTech 2017 vs. 10% for the SciTech 2016. What are the top 3 disappointments from last years’ conference? The number of abstracts continues to experience a year-over-year decline to 38 vs. 48 for SciTech The ISTC is addressing how to reverse this trend for SciTech 2018. Communication between program committee and ISTC organizers could be further improved. Two panel discussion had incorrect information, but the organizer of one panel was able to correct the information just in time before the program was finalized. The organizer of the other panel was not able to catch the mistake in time. One panel discussion was not given a dedicated time slot in the final program. The panel organizer was not able to notify the program committee in time for the final program. The paper review process continues to be improved for increased transparency. January 29, 2017
Forum Participation Intelligent Systems Technical Committee
How can we improve the Forums? The ISTC is pursuing and recommends increased active solicitation of invited session organizers/chairs (and, by extension, abstracts) by TC leadership and Technical Program Organizers. Prior to submitting CfP inputs, identify areas of mutual interest between different TCs (within and outside the ISG) as an opportunity to hold joint sessions. This will to reduce stove-piping and somewhat mitigate the complicated deconfliction process. Ensure Technical Program is reviewed at all levels (i.e., Tech Forum Chair, Tech Discipline Chair, Session Chair) prior to final publication. There were a couple of issues the way ISTC sessions were listed in the Final Program. Allow sufficient number of session rooms for so as to prevent forced rejection of quality papers. This has been an issue which has caused some alienation in conference participation. List top 5 Sessions / Panels sponsored or co-sponsored for the Forum Only 3 ISTC panel sessions were held during SciTech2017. They were: 1) Establishing Trust in Autonomous Systems, 2) Challenges to Production of Intelligent Aerospace Systems, 3) New Development in ISHM for NASA Ground, Launch, and Flight Systems. Panels 1 & 2 were well attended with standing room only – suggest larger room for these topics in future. Suggest inviting panel members not directly connected to the technology. For example, Panel 1 organizer invited an anthropologist whose perspective expanded the thinking of the audience in an intriguing and provocative way. Suggest planning for 30 minutes of empty space before a panel session to accommodate setup – especially for shorter panel sessions (i.e., 90 minutes). Setup can take 5-10 minutes out of an already short session and leave less time for discussion. January 29, 2017
Forum Participation Intelligent Systems Technical Committee
Other relevant topic areas (if any) TC would like to sponsor in the future and why? Suggested topics for ISTC-sponsored sessions / panels are: Autonomy, Trust and Certification, Run-Time Assurance, and Computational Intelligence. Members of the Forum Organizing Committees (TAOs) and succession plan Amanda Lampton (SciTech 2017 Intelligent Systems Technical Discipline Chair) Amanda Lampton (SciTech 2018 Intelligent Systems Technical Discipline Chair), Thomas Lombaerts (SciTech 2018 Intelligent Systems Deputy Technical Discipline Chair) Thomas Lombaerts (SciTech 2019 Intelligent Systems Technical Discipline Chair) Kevin Melcher (SciTech 2017 ISG Deputy Technical Forum Chair) Kevin Melcher (SciTech 2018 ISG Technical Forum Chair) no 2019 nominee Thomas Lombaerts (SciTech 2020 ISG nominee for Deputy Technical Forum Chair) Sean Swei (Space 2016 ISG Technical Forum Chair) Mitch Ingham (Space 2016 ISG Technical Forum Co- Chair) Sean Swei (Space 2017 ISG Technical Forum Chair) Danette Allen (Aviation 2016 Session Organizer) Danette Allen (Aviation 2017 Session Organizer) January 29, 2017
Imbedded meeting minutes file required, see Comment Note
Intelligent Systems Technical Committee Committee Meetings Summary of last year’s meetings and plan for next year’s meeting The 2016 winter meeting was held at the SciTech 2016 in San Diego, CA on January 6, 2016 at 6:30 pm. The meeting minutes are embedded in Appendix. The 2016 summer meeting was held at NASA Langley, Hampton, CA on August 4, 2016 at 5:30 pm. The meeting minutes are embedded in Appendix. The 2017 winter meeting was held at the SciTech 2017 in Grapevine, TX on January 10, 2017 at 6:00 pm. The meeting minutes are embedded in Appendix. The 2017 summer meeting is to be held at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI in August 2017 in conjunction with the 4th Intelligent Systems Workshop. New TC member orientation with subcommittee chair presentations was conducted on March 11, 2016. Frequent telecon meetings with workshop subcommittee were conducted from January to August 2016 to discuss planning for the 3rd Intelligent Systems Workshop at NASA Langley. Frequent telecon meetings with public policy subcommittee throughout 2016 to discuss the development of the AIAA position paper Recommendations for Intelligent Systems Development in Aerospace. Imbedded meeting minutes file required, see Comment Note January 29, 2017
Honors & Awards Activities
Intelligent Systems Technical Committee Honors & Awards Activities Summary of Honors and Awards Activities The ISTC sponsors three awards: Intelligent Systems Award, Intelligent Systems Best Paper Award, and Best Student Paper Competition Award. The Intelligent Systems Award is presented to an outstanding researcher who has made significant contributions to the advancement of the field of intelligent systems. The award selection occurs in a two-year cycle is an off-year. Three carry-over nominees from the 2015 selection are: Azad Madni (USC), Robert Stengel (Princeton University), Sebastian Thrun (Google), Kevin Wise (Boeing). The Intelligent Systems Best Paper Award is presented for intelligent systems best paper presented at conference. The 2016 winning paper is AIAA “Review of Proactive Safety Metrics for Rotorcraft Operations and Improvements Using Model-Based Parameter Synthesis and Data Fusion” by Alexia Payan, Alek Gavrilovski, Hernando Jimenez, and Dimitri Mavris of Georgia Institute of Technology. The authors were presented the award at the SciTech 2017 in Grapevine, TX. The Best Student Paper Competition Award is selected for the best paper authored by students. The award winning paper is AIAA paper “Towards Adaptive Training of Agent-based Sparring Partners for Fighter Pilots” by Israelson et al. of University of Colorado Boulder who were presented the award at the SciTech 2017 and will receive a monetary prize of $350. The runner-up paper is AIAA paper “Human Automation Interaction Issue Detection Using a Generalized Fuzzy Hidden Markov Model” by Liu et al. of Purdue University who will receive a monetary prize of $150. The ISTC awards the Distinguished Service Award to recognize a TC member who has made significant contributions to the activities of the ISTC to keep the TC healthy and active. The winner of the 2017 ISTC Distinguished Service Award is Christopher Tschan who is recognized for his sustained contributions and exceptional leadership in achieving the completion and public release of the Roadmap for Intelligent Systems in Aerospace. January 29, 2017
29 January 2017
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