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Reasons Why the Renaissance Began in Italy…

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1 Reasons Why the Renaissance Began in Italy…
Italy’s geographic position (a peninsula in Central Europe) made it the center location of the trade routes. This led to… Increased wealth Contact with Byzantine scholars who preserved Greek and Roman ideas Interest in study of early Christian writings Introduction of new products and ideas Trade Routes, Circa 1500 A.D.

2 Italian City-States At this point in time, Italy is broken up into numerous states, all of which are ruled by one city located in that state. Trade leads to growth in these city-states, especially the following three… Florence Considered to be the birthplace of the Renaissance The center for banking, art, culture, and literature Genoa Venice

3 Wealthy Patrons During the Renaissance, a patron was a wealthy person who sponsored an artist for their work. The Medici Family of Florence Florentine patrons who were famous for being rulers and supporters of the arts Lorenzo the Magnificent Famous member of the Medici family most known for sponsoring Italian artists such as Michelangelo and Botticelli

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