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Renaissance: Art and architecture

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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance: Art and architecture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance: Art and architecture

2 When, where, what, why? Uprose at the beginning of the 15th century in Florence The word "Renaissance" - French word meaning "rebirth" The reason: people started taking an interest in the learning of ancient times

3 The Renaissance started in Italy but soon spread across the whole of Europe
In Italy the time is divided into three periods: the Early Renaissance the High Renaissance the Late Renaissance (the Mannerist period)

4 Main features: Versatility Integration of sciences, philosophy and art
"Renaissance Man" = A person who is clever at a great number of things (e.g. painter, poet, sculptor,mathematician, scientist etc.) Some members from ancient architecture

5 Examples of main features:
Harmony of a proportions Symmetry Balance of a vertical and a horizontal line Horizontalism (in architecture – advantage of a horizontal lines)

6 Architecture: Greek colonnades Roman arcades

7 Architecture: cross vault Dome

8 Art: Especially displaying of human body
Painters went over to the ilusion of deepness, imageing of space Most often was depicted a naked body Ideal man is full of life, strength and optimism

9 Art - Typical technics:
Fresco: type of wall painting on a fresh, wet plaster, which arise the steady insoluble layer Sgrafito: wall technic (not painting technic); Picture arise by scratching into the thin upper layer, that the lower, rougher and mostly darker plaster comes up Except for this technics is developing the oil-painting

10 Fresco Sgrafito

11 Sandro Botticelli 1. 3. 1445 Florence – 17. 5. 1510
Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, better known as Sandro Botticelli An Italian painter during the Early Renaissance

12 His surname he recieved after his brother, which was extremely fat; it means ''tun'' in Italian language Son of the tanner Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, who lived in Florence with his wife and six children Botticelli's artist career started in the goldsmith workshop of his older brother Antonio, later Sandro was entrust to the avowed painter Filippo Lippi

13 His first painting arised in 1470 for Salo della Mercanzerio in Florence, it represented a ''bravery'' The masterworks Primavera (1482) and The Birth of Venus (1485) were seen at the villa of Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici in the mid-16th century It was assumed that both works were painted specifically for the villa

14 The Birth of Venus became one of the most famous painting of the world during the recent 100 years

15 Other famous paintings:
Bowing of the kings Madonna Triumphal Venus and Mars Bravery etc.

16 Examples of Czech Renaissance:

17 Examples of Czech Renaissance:

18 Examples of Czech Renaissance:

19 Examples of Czech Renaissance:

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