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HDSB Specific Health & Safety Training

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1 HDSB Specific Health & Safety Training

2 Reporting an Occupational Health & Safety Concern
A “Concern Form” can be used to report a hazard you believe presents a risk to the health and safety of individuals in your workplace This form can be found by searching “concern form” in the Schoogle search on the myHDSB homepage. Once you have completed the form, submit it to your supervisor.

3 Reporting an Employee Incident or Injury
An Employee Incident Report (EIR) must be submitted for any incident that resulted or could have resulted in an injury to a worker. The EIR can be found on the myHDSB homepage under the “Top Docs” list. This form should be completed with your supervisor, and must be signed by your supervisor.

4 The Health & Safety Bulletin Board
The Health & Safety bulletin board houses many important documents including: Occupational Health & Safety Admin Procedure (AP) List of current first aiders at your site Violence Prevention in the Workplace AP Discrimination & Harassment AP Copy of the current Occupational Health & Safety Act Current Joint Health & Safety Committee members

5 “Walkabout for Safety”
If you are new to your site, your supervisor will take you on a walkabout for safety. This walkabout is to help you identify key contacts, processes and hazards at your work location.

6 Common Hazards in Your Workplace

7 Chemicals Only use Board provided chemicals.
Do not bring chemicals in from home. Always make sure that all chemicals not in their original containers are labelled properly. This includes , for example, spray bottles with water in them and glue in a yogurt container. Always print off the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for any chemicals you will be using.

8 Chemicals Cont’d MSDS are located on an external database called “MSDS Request” The site can be accessed through myHDSB under “Helpful Links”. Instructions on how to use MSDS Request can be found on myHDSB by Schoogling “msds request”. Have you done your WHMIS training?

9 Biological Bacteria, virus, fungi Universal precautions
consider all blood and body fluids as potentially infected with HIV, HBV, and / or other blood-borne pathogens Wash Yours Hands a "do-it-yourself" vaccine Regular handwashing, particularly before and after certain activities, is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others.

10 Electrical Only use electrical equipment that has been approved by a certification agency (E.g.. CSA, UL, ULC, QAI ETL, etc.). Extension cords are not designed to be used as permanent wiring and must be plugged directly into a wall outlet. Always unplug extension cords after you are done using them. Power bars must be plugged directly into a wall outlet. NEVER plug extension cords or power bars together in a chain. If you need a longer cord, purchase a longer power bar that will meet your needs.

11 Ergonomic Always lift heavy objects by crouching and using your legs.
Ensure that your workstation is ergonomically set-up to avoid injury. Office workstation ergonomic assessments are available through the Health & Safety Department.

12 Fire Safety A Fire Safety Binder is located at every school or Schoogle it on myHDSB. What is a combustible? A combustible is anything that is able to catch fire and burn easily. 3ft x 12ft rule for posting combustibles in the hallway (for every 12 feet of combustible (paper) there must be 3 feet of clear wall. Doors offer a 3 foot clearance. Keep combustibles away from heat sources such as heaters. No combustibles on doors, in stairwells or routes of egress. No hanging combustibles from ceilings. No appliances are allowed in classrooms.

13 Slips, Trips & Falls Slips, trips and falls are some of the leading causes of compensable injury within HDSB. Always use step stools or step ladders provided at the school. Do not stand on chairs, desks or other furniture. Take care to wear footwear that is appropriate for any task that could be required of you during your work day. Report any spills or debris on floors or walkways to your supervisor.

14 Workplace Violence & Aggression
What is workplace violence? Workplace violence or occupational violence refers to violence, usually in the form of physical abuse or threat, that creates a risk to the health and safety of an employee or multiple employees. Because of the nature of our business, there is a risk of violence in the workplace. Parents, students, visitors, co-workers, etc. could all potentially bring violence into our buildings.

15 Workplace Violence & Aggression Cont’d
Be sure to complete the Violence Prevention training as well as Working Alone AP training. Managing Aggressive & Violent Behaviour in Students with Special Needs is a good AP to review if you work with or in close proximity to students with special needs.

16 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Any PPE that is provided to you by the HDSB must be worn. This includes: safety goggles, gloves, Kevlar sleeves, etc.

17 Hazard Specific Training
As part of your role at the HDSB you may be required to attend hazard specific training to ensure you are trained to perform a task safely. E.g. Fall arrest, lock out/tag out, first aid, scissor lift, curriculum specific safety training, etc.

18 Safety Resources Board Safety Manuals: Curriculum Safety Guidelines:
Fire Safety Manual Health & Safety Resource Binder Asbestos register (in schools built before 1985) Curriculum Safety Guidelines: Art Science Technology Physical Education

19 Questions ? Talk to your supervisor if you have any specific questions about your workplace. Or contact the Health & Safety Department.

20 IMPORTANT!!! Now that you have completed this training, click the confirm button below to submit the certificate of completion to our database. CONFIRM

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