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Cycle Sheets GCSE Year 11 Product Design

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Presentation on theme: "Cycle Sheets GCSE Year 11 Product Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cycle Sheets GCSE Year 11 Product Design
Name: Product Design Teacher: Cycle Sheets GCSE Year 11 Product Design Curriculum Map, Assessment Criteria Teacher Feedback & Student Response

2 Make it CLEAR C C/W for classwork and H/W for homework written on the left. Leave a line after the title. Ensure you write and underline the title using a ruler. Always use a black or blue pen for writing and a pencil for drawing. Rule one line through any mistakes. L E A R

3 I have this question on my work What do I need to do now?
Marking to improve my literacy skills I have this question on my work What do I need to do now? Can you learn the spellings of these words? 1. Look at the list of words your teacher has written at the end of your work. 2. Use LOOK, SAY, WRITE, COVER, CHECK to learn the spellings 3. Use each of the words in a new sentence. Make sure you get the spelling right! Check the meaning of this word. What would be a better word here? Use a different colour pen to write a better word above the word you need to change. Are you missing punctuation here? Are you missing full stops here? Are you missing commas here? Add in the missing punctuation in a different colour pen. Does this sentence make sense? Write the sentence correctly at the end of your work in a different colour pen. Have you missed any words from this sentence? Add the missing words in a different colour pen. Have you used paragraphs to organise your ideas clearly? Use a different colour pen to write where you would have put in paragraphs.

4 Key Dates for Product Design GCSE 2016 - 17
Exams Mock Exam 1: th – 18th November Mock Exam 2: th – 13th January Final Exam Monday 26th June, AM 2017 Deadlines: Teacher review of final chair idea 10th – 14th October Final Chair Hand in Friday 3rd February 2017 Final folder hand-in Friday 24th Feb

5 Finish off S1, S2 and get practical finished
GCSE Product Design KS4 – yr11 Cycle 1 Finish off S1, S2 and get practical finished Get ready for Mock Exam 1 (14th – 18th November) Date Classwork Homeworks 1 5 - 9 Sept Idea Development: is my idea good enough? PICTPD Design critera, Sketch lunchbox Packaging that is Design Packaging to hold 5 items: Evaluate: Protect, Display, Inform 2 Sept Idea Development: adding final details through modelling Retro Design QWC, 2D & 3D drawing techniques 3 Sept Making review: is design good enough? Will it work? Do I know exactly how to make it? Evolution of milk packaging: Bottle, HDPE plastic jug, bag 4 Sept Making: marking out Product Miles, Carbon Footprint, Fairtrade, ICT in communication and presentation 5 3 - 7 Oct Print finishes, Risk Assessments 6 Oct Making: cutting to size and finishing edges Paper making process, Bike features, Kitemark

6 Homework preparation for Mock Exam Design Question
Your packaging must hold: Sandwich Apple Yogurt Drink Snack Bar And be: Sustainable Educational Ergonomic

7 A/A*Assessment criteria (max. 8)
Section 1: Investigation A/A*Assessment criteria (max. 8) A Grade To-Do List: Discrimination shown when selecting and acquiring relevant research that will promote originality in designing Excellent understanding and analysis of the design context Detailed analysis of relevant existing products or systems undertaken related to design intentions Comprehensive analysis of relevant and focused research undertaken Clear and specific design criteria identified, reflecting the analysis undertaken Target market identified and the intended consumer/user profiled

8 A/A*Assessment (criteria max. 32)
Development Section 2: A/A*Assessment (criteria max. 32) A Grade To-Do List: Imaginative and innovative ideas have been developed, demonstrating creativity and originality. Further developments made to take account of ongoing research and modelling. A coherent and appropriate design strategy, with clear evidence of a planned approach, adopted throughout The implications of a wide range of issues including social, moral, environmental and sustainability, are taken into consideration and inform the development of the design proposals Excellent development work through experimentation with a wide variety of techniques and modelling (including CAD where appropriate) in order to produce a nal design solution Appropriate materials/ingredients and components selected with full regard to their working properties Fully detailed and justified product/manufacturing specification taking full account of the analysis undertaken

9 In the next cycle I will try to:
Teacher Feedback on Cycle 1 Student Response to Feedback Cycle 1 Your work is currently __ grade  In the next cycle I will try to: WWW: EBI: To improve your grade to __ ; you need to do the following:

10 Mock Exam 1, Get ready for Mock Exam 2 Finishing chair
GCSE Product Design KS4 – yr11 Cycle 2 Mock Exam 1, Get ready for Mock Exam 2 Finishing chair Date Classwork Homeworks 1 Oct Making: cutting to size and finishing edges Jigs, Templates, Formers, Memphis Design Half Term (2 weeks) 2 Nov Mock exam prep Batch production of wooden game 3 Nov Mock Exam Week No Homework 4 Nov Finishing Chairs Surveys and Questionnaires, BSI, HASWA 1974 5 Dec Mug Packaging 6 5 - 9 Dec Research Finishing Techniques

11 In the next cycle I will try to:
Teacher Feedback on Cycle 2 Student Response to Feedback Cycle 2 Your work is currently __ grade  In the next cycle I will try to: WWW: EBI: To improve your grade to __ ; you need to do the following:

12 A/A*Assessment criteria (max. 32)
Section 3: Making A/A*Assessment criteria (max. 32) A Grade To-Do List: Final outcome(s) shows a high level of making/modelling/finishing skills and accuracy Selected and used appropriate tools, materials and/or technologies including, where appropriate, CAM correctly, skilfully and safely Worked independently to produce a rigorous and demanding outcome Quality controls are evident throughout the project and it is clear how accuracy has been achieved. The outcome has the potential to be commercially viable and is suitable for the target market

13 Section 3 Making (Max. 32) A/A* criteria Decode (To Do List) My chair:
Quality of marking out, sawing and fit and finish My chair: Is accurately made has no ‘tear-out’ Has no use of filler Doesn’t have any ‘play’ (movement) in the slots and joints Quality of design Is safe Is stable Is easy to put together Looks appealing

14 Christmas Holidays (2 weeks)
GCSE Product Design KS4 – yr11 Cycle 3 Finishing Folder and Preparing for Mock Exam 2 Date Classwork Homeworks 1 Dec Finishing Chairs Market Pull, Technology Push, Obsolete Christmas Holidays (2 weeks) 2 2 - 6 Jan Chair Practical Deadline: Friday 6th January 2017 QWC Planned Obsolescene 3 Jan Mock Exam Week No Homework 4 Jan Painting & Varnishing/Vinyls Exam Prep: Isometric Sketching 5 23-27th Jan Exam Prep: Surface Finishes: Foil Block, Emboss, Spot UV 6 30 - 3rd Feb CAD and CAM

15 In the next cycle I will try to:
Teacher Feedback on Cycle 3 Student Response to Feedback Cycle 3 Your work is currently __ grade  In the next cycle I will try to: WWW: EBI: To improve your grade to __ ; you need to do the following:

16 A/A*Assessment criteria (max. 12)
Testing & Evaluating Section 4: A/A*Assessment criteria (max. 12) A Grade To-Do List: Detailed testing and evaluation as appropriate throughout the designing and making process taking account of client/user or third party opinion All aspects of the final outcome have been tested against the design criteria and/or the product/manufacturing specification Evaluate and justify the need for modi cations to the product and consideration given as to how the outcome might need to be modified for commercial production

17 A/A*Assessment criteria (max. 6)
QWC Throuout Folder: A/A*Assessment criteria (max. 6) A Grade To-Do List: Design folder is focused, concise and relevant and demonstrates an appropriate selection of material for inclusion All decisions communicated in a clear and coherent manner with appropriate use of technical language The text is legible, easily understood and shows a good grasp of grammar, punctuation and spelling

18 A/A* Folder Final Checklist A Grade To-Do List:
All drawings annotated using FAME All sections complete No spelling mistakes throughout folder Name, candidate and page number throughout Sections clearly identified Pictures compressed to reduce file size

19 February Half Term (1 weeks)
GCSE Product Design KS4 – yr11 Cycle 4 End of Coursework Preparation for final exam Classwork Homeworks 1 6 - 10th Feb Testing chairs, completing Section 4 Exam Prep: the 6 Rs February Half Term (1 weeks) 2 th Feb Final folder hand-in: Friday 24th Feb 2017 Inclusive design 3 27 - 3rd March Market Push & Technology Pull 4 6 - 10th March Exam Prep: Q1 Practice criteria, design, evaluate Smart Materials 5 th March Exam Prep: Drawing Techniques Printing and Packaging 6 th March Exam Prep: Batch Production in School Exam Prep: Surface Finishes: Foil Block, Emboss, Spot UV

20 In the next cycle I will try to:
Teacher Feedback on Cycle 4 Student Response to Feedback Cycle 4 Your work is currently __ grade  In the next cycle I will try to: WWW: EBI: To improve your grade to __ ; you need to do the following:

21 Drawing skills and knowledge
GCSE Product Design KS4 – yr11 Cycle 5 Exam preparation Drawing skills and knowledge dd Classwork Homeworks 1 st March Final coursework touch-up Evaluate: Protect, Display, Inform Easter (2 weeks) 2 18-21st Apr Any Final coursework issues or details Research Finishing Techniques 3 th Apr Market Pull, Technology Push, Obsolete 4 2 - 5th May Exam Prep Design Question Exam Prep: Perspective drawing 5 8 - 12th May Exam Prep: Orthographic drawing 6 th May Exam Prep: Drawing Techniques

22 In the next cycle I will try to:
Teacher Feedback on Cycle 5 Student Response to Feedback Cycle 5 Your work is currently __ grade  In the next cycle I will try to: WWW: EBI: To improve your grade to __ ; you need to do the following:

23 Drawing Skills Exam Knowledge Checklist: Skill: I can do this:
1 point perspective 2 point perspective Isometric Oblique Nets Orthographic (including dimensions) Rendering (plastic, wood, metal, foam, glass) Equipment and Tools Names and Uses Exploded Drawings Sectional Views Flowcharts (Input Process Output)

24 Product Analysis Exam Knowledge Checklist: Knowledge: I know this
Function Manufacturing Graphics Fitness for Purpose Processes Printing Aesthetics Hand Tools Special Finishes Materials CAM Moral, Social, Cultural Issues Properties & Uses QA QC Patents Plastics Scale of Production Copyright Woods and Boards JIT Cultural Sensitivities Metals Stock Control Fairtrade Smart materials Design Movements Product Development Memphis Market Pull/Technology Push Composites Bauhaus Modern materials Components Ergonomics Risk Assessments & Safety Environment BSI Sustainability Kitemark Cradle to Cradle Inclusive Design 3 Rs Product Marketing Lifecycle Social Impact

25 Exam Knowledge Checklist: Creative Process
I know this Criteria meeting needs market research Sketch Modelling Prototyping Making Testing Evaluate

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