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Online Office Discipline Referral System

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1 Online Office Discipline Referral System
Introduction & Overview LAUSD Behavior Support Office 2010

2 8 Key features of School Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS)
Administrative leadership Team-based implementation Behavioral expectations defined Behavioral expectations taught Acknowledge and reinforce appropriate behavior Monitor and correct behavioral errors Data based decision making Family and community collaboration To establish an effective SWPBS system, we know it takes the development and implementation of these 8 key features. The online ODR system supports data based decision making, and is one piece of a successful SWPBS system. LAUSD Behavior Support Office 2010

3 Data Based Decision Making
Teaming Comprehensive Focus – 3 A’s Academics ~ Attendance ~ Attitude (Behavior) Use Multiple Data Points TIC (Team Implementation Checklist) ROI (Rubric of Implementation) ODR (Office Discipline Referral) Suspension Data OT (Opportunity Transfer) Expulsion Let’s take a quick look about what we know about effective DBDM…it takes effective teaming to collect, analyze, design and implement changes/interventions, and evaluate When looking at data and making decisions its critical that we maintain a comprehensive perspective – 3A’s, this would include multiple data points. Here we have examples of attitude/behavior data points that are accessible to most of us. Each of these serve as tools to generate information that should be used to identify strengths and improvement areas. Data helps guide our practice to ensure we are effective in our work and using our precious time in an efficient manner. In this presentation, will focus on ODR. LAUSD Behavior Support Office 2010

4 Why Collect ODR Data? Decisions made with data are more likely to be:
LAUSD Behavior Support Office 2010 Why Collect ODR Data? Decisions made with data are more likely to be: implemented effective Used for decision making: school-wide classroom individual student The use of office discipline referral data provides the staff with relevant information about how students are performing at school. Decisions made with data are more likely to be implemented, and effective. It is important to establish and sustain a proactive approach to improving the behavior and social needs of all students. By collecting and analyzing office discipline referrals, implications for change can be made at all levels (district, local district, school, groups/classrooms, individual). School teams can make decisions about school-wide issues, as well as classroom and individual students needs. The use of data allows the teams to be effective as they target interventions based upon the data. Teams can be much more efficient as they implement interventions based upon data. This allows the team to “work smarter, not harder.” 4

5 LAUSD Online ODR Web based information system for gathering, entering, summarizing, reporting, and using office referral information. Purpose is to improve the ability of school personnel to develop safe and effective educational environments. The online ODR system is a web based system that collects and summarizes discipline referral information It is computer based. It makes it easier for schools to gather and summarize data to use for informed decision making. LAUSD Behavior Support Office 2010

6 Three Key Elements of Online ODR
Data Collection System Coherent system for assigning referrals Computer Application Web based continuously available and secure Decision Making Use of data District Local District School-wide Classroom Individual student In summary the key elements of the system are… It is a data collection tool It is computer based And it provides information that should be used to make implications for positive change/growth at all levels LAUSD Behavior Support Office 2010

7 Features of Online ODR Reports discipline data Highly efficient
50 seconds per referral Information is available continuously Formatted for decision making Tables and Graphs Confidential and secure Some of the system highlights are listed here. The system has been designed for discipline data. It is easy to use and allows users to enter the information quickly (should not take any more time than it does to complete a written referral). The inputted information automatically generates useful tables and graphs and the information is confidential and secure considering the system can only be accessed from within the LAUSD network. LAUSD Behavior Support Office 2010

8 The URL address for the system is https://odr. lausd. net
The URL address for the system is All employees assigned to a school location code can access the system for that school. Users are to enter their SOS username and password to log in (the same one you use to access your and Inside LAUSD).

9 To create an electronic referral users begin by clicking on this link.

10 Step 1: Student Information
Step 2: Incident Details The electronic form is divided into 3 steps. Step 1 involves the entry of student information. Step 2 involves the entry of incident information. Users are to indicate the details including location, type of behavior, others involved, possible motivation, prior interventions and other comments (allows those submitting to provide more details). Step 3 is the electronic submission of the referral. Step 3: Submission

11 ISIS is the source for ODR
ISIS is the source for ODR. Therefore student information is automatically generated when referring staff use the Search by Student Name/Student ID link. With partial entry of student name, a list of students at the particular school site populates, student is chosen, and all the identifying info populates onto the referral. This is done quickly and easily!

12 To download a hard copy of the ODR, users can click on this link.

13 Here is a snapshot of the hard copy, you will notice this looks different than the online submission form. Users can print this PDF file for a paper copy of the blank referral.

14 Responding to an ODR Disciplinary decision making responsibilities are granted to certain staff members by the Principal. These staff are referred to as responders and make disciplinary decisions under the supervision of the principal. Responders are granted a different level of access in the system and are alerted electronically when a new referral has been submitted Responders are responsible for taking action on a referral, inputting administrative decisions into the system and providing notification to referring staff There are 2 pieces to an ODR: the report of the incident and the disciplinary response to the incident. The ODR system captures both pieces. The principal at each school site can designate staff to serve as responders in the system. These staff are responsible for making decisions around discipline under the supervision of the principal. Responders record their decision and actions in the system.

15 This is a look at the Administrative screen
This is a look at the Administrative screen. Note that student information automatically populates into the response making the task of responding and inputting much faster and easier.

16 Responders complete the fields on this page

17 Responders can choose from a variety of options
Responders can choose from a variety of options. System also allows users to indicate if a referral to a school problem solving will take place to support student with multiple referrals.

18 Availability of ODR information
Completed ODR information is available in different ways. - School responders can notify referring staff via a Paper copy of the completed referral (PDF file) will be printed & made available to referring staff (more immediate) or - School staff can access the information through MyData under Office Discipline Referrals At this time the system information can be shared and accessed via a paper copy of the completed referral and by accessing the LAUSD MyData system. MyData access and views are determined by users level of access privileges. Those will administrative level access can see school wide information (graphs and tables). LAUSD Behavior Support Office 2010

19 MyData ODR Reports Reports Referrals by problem behavior
Referrals by time Referrals by location Referrals by staff Referrals by student Referrals by month Here is a list of reports available from MyData generated by the information entered into the ODR system at school sites. Next note the different types of reports available. Now we will take a look at samples of these referrals. LAUSD Behavior Support Office 2010

20 Summary of school-wide problem behaviors (reasons for referrals)

21 Summary of problem behaviors by time

22 Summary of problem behaviors by location

23 Summary of office referrals by referring staff

24 Summary of students by number of referrals…by clicking on the link in the # of students column, users can view more details about the ODR

25 The detailed report gives users the option to click on the student ID link to access additional student specific data. Clicking on the link will take users to the comprehensive student history report – summary for that particular student.

26 Data leads to Inquiry Referrals by problem behavior
Which problem behaviors are most common? Referrals by location Are there specific problem locations? Referrals by student Are there many students receiving referrals or only a small number of students with many referrals? Referrals by time of day Are there specific times when problems occur? Teams should analyze the data. Often the information will generate inquiry and implications for changes which leads to intervention development at multiple levels. LAUSD Behavior Support Office 2010

27 ODR Data Guides Decisions
Indicates the effectiveness of the: District-wide system Local District system School-wide System Classroom systems Common areas systems Individual student systems Data must be review to guide practice at all levels within our school system District-wide Local District School-wide system Classroom Common areas Individual student systems LAUSD Behavior Support Office 2010 27

28 Our Ultimate Goals Safe & Welcoming School Community for ALL
LAUSD Behavior Support Office 2010 Our Ultimate Goals Safe & Welcoming School Community for ALL Increased Academic Engaged Time Effective & Efficient Use of Time We know it takes data to make informed decisions around our practice so that we can reach our ultimate goals.

29 Behavior Support Office (213) 241-8051
ODR Tools & Support Online ODR Homepage Up-to-date online ODR information, training materials and support, user tools and contact information Behavior Support Office (213) Staff available to support schools in initial planning, implementation, ongoing training and system issues Always know there is help out there to support you and your schools in their ODR efforts, from planning and implementation to ongoing training and troubleshooting.

30 LAUSD Behavior Support Office 2010
Related Resources BUL , Online Office Discipline Referral (December 20, 2010) BUL-3638, Discipline Foundation Policy: School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (March 27, 2007) BUL , Multi-Tiered Framework for Instruction, Intervention, and Support (September 2, 2009) REF , Implementing a Multi-Tiered Framework for Instruction, Intervention, and Support (March 25, 2010) Learning Zone Ethics of Discipline Positive Behavior Support Boosting Classroom Management: Fundamentals of CHAMPS and Discipline in the Secondary Classroom Listed are related reading and resources that can support our work

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