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Presentation on theme: "STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3"— Presentation transcript:

1 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Word-1 Interger B / In- te- ger P / In- te- ger M/ a number which is not a fraction; a whole number. STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

2 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Word-1 Interger A / As really denoted any integer or whole; whence the English word "ace." STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

3 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Word-2 Neutral B / Neu- tral P / Neu-tral M/ not supporting or helping either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartial. STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

4 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Word-2 Neutral A / He was the only neutral party among our father.s sons. STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

5 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Home work On page number-16 Exercise question-1 and 2 ? STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

6 Rules for Multiplying Integers (x)
The product of two integers with the same signs is POSITIVE. The product of two integers with different signs is NEGATIVE. STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

7 Rules Summary for Multiplication
Positive x Positive = Positive Negative x Negative = Positive Positive x Negative= Negative Negative x Positive = Negative STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

8 Let’s Practice “Multiplication”
1) 6 x (-3) = 2) 3 x 3 = 3) -4 x 5 = 4) -6 x (-2) = 5) -7 x (-8) = STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

9 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Let’s Check 1) 6 x (-3) = -18 2) 3 x 3 = 9 3) -4 x 5 = -20 4) -6 x (-2) = 12 5) -7 x (-8) = 56 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

10 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Did you know that the rules for multiplication and division are the same? STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

11 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Guess what…. They are! STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

12 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
The rules for division are exactly the same as those for multiplication. If we were to take the rules for multiplication and change the multiplication signs to division signs, we would have an accurate set of rules for division. STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

13 Rules for Dividing Integers (÷)
The quotient of two integers with the same signs is POSITIVE. The quotient of two integers with different signs is NEGATIVE. STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

14 Rules Summary for Division
Positive ÷ Positive = Positive Negative ÷ Negative = Positive Positive ÷ Negative= Negative Negative ÷ Positive = Negative STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

15 Let’s Practice “Division”
1) 18 ÷ (-2) = 2) -48 ÷ (-6) = 3) -27 ÷ 9 = 4) 64 ÷ 8 = 5) 30 ÷ (-5) = STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

16 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Let’s Check 1) 18 ÷ (-2) = -9 2) -48 ÷ (-6) = 8 3) -27 ÷ 9 = -3 4) 64 ÷ 8 = 8 5) 30 ÷ (-5) = -6 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

17 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Let’s Review… STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

18 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
What is an integer? STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

19 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
ANSWER An integer is a positive or negative whole number, including 0. STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

20 Can you give an example of an integer?
STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

21 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
ANSWER …-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3… STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

22 What are the four operations?
STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

23 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
ANSWER The four operations are: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

24 How do you multiply integers?
STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

25 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
ANSWER If the signs are the same, your answer is always positive. If the signs are different, your answer is always negative. STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

26 How do you divide integers?
STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

27 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
ANSWER If the signs are the same, your answer is always positive. If the signs are different, your answer is always negative. *Multiplication and Division Rules are the same! STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

28 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Word-1 Inverse B / In- verse P/ In- verse M / opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or effect. STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

29 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Word-1 Inverse A / In general theory the inverse rule seems to prevail. STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

30 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Word-2 Order B / Or-der P / Or-der M / the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method. STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

31 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Word-2 Order A / He made a purchase using the card earlier, just to make sure there wasn't a stop order on it. STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

32 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
Home work On page number-16 Exercise question-4 and 3 ? STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

33 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3
15 10 6 The End -7 -9 3 -8 STD-7,Sub-MATHS,CH-2,Day-3 Gajwani Schools & Colleges

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