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Do Now Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Silently and independently answer the.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Silently and independently answer the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Silently and independently answer the questions. Be ready to share!

2 Agenda Do Now (5) Agree or Disagree? (5) Evolution Notes (15)
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Agenda Do Now (5) Agree or Disagree? (5) Evolution Notes (15) Evolution Practice (10) Gel Electrophoresis Notes (10) Exit Ticket (5)

3 Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Agree or Disagree? Why? “There is no way that evolution happened. It is something that scientists made up. There is no proof! How can we know what happened millions of years ago?”

4 Agenda Do Now (5) Agree or Disagree? (5) Evolution Notes (15)
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Agenda Do Now (5) Agree or Disagree? (5) Evolution Notes (15) Evolution Practice (10) Gel Electrophoresis Notes (10) Exit Ticket (5)

5 Change in genetic makeup over time
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Change in genetic makeup over time Information from the total amount of fossils that have been discovered. Organisms from millions of years ago are similar to those found today.

6 Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” It is like archaeopteryx because it has wings, but it is not like dromaeosaurus. We know by looking at their fossilized skeletons.

7 Comparing DNA sequences of genes from one organism to another.
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Comparing DNA sequences of genes from one organism to another. Organisms with similar DNA are more closely related.

8 Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” The rhesus monkey is most closely related. We know because it has 95% identical amino acids for hemoglobin.

9 Organisms with similar structures have a common ancestor.
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” The study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of different species Organisms with similar structures have a common ancestor.

10 They are alike because they have similar bones in their limbs.
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” They are alike because they have similar bones in their limbs.

11 The study that compares and contrasts embryos of different species.
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” The study that compares and contrasts embryos of different species. Organisms with similar embryonic structures have a common ancestor.

12 Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” They are alike because they have similar embryonic structures, like tails and gill slits.

13 Agenda Do Now (5) Agree or Disagree? (5) Evolution Notes (15)
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Agenda Do Now (5) Agree or Disagree? (5) Evolution Notes (15) Evolution Practice (10) Gel Electrophoresis Notes (10) Exit Ticket (5)

14 Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Comparative anatomy All of these animals have the same bones. Organisms with similar structures have a common ancestor.

15 Evolution Evidence Practice Quietly complete 2, 3, and 4
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Evolution Evidence Practice Quietly complete 2, 3, and 4

16 Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Fossil Record This animal no longer exists today, but we have its fossil. Organisms from millions of years ago are similar to those found today.

17 Comparative Embryology
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Comparative Embryology Chicken embryos and frog embryos are similar. Organisms with similar embryonic structures have a common ancestor.

18 Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” DNA Analysis Human genes are more similar to monkey genes than chicken genes. Organisms with similar DNA are more closely related.

19 Agenda Do Now (5) Agree or Disagree? (5) Evolution Notes (15)
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Agenda Do Now (5) Agree or Disagree? (5) Evolution Notes (15) Evolution Practice (10) Gel Electrophoresis Notes (10) Exit Ticket (5)

20 A lab technique that separates & compares DNA fragments by size
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” A lab technique that separates & compares DNA fragments by size

21 2 molecules because they have two bands in the same row
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” DNA large small same 2 molecules because they have two bands in the same row

22 Z has 3 bands in the same row as A
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Z has 3 bands in the same row as A

23 Agenda Do Now (5) Agree or Disagree? (5) Evolution Notes (15)
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Agenda Do Now (5) Agree or Disagree? (5) Evolution Notes (15) Evolution Practice (10) Gel Electrophoresis Notes (10) Exit Ticket (5)

24 Exit Ticket Complete silently & independently.
Objective: “I will explain the degrees of relatedness among organisms by examining evidence of evolution.” Exit Ticket Complete silently & independently. When done, put in folder. Put folder on front desk.

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