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Everyone Who Calls on the Name of the Lord

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1 Everyone Who Calls on the Name of the Lord
Acts 2:14-21

2 Responding to God’s Mighty Acts Acts 2:2-11
Amazement and awe-v.7,12- Psalm 19:1 Perplexed and confused-v.6,12- Matt. 13:13 Cynicism and mocking- v.13- “They are drunk!” Psalm 1:1; 35:16 II Peter 3: Jude 1:18

3 Seeing What is Really Happening
God’s Word opens the eyes of the spiritually blind- Psalm 119:18 Isaiah 29:18 God’s Word enlightens our path Psalm 119: II Timothy 3:16-17 Without the Light we stumble in the dark Proverbs 4:19 John 11:10;12:35 The spiritually blind leading the spiritually blind- Isaiah 9:16 Matthew 15:14 The dangers of modern cynical enlightenment Romans 1: “Wise fools” What’s really gong on!

4 God’s Word said Get Ready
The counting of the omer- Leviticus 23:15-16 Seven weeks from the 2nd night of the Passover An omer of grain was reserved for offering (barley) counting down 7 weeks and one day until the coming wheat harvest Spiritually- counting and marking the 50 day journey from Passover ( redemption) to Mt. Sinai. God’s personal revelation to Israel through the Torah Exodus 19:1

5 Shavuot Feast of Weeks Spring harvest festival- Exodus 23:16- “Hag Ha Ktzir harvest Hag Ha Bikurim- Numbers 28: Festival of First Fruits Lechem tenufah- Wave offering of fresh baked bread from the wheat crop in thanks Leviticus 23:17 Also “bikurim” the fruit of the Land Deuteronomy 26:3,5-11- Joy in the covenant- God’s faithfulness. Reading the Book of Ruth

6 The Meaning and Significance of Ruth
Ruth- a Moabite woman who chooses the God of Israel- Ruth 1:16 Your God/my God Your people/my people Ruth takes place during the spring grain harvest Ruth 1:22; 2:23 Ruth goes with Naomi from Moab to Bethlehem- literally from famine to the house of bread- Ruth 1:6,19 Ruth is saved by a kinsmen redeemer- Boaz Ruth 2:11-13; 3:9-13; 4:4 Ruth is honored and blessed to be the great grandmother of King David- Ruth 4:17 and an ancestor of Jesus Matthew 1:5

7 The Scripture Promised this Day! Acts 2:16
The Prophet Joel- Joel 2:27-31 – They will know that God is in their midst! These mighty signs and wonders Jesus told them to stay in Jerusalem and to count and wait-Luke 24:49 Acts 1:4 The coming promise- Acts 1:4,8- Power for the harvest

8 Power in the Name of Jesus! v.21
Power to save and set us free! Call on the Name of Jesus!

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