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How To Effectively Educate Legislators And Policymakers

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Presentation on theme: "How To Effectively Educate Legislators And Policymakers"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Effectively Educate Legislators And Policymakers
Making Your Case How To Effectively Educate Legislators And Policymakers

2 One of two most effective ways to get attention of policy makers
Before We Begin … Vote – whatever you, whoever you vote for. Get registered, get your friends and family registered, get out and vote. One of two most effective ways to get attention of policy makers

3 “The world is run by those who show up.” – Anonymous
Remember: “The world is run by those who show up.” – Anonymous

4 These folks we’re talking about work for you – it’s called democracy.
Remember: These folks we’re talking about work for you – it’s called democracy. That having been said, you need to know the process and how to effectively work within it.

5 Vitally important to do this – look at the current situation
Making Your Case Why Partners in Policymaking Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities Vitally important to do this – look at the current situation

6 You can make a difference.
Aide to member of Congress – if they hear from 5 – 10 people about a particular issue or piece of legislation, that’s a lot. On most issues/legislation, they hear nothing from constituents.

7 Honesty - page 3 Credibility
Get it out of your head that you can do anything else, even a little. Keep your eye on the ball.

8 The Rules - page 5 Remember that civics class in high school? This is the real life, high stakes version. It’s very important to understand the rules of each body you’re approaching. Find someone, usually another advocate, to give you a run down. You can pick up a lot quickly. This is the ocean the policy makers and staff swim in – you have to get to know it.

9 The Rules - page 5 The Network Manners / be polite Gossip/Threats
Keep in mind – you’re trying to get them to do something for you. Act accordingly, no matter how passionately you may feel. If you can’t do this, find someone else to take the point and wait until you’re ready. If you don’t, you can kill your cause.

10 Legislative Visits - page 7
Schedule in advance – be aware of the calendar. Take what you can get. Staff – key to the process Research – know your stuff cold Offer to be a resource for the policy maker and their staff Gifts – don’t. Probably can’t take it. One pagers. Close the deal – ask for their support If there’s time, take a photo. Nice way to end. Thank yous

11 Legislative Visits - page 7
Hone your message so that you can deliver it in 30 seconds in a hallway walking to an elevator, if you have to – because you will probably have to at some point.

12 Committee Testimony - page 13
Sign in Formality in presentation – know the drill – “Mr. Chairman, members of the committee . .” Not listening / transcribing – don’t worry about it. Get your comments on the record. Kids are great – Governors pay attention Make issues real – don’t let people be turned into numbers Answering questions Written testimony Don’t push it – “waive in support” can sometimes help more than 10 minutes of testimony

13 Letters - page 17 Personal, personal, personal Handwritten
Never form letters Always note bill / statute citation Give the policy maker something he/she can use – seen them waved on the floor. s are easy – too easy. Faxes are better.

14 Everything can and should be organized or formatted in this style
Letters – page 18 Everything can and should be organized or formatted in this style

15 Vital when used properly.
Phone calls – page 19 Vital when used properly. Timing is crucial. Be aware of the infrastructure. You can have a great impact when you act at the right time.

16 Day at the Capitol - page 21
Meet as group prior to seeing legislators to get run down Appointments in advance Prepare applicable materials Staff / aides Cookies Have a business card and leave it Thank you Debrief as group at end of day – schedule it and commit to it. Very important.

17 STAFF - page 25 Frontline They Do ALL the work
Friend or foe – act accordingly Help them help their boss Florida House – 1 aide, who also acts as assistant, etc., during session Florida Senate – 2 aides. Maybe assistant if they’re chair of a committee.

18 President, Governor, Mayor
Policymakers - page 28 President, Governor, Mayor Department Secretary Commissioners Council members Agency Directors On and on down the line

19 In the District - page 31 Meetings more informal
More time with the official Same format as page 18 Don’t forget District staff When you go to your state capitol or Washington, you won’t be just another face Congressman’s cell phone numbers – meeting lasted maybe 5 minutes

20 Technology - page 35 Why not to use it When you have to use it
Get to the right person Lots of information available for free on the Legislature’s web site – bills, amendments, committee packets, videos of committee meetings, etc. Know your way around this.

21 Don’t complain about the problem unless you are a part of a solution
VOTE - page 38 Vote Don’t complain about the problem unless you are a part of a solution Just do it

22 More helpful tips and tools:

23 Thank you ! Rich La Belle Executive Director
Family Network on Disabilities 2196 Main St, Suite K, Dunedin, FL 34698

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